Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 8 "Not Merely"

Chapter 8 "Not Merely"

"Stop!" With a shout, Wei Tianhu stood in front of a group of people, looking at Wei Long coldly.

"Team leader, why are you here?"

There was a flash of coldness in Wei Long's eyes, as if he had just noticed Wei Tianhu, he smiled and waved enthusiastically.

Looking at the few people behind, he said hello: "Wenbao, Heitie, Gouzi, Erdan, you are all here."

During the three days since Wei Long joined the hunting team, he could feel that Wei Tianhu looked at him wrongly from the very beginning.

After thinking about it carefully, he didn't offend Wei Tianhu, or even contact him.

But sometimes maliciousness is unreasonable.

Wei Long's strength is there, and his actions are steady. Even though he just joined the hunting team, he has never made any mistakes. He is quite enthusiastic and can't find faults.He thought that Wei Tianhu would explode soon, but he didn't expect the other party to wait for three days. At this moment, leading this group of people to surround him obviously wanted to do something.

Wei Long's "enthusiastic" greeting made many young people behind Wei Tianhu a little embarrassed.

It’s not going back, and it’s not going to go back.

These people knew exactly what Wei Tianhu wanted to do, they came to trouble Wei Long, and they stood by Wei Tianhu's side.

Wei Long's performance was somewhat beyond Wei Tianhu's expectations.

He was silent for a while, thinking about how to phrase it.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving." Wei Long walked towards another road.

Wei Tianhu's group is very extraordinary, and they are basically in the late stage of moving blood to enter the combat team. The average strength is not explained by talent.

For example, Wei Heitie is the son of a blacksmith, and Wei Wenbao is the son of a pharmacist. Most of their fathers have certain status in the village, or at least they are elite members of the hunting team.

Only in this way can they have the resources to support them to stand out among the younger generation and directly enter the elite combat team.

"I want to challenge you and officially defeat you!" Wei Tianhu's eyes gradually became firmer, he took a step forward and stopped Wei Long, "I want to take back the title of Young No.1 from you."

"Young No.1?"

Wei Long was stunned for a moment, then laughed, a little mocking and a little disdainful, "Aren't you tired after a day of hunting? Why waste your time on it? I'd be happy if you discussed cultivation. But there's no need for unnecessary fights."

"A pointless fight, you see my challenge as a pointless fight!" Wei Long's casual words deeply stimulated Wei Tianhu, and he looked at Wei Long with a somewhat terrifying look.

"You carefully concealed your own strength, and then at the last moment, you showed your perfect cultivation, and in front of all the villagers, you took away the title of young No.1 from your hands!"

Wei Tianhu's demeanor became gloomy, and he said in a cold voice: "You hide so deeply, yet you look down on me now! Do you know how much I paid for this?"

"What hides itself, what younger generation No.1?"

Wei Long couldn't understand, he didn't do anything, just created more trouble out of thin air, and was very irritable, he sneered and said: "Should we still choose the four heavenly kings of Weizhuang village, let's have a king of tiger, king of Wenbao, and king of black iron?" Give five names."

"I didn't hide anything." Wei Long saw that Wei Tianhu's eyes were becoming more and more unfriendly, and to be honest, he didn't want to confront them head-on. Insufficient, afraid of danger."

"It only took you ten or so days to ascend to Consummation?"


"What was your cultivation level at that time?"

"The middle stage of moving blood."

"Haha. Are you insulting me? It only took more than ten days to improve from the middle stage of blood transfer to perfection!" Wei Tianhu gritted his teeth and looked at Wei Long, angrily said: "How can you insult me ​​like this!"

"how dare you!"

"I didn't insult you." Wei Long was silent: "I'm telling the truth."

Wei Long didn't know what to say.

Is it his fault that he is excellent?
"You wiped out all my hard work with words like pointless struggle! Then you insult me ​​with words that even a three-year-old child wouldn't believe!" Wei Long's silence, in Wei Tianhu's eyes, is ignoring him.

He said coldly: "Shoot!"

Wei Tianhu suppressed the anger in his heart, and stuck the simple knife on the ground. He was afraid that he couldn't help drawing the knife and hacking Wei Long to death. Snakes surround the body.

Wei Tianhu looked straight at Wei Long, seemed to see the shock in his eyes, and said, "That's right, I've also consummated myself!"

At the end of the world, the bright sun is almost about to set, and one after another gorgeous red clouds cover the sky and the earth. The earth seems to want to hold the bright sun and make it sink, but the setting sun will only fall into the earth according to its own rhythm. It's not dark yet, so the sunset is still there.

Wei Long imitated Wei Tianhu and stuck the simple knife on the ground.

Looking at the group of Wei Heitie and Wei Wenbao behind Wei Tianhu, he sighed and said, "Let's fight together, otherwise we will lose very quickly."

"How dare you insult me ​​like that!"

Hearing that Wei Tianhu almost vomited blood, Fangzheng's face contorted for a while, and he let out an angry roar, his whole body was boiling with energy and blood, and he rushed forward fiercely, using the Bahuang Town Prison Fist to grab Wei Long.

"It's just a little short of entering the hall." Wei Long's eyes flashed a gleam of appreciation.

It's not worse than before he didn't add points. Even if Wei Shengjun started a small stove in private, Wei Tianhu didn't work too hard if he wanted to come.

Of course, from Wei Long's current perspective, there are flaws everywhere.

After he added points, he not only went directly from [First Glance at the Door] to [Entering the Hall], he actually went further.

"Forget it." Wei Long didn't expect the result to be like this. If he didn't make a move, he might have more troubles later, "Just conquer once."

Wei Long hates trouble, especially the power behind this group of people cannot be underestimated.

Qi and blood flashed across Wei Long's body. It was the ultimate crimson color, and it was the power of Qi and blood that was almost refined to the extreme. Adding a little bit of improvement made his foundation extremely solid, coupled with intentional slowing down, he had already reached the point where he could move his blood. Consummation, you can faintly see the golden light flowing.

Wei Long came later, and the condensed qi and blood were like a sharp knife, hitting Wei Tianhu's chest directly, but the qi and blood on the latter's body was not condensed enough, and it collapsed at the touch of a touch, and was directly wiped out.

Wei Long's fist was like a cannon, knocking Wei Tianhu into the air with one blow.

Wei Tianhu fell heavily to the ground, and the huge force caused him to retreat more than ten meters. Wei Long's punch directly shattered his defense, his blood was scattered, and with a wow, Wei Tianhu spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Come on together."

Wei Long looked at Wei Heitie and his party. These people followed Wei Tianhu, and they had already stated their position.

Seeing Wei Long's gaze, the five of them took a step back subconsciously. After realizing it, Wei Heitie raised his neck and blushed: "What are you doing? Don't come here!"

Before he finished speaking, Wei Long's figure flashed, and he took a step forward. The crimson energy and blood flowed all over his body, like a gorgeous armor.

In a blink of an eye, his fist landed on Wei Heitie's lower abdomen.

Wei Long's cultivation base is higher than theirs, and the level of 'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' is far beyond them.

One punch at a time, bang bang bang!
After five punches, no one was left standing.

These people wailed on the ground, but they chose a good time and place. At this time, almost all the villagers were eating in the square, and there were very few people on this road.

Therefore, no matter how they call, they will not be able to call anyone.

Bang bang bang!
Wei Long kicked, kicking, and didn't stop until he stopped screaming, one after another, the louder the screaming, the harder the kicking, the more vigorous the kicking, everyone held back with the example.

He didn't make a sound in pain, but Wei Long still kicked hard without making a sound.

There is nothing to hold back.

They stood with Wei Tianhu, on the opposite side of Wei Long, since they didn't care about the friendship between "colleagues" in the same group, Wei Long didn't need to care about anything.

He doesn't provoke these people, but he is not afraid of them either.

Just kidding, it's all fucked up, and I'm still living aggrieved, it's better to hit my head to death.

The setting sun was completely silent, and the world fell into darkness.

Wei Long stood there indifferently.

On the cold ground, six vigorous young men were lying in disorder. There was not even a trace of scars on their faces, but some inconspicuous places, places that could be covered by clothes, had left fist marks, footprint.

From the expressions on their faces about to cry, one could probably tell that it was quite painful.

"I want to practice quietly. In the days to come, I will treat this incident as if it never happened, and no one is allowed to complain. Well, it is also best not to play childish revenge dramas. This is probably the case, and no one will bother me again. Come on, be more mature."

Wei Long looked around, spoke softly, elegant and easy-going, and said with a smirk, "If you insist on annoying me, I'll screw your fucking head off next time!"

The six people lying on the ground trembled and remained silent.

Silence is consent.

Wei Long heaved a sigh of relief, pulled out the simple knife and led the meat away, the moonlight pulled his shadow far, far away.

Wei Tianhu staggered to his feet and looked at Wei Long's back with firm eyes.

"I'll challenge you again, I won't admit defeat, woohoo" Before he finished speaking, his mouth was covered by the people around him.

Go home.

"I don't care about many things, but Wei Tianhu is not, he is just a young man under 16 years old."

Wei Long is doing self-reflection: "At this age, people have a strong sense of competitiveness, and they usually go too far, packaging their vanity as self-esteem, and then doing things that they think are cool, but often ignore what they really like."

Wei Long reflected on his own mistakes. Not everyone is as good as him, so he should think more about others.

The next time you encounter such a provocation, you must fully understand the other party's mentality, and then break down.

Only in this way can we reshape the other party's psychological construction to achieve the purpose of helping the other party grow.

"It seems that the attack is still light." Wei Long sighed secretly. When he left, he seemed to hear that Wei Tianhu still had some thoughts.

Thinking about it, Wei Long took out the animal skin notebook, wanting to write down this feeling, but then put down the charcoal pencil lightly.

He will only write down important things for reflection and remembrance.

Animal skin paper is limited, and Wei Tianhu is not worthy of appearing on it if it needs to be used sparingly.

After relaxing, Wei Long circulated the qi and blood of his whole body, and the golden luster could be faintly seen in the deep red qi and blood. With a movement in his heart, the qi and blood were compressed, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a bright golden light, gently enveloping his whole body.

With no effort, Wei Long, who has a deep accumulation, broke through the consummation of moving blood and reached the second step of Shen Xi.

The intuitive performance is as follows:

Shenxi value: 10
Kung Fu: Boxing branch "Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" [Entering the Hall and Entering the Room]

100 points of qi and blood are refined to only 10 points of Shenxi. Shenxi's energy level is higher, and the feedback to the body is stronger. In a short period of time, Wei Long feels that he is moving blood to perfection and reaches the ultimate stagnant physical quality , at which point it begins to increase again.

If Wei Long wanted to, he could also disperse Shen Xi into Qi and blood, but it was not necessary, Shen Xi had fewer impurities and a higher energy level.

Wei Long's heart skipped a beat, and the body energy he had accumulated recently was rapidly consumed.

In the blink of an eye, the strength increased again:
Shenxi value: 23
Kung Fu: Boxing branch "Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" [Entering the Hall and Entering the Room]

Then Shen Xi made progress.

Wei Long took out the animal skin notes, this is something worth remembering.

It is written as follows: Traveling through seventeen days, Shen Xi's cultivation has entered the second step, and the 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' has entered the hall. The so-called difficulty is nothing more than mediocre.

Wei Long added another sentence: The effect of adding points is not as powerful as imagined, and you still have to rely more on yourself, calmly analyze, work hard to accumulate, and the cultivation surge in exchange for hard work and hard work.

The bright sun rose in the east, and the light of the rising sun dispelled everything, and before you knew it, it was dawn.

The pale golden light on Wei Long's body was fleeting, and he got up slowly, the joy of breakthrough subsided, thoughtfully, he beat Wei Tianhu violently in defense last night, if there are sequelae, when the hunting team assembled, he lightly With a smile, he stepped forward to the training ground!

 Merry Chrismas!In addition, please collect and recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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