Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 64 Chen Ming's Hint

Chapter 64 Chen Ming's Hint (Second Update!)

The border trial, as Wei Long thought, provided him with a lot of training resources and realized the meaning of "combination", especially in the two years after killing Song Renming.

two years.

It has accumulated a huge amount of energy. It can be said that this trial lasted nearly three years and achieved the expected effect.

"Brother Wei." Gu Chuanyun galloped over.

After being rescued by Wei Long in the accident two years ago, Gu Chuanyun made great contributions, his position was changed, he was promoted to three ranks, and became a coach.

Because of the grace of saving his life, Gu Chuanyun often looked for Wei Long when he returned to Julu City for repairs, and gave him some convenience in return.

The friendship between the two is not bad.

Wei Long and Zhang Baichuan greeted each other, asked all brothers and sisters to wait for a while, and greeted Gu Chuanyun.

"You are this?"

"Say it before you go."

Gu Chuanyun was dissatisfied with Wei Long's leaving without saying goodbye, and he has known him for two years, "I am ordered by the general to give you a gift."

Wei Long took Gu Chuanyun's package with some doubts.

"I don't know if we can meet again after this farewell." Gu Chuanyun was a little sad, "But I have also changed jobs, and I will probably go back to my hometown and plan a part-time job in the local army."

"There is always a time to get together."

Wei Long said goodbye to Gu Chuanyun.

Gu Chuanyun still bears the sustenance of the other nine members of the former expedition team. After retiring from the frontier army, he should first go to the hometowns of the nine comrades in arms to see if there is any need for help.

Wei Long felt emotional.

This farewell, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to see each other again, until Gu Chuanyun disappeared at the end of the distant sky, and then he and Zhang Baichuan and others went on the road together.

Opening the package presented by the General Chen Ming, there was a letter and a piece of four-color Xiayu, the value was quite astonishing.

Wei Long opened the letter while the team was resting.


Chen Ming thanked Wei Long for his dedication in the past three years, and there were many praiseworthy words among them. Finally, he mentioned that during the beast tide two years ago, he had been asked by Zhang Baichuan to look after the disciples of the Lingxu Cave, and he had met Wei Long Kill Song Renming.

The four-color Xiayu was Chen Ming's individual thanks to Wei Long for killing the disciples of the Golden Core of the Holy Beast Sect, and it was also compensation.

Wei Long didn't report the matter, so he couldn't sit idly by and make up for him.

Letter at the end.

There is also a palm-sized jade pendant in the package, engraved with the word 'God and Demon', with a faint aura and extraordinary qualities.

Chen Ming explained the origin of the jade pendant in the letter, and told Wei Long that this jade was a keepsake, and the Baibao Pavilion in the territory of the Shengwu Dynasty could get some help from it.

And hinted that he would exchange it early.

Wei Long put the letter, the four-color Xiayu, and the 'God and Demon Jade' into the black storage bag.

He has long been famous for the origin of Baibao Pavilion.

It is very powerful, and it is one of the seven major sects in the world. It upholds a neutral attitude and conducts business in the world. It suppresses the "cornucopia" of magic weapons and suppresses wealth. Its pavilion master is a rare golden body and one of the strongest people , fierce and boundless.

"Elder, did you ask General Chen Ming to take care of us disciples two years ago?" Wei Long took the time to ask Zhang Baichuan.

"Oh. At that time, I went with the elders of Jijiandongtian, Shanhaidongtian, and a high god of the Pantheon to destroy the holy beast gate stronghold in the wilderness." Zhang Baichuan was a little puzzled when he heard Wei Long's question, but soon Just remembered.

"There is such a thing. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Wei Long shook his head, "I was just curious for a moment, thinking that you can't completely ignore us."

Although three disciples were sacrificed during this trip to Lingxu Cave, it only happened at the most critical moment of the beast tide, and even this elder couldn't spare time to look after them.

along the way.

Wei Long thought about Chen Ming's intention.

The most superficial purpose is to avoid possible misunderstandings. If Zhang Baichuan had mentioned the matter of entrusting Wei Long to Wei Long, but two years ago, when he was attacked by Song Renming, Chen Ming was sitting in Julu City and did not act.

This may leave a trace of grudge.

It was easy for Chen Ming to explain this matter when Wei Long was about to leave.

Wei Long has self-knowledge. Although Chen Ming is a strong man in the realm of gods and demons, Wei Long's own potential is unlimited. It is only a matter of time before he surpasses him. Eliminating hidden dangers in advance is also reasonable.

This letter shows that Chen Ming noticed Wei Long at that time, and even if he was trapped by Song Renming's 'Mysterious Beast Duling Formation', he would still be able to rescue him at the most critical moment.

The powerhouses in the realm of gods and demons can no longer be treated with common sense.

He was not rescued in the end, but also because of Wei Long's own strength, he fought back.Instead of living up to Zhang Baichuan's entrustment.

But this statement is a bit far-fetched.

"This is 'God Demon Jade'." Wei Long looked at the jade pendant in his hand and fell into deep thought.

How powerful is Baibao Pavilion.

Holding this jade pendant can actually get its help.

You must know that Baibao Pavilion is spread all over the Shengwu Dynasty, and there are even rumors that their business is done with pure-blooded desolate beasts.

Wei Long felt that Chen Ming had a deep meaning.

Besides being attacked by Song Renming at that time, he was also attacked by two freaks Jiao Shisan and Ying Liu. Wei Long was defending himself legitimately, but he did kill the other party and refined two drops of essence from the upper god. Blood.

"Forget it."

Wei Long's head hurts from thinking, he is not good at playing with such small thoughts, no matter what Chen Ming wants to do or what deep meaning it has, he will soon return to the cave of Lingxu, and even if there is a conspiracy, he will not be counted on his head.

After entering the realm of gods and demons, at worst, ask them face to face.

Why waste this brain.

"He should have received it."

In the mansion of the Great General in Julu City, Chen Ming was surrounded by thunder and fire. When he heard the news of Gu Chuanyun's return, he thought of something and muttered to himself.

With the expansion of the Pantheon, many people regard it as a threat to the human race, and even in the eyes of some people, they think that the threat of the Pantheon is greater than that of wild beasts.

The danger of wild beasts is obvious, and the Pantheon will hide its tail, carry the banner of protecting the human race, and expand itself in turn.

The means are bad and the intention is unclear.

There are only a few strong human races like Chen Ming who regard the Pantheon as a confidant, but most of these people are strong, and they have established an organization called the "Shenhui".

Their highest goal is to destroy the Pantheon one day and return the human race with pure blood.

The "Gods and Demons Association" spread all over the Shengwu Dynasty, with the support of Baibao Pavilion behind them, and sufficient resources.

Wei Long is extremely talented, has unlimited potential, and has the behavior of killing people in the Pantheon, so he is naturally worth wooing.

"It's not suitable for me to do things that win people's hearts."

Chen Ming thought, "The people in Baibao Pavilion are the most eloquent and beautiful in their work. Wei Long thinks normally, he should have doubts and suspicions, and he will find a way to test the usefulness of that jade pendant. He won't trust others , will only secretly go to the branch of Baibao Pavilion in the Dayan Dynasty. At that time, someone will take it in."

Chen Ming is full of confidence.

Although he is an old man, but he has a wise heart, and he keeps his words halfway. Not only does he appear to be a superior person, but he also shows the mystery of the "Spiritual Demon Society".

A group of people stop and go.

Wei Long found sadly that the desolate beasts inside the 'Steel Wall' were no longer as delicious as before. Compared with the hordes of ferocious wild beasts in the war zone, these wild beasts on the edge of the wilderness were simply little sheep.

Not enough fighting, not enough exercise, the taste is not good.

Along the way, Wei Long figured out Chen Ming's intentions. It should be that Gu Chuanyun stayed in Julu City after his meritorious deeds. As a result, the Holy Beast Sect was unable to retaliate against Gu Chuanyun, and instead came to deal with him with a golden pill, so Chen Ming felt guilty.

It is impossible for Chen Ming to pay attention to all the theaters at any time, so it should be the explosion of the 'Mysterious Beast Spirit Formation' that he noticed that Wei Long was attacked.Therefore, Wei Long must have missed the battle with Jiao Shisan and the others before, and he did not see him kill the Pantheon.

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense, why the other party didn't make a small move in the past two years, but instead sent a letter before leaving.

It must be so!

The four-color Xiayu was a reward for Wei Long's killing of Song Renming without leaving a name.

As for the 'God and Demon Jade', it is also easy to understand.

It should be a kind of certificate similar to membership in Baibao Pavilion, which is quite valuable to Wei Long, but to Chen Ming, it is just a toy for the strong.

"General Chen Ming is really careful, and he does everything without leaking."

Wei Long felt that he had understood the good intentions of General Chen Ming, "It's just that the branch of Baibao Pavilion is located in the central area of ​​the Dayan Dynasty, and it is too far away from Nanhuang. It takes several months to go back and forth, which is inconvenient! "

Wei Long figured out one of the checkpoints, only to feel refreshed.

Compared with when they came, the speed of going back was faster, the strength of all the disciples had improved, the aura had undergone amazing changes, and every move was concise, powerful, and high-spirited.


The majestic and majestic giant mountain leaps into view, with towering ancient trees, jagged rocks, hanging springs and waterfalls, birds of prey contending, wild beasts roaring, and on the giant mountain, the special magical soldier "Zhenyuan Mountain" Hiding deep in the clouds, suppressing everything.

Look down.

There is an ancient city above the mountains. It is majestic and magnificent, dozens of times larger than Julu City. The city alone is a hundred feet high and stretches for thousands of miles. It is like a kingdom. It is the ancient city of Loulan.Seeing the familiar scene, Wei Long and his party unanimously relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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