Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 65 Legend

Chapter 65 Legend
Seeing "Zhenyuan Mountain", the gate of Lingxu Cave, and the crowded ancient city of Loulan, there is a feeling of going home. After three years of experience tasks, most of the disciples are performing such dangerous tasks for the first time.

They're metamorphosed, but also tense.

But at this moment, relax.

"This is the inheritance."

Wei Long's heart also calmed down.

Thinking about it carefully, the life in Lingxu Cave is comfortable and comfortable, which provides him with the best cultivation environment. Even if Wei Long deliberately delays ordinary trials, someone will give him the green light to allow him time to accumulate strength silently.

"Unconsciously, I feel like home."

Home, in layman's terms, is a warm harbor where wanderers can relax and breathe the familiar air. Home does not have a specific place, and there are people you care about, and any place can be considered home.

My hometown is where my heart is at ease.

Zhang Baichuan seemed to have expected that the disciples would have a lot of thoughts, and when they calmed down, he said: "After you go back, you can go to Qingshui Island to deliver the mission first, and as for the resource settlement of this trip, you can go to Qingfeng Island to collect it. He is an old disciple, so I don’t need to say more.”

After finishing his instruction, Zhang Baichuan's figure turned into a beam of light and crashed straight into the 'Zhenyuan Mountain'.

Guarding the mountain gate exudes magic like the surface of water, with little ripples permeating the air.

Zhang Baichuan's figure disappeared.

"It's more convenient to walk through the mountain gate." Xia Yonglan looked enviously at the disappearing figure of the elder.

Wei Long was also very greedy.

Only those above the Golden Core realm can return to the mountain in this way, he said: "We will all break through the Golden Core."

"Junior brother's accumulation is already enough. If it wasn't for seeking the perfect breakthrough method, we would have been able to break through." Zhang Zixin and others already knew that Wei Long had comprehended the meaning of "combination".

In fact, in the next two years, Wei Long killed many survivors and earned a very large amount of strategic merit.

The name of Jade Faced King Kong is too resounding.

Everyone knows that for Wei Long, the realm of golden elixir is like finding something out of a bag. It only depends on how Wei Long wants to achieve the alchemy and what kind of golden elixir he will achieve.

Wei Long returned to the cave together with other disciples on the 'Cave Treasure Ship'.

As soon as they entered the cave, Wei Long and Zhang Zixin found an empty boat and went straight to Qingshui Island.

After leaving the area of ​​Xinbao Island that was imprisoned by the formation, red clouds flooded around, and Wei Long stretched involuntarily.

The phantom of the black abyss behind him is looming.

The meaning of "combination" embraces Yuan and keeps one artistic conception, which makes Wei Long's body like a volatile golden elixir, which is very miraculous, and the main method "Wei·Huayue Hunyuan Market Classic" is obtained from the nine black evil abysses. Merging into one, the supernatural power has undergone a transformation, and it is no longer just for cultivation.

With practical significance.

It contains a strong gravitational force, if it is sucked into it, it can be directly refined into pure energy.

The development direction of "Hua Yue Hun Yuan Ruo Jing" is in line with Wei Long's way of cultivation, and this ability of Heisha Abyss has saved him a lot of time.

Where the abyss goes.

Ordinary desolate beasts have only the fate of being refined, and the state of [Incomparable] means that Wei Long not only understands the meaning of "combination" through this, but also innovates, making this major practice method more powerful. Miraculous power.

The surrounding red clouds are flying like ribbons, attracted by the true meaning of the abyss, they are directly solidified and transformed into shapes, which are incomparably magnificent and extraordinary.

Wei Long didn't use his full strength.

He didn't even reach half of it. In fact, if he fully activated the Heisha Abyss, the power of Chixia within a radius of one mile would be plundered and refined by him alone, and Zhang Zixin and others would not be able to absorb it.

"Dongtian Paradise deserves to be the Paradise of Paradise." Wei Long's realm is better and he can see farther.

Practicing in Lingxu Cave, not only means that there is less black evil, but also can transform one's body all the time.

Ordinary people can also prolong their lives in it.

And in this place where the sky is full of red clouds, Wei Long has a feeling that he can almost fly.

Wei Long's heart moved, and amidst the exclamation of the disciples in charge, he stepped out of the empty boat.

"Brother, be careful!" the executive disciple reminded.

Wei Long waved his hand lightly. Standing in the sky, he felt that the whole body was miraculously rolling and flowing rapidly.

If it is in a realm other than the blessed land of the cave, it needs the realm of gods and demons to fly at will.

In the realm of gods and demons, after condensing the gods and demons, the sky is to monks what water is to fish, earthworms are to the earth, and birds are to the sky. The monks have the instinct to fly.

Chixia is light and Heisha is heavy.

Within the blessed land of the cave, you can fly in the golden core realm. Here there are more red clouds and less black evil spirits, which is equivalent to more clear qi and less turbid qi.

In the blessed land of the cave, the realm of the golden core can come and go.

Wei Long's life wheel is still complete, but he has realized the meaning of "combination".

No matter how hard you work, no matter how much you gain, Wei Long comprehended the "meaning of unity", and in the state of holding the essence and keeping the unity, the miraculousness overflowed his whole body. He has not yet broken the wheel and condensed the pill, but he is like a great pill.

And this is the strength of the taboo level that has entered the realm of life wheel.

It's not the golden core realm, but it can already compete with the golden core monks.

"Don't worry, brother. Brothers and sisters, I'll go first." Wei Long signaled that the serving disciples don't need to worry about him, and bid farewell to Zhang Zixin and others.

The feeling of flying is really wonderful, Wei Long turned into a beam of light and galloped towards Qingshui Island.

It was a bit shaky at the beginning, but it gradually became proficient, with amazing speed, straight and corners at will.

"This junior can always refresh our cognition."

Everyone in Zhang Zixin looked at each other, they already understood Wei Long's abilities, but they couldn't see through them.The seven shook their heads and smiled wryly at each other, they were really more angry than others.


The student in charge took a deep breath and thought of something, "Such a good-looking appearance, such a powerful method."

The disciple in charge looked brilliantly, looked at Zhang Zixin and the others, and asked, "Is that senior brother the No. 1 refresher on the Julu City Fate Wheel Realm Merit List; the rare genius disciple in Lingxu Cave, the true seed The first choice; the handsome and talented brother Wei Long who has the reputation of 'Jade Faced King Kong'?"

"You know him too?" Zhang Zixin's eyes widened, and he involuntarily moved his position on the empty boat seat.

The executive disciple was very excited, "Of course I know! Brother Wei Long joined Dongtian only 13 years ago, and he disappeared within ten years. Once he became a sensation in the Southern Wilderness! Some people have long regarded him as the first genius of the younger generation of the Dayan Dynasty!"

"It turns out that this is Senior Brother Wei Long. It's really unimaginable. He hasn't broken through the golden core realm yet, but he can already fly in the cave."

"As expected of Senior Brother Wei Long, he is not only a genius in cultivation, he is also very good-looking!"

The executive disciple was very excited and chattered, leaving Zhang Zixin and the others speechless.But there are also some thoughts, ordinary disciples can hear Wei Long's reputation, it seems that the master intends to make him famous.

"But the True Biography Conference is still eight years away." Zhang Zixin muttered to himself.

"Am I so famous now? Have all the advantages I have been hiding all along been discovered by others?"

Wei Long, who landed on Qingshui Island, was also surprised.

The gate of the General Affairs Hall.

Many disciples who received the task chatted casually, Wei Long's eyes and ears were astonishing, and he heard a lot about him.

Some people talked about that he was about to return to the cave, and they seemed to be very concerned about his movements; some people thought that he was in vain and wanted to challenge him in order to make a name for himself; some people thought that he was not as handsome as the rumors said, and his nickname was at most "" Big King Kong', not 'Jade Faced King Kong'.

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, Wei Long took out his disciple token, and a deacon registered the task rating for him.

Zhang Baichuan reached Jitian Peak one step earlier, and a lot of information has been verified.

Wei Long's final rating was the best, with a total of nearly [-] Zongmen points.

"Wow!" There was a burst of exclamation from around.

Wei Long was caught in the middle by a group of disciples.

A certain disciple who said before that he wanted to challenge him called out "Senior Brother Wei" and "Senior Brother Wei", and kept asking him questions, such as have you really stepped into the forbidden realm of the "Fate Wheel Realm?" ' "How did you practice?" and so on.

Wei Long has been famous for many years, and he is mentally prepared for this.

He has cooperated with many business groups in Julu City, and the news is very well-informed. It is also because his name is getting bigger and bigger every day. Later, Bai Qingyuan, Zhao Wubai, and Zhong Wuyan all came to discuss with him.

All geniuses are arrogant.

And these people were all cleaned up by him.

Wei Long found that those disciples looked at him with scary eyes. Brother is not in the cave, and there are legends about him in the cave.

After ten years of penance, no one asked, and once he became famous, the world knew it.

To be honest, he was a little scared.

Wei Long flew away directly on the spot, and his behavior even aroused the admiration of everyone. Really, every move is a genius, no one can compare.

Go back to your original small courtyard.

Wei Long heaved a sigh of relief and took out two black storage bags, one from Shangguan Suya and one from Song Renming. He had already vacated Shangguan Suya's storage bag. Or, there are many good things in it.

The three most precious pieces.

A middle-grade long sword at the level of the gods and demons, Wei Long named it "Zhanfeng Dao"; a secret technique about wild beast domestication, which can be taken as a partner; consumables.

Wei Long had already refined the Chopper of the Wind Knife, Wei Long didn't know how to use the secret technique of taming barren beasts, and the one-time consumable 'Wind and Thunder Drum' was similar to the 'Chixin Knife' bestowed by Zhang Baichuan Treasure, condensed a powerful blow.

It should be Song Renming's life-saving item.

Kill Song Renming, check his storage bag, and when he saw the 'Wind and Thunder Drum', Wei Long was very happy. If he hadn't punched and punched Song Renming and forced him to confront him, without giving him a chance to breathe, Otherwise, he will die.

This also further illustrates the superiority of wave tactics.

Wei Long classified some things from the past two years, put the useful ones into the storage bag obtained from Song Renming, and put the useless ones at home.

He planned to take a rest for a day, and then go to the Caiyun Chuangong Hall to exchange for the Golden Core-level exercises.

After more than ten years of practice, Wei Long has more patience.

"Brother, I received a letter from home."

After Zhang Zixin settled down, he came to visit Wei Long's house, "Wei Tianhu left Tianshui City a year ago, and he also broke through the realm of life wheel."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Wei Long muttered to himself, feeling relieved.

After thanking Zhang Zixin and saying goodbye to him, Wei Long stepped forward.

The speed is getting faster and faster, slowly flying into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with Baiyun, leaving the three treasure islands of Xinbao Island, Shenbing Island, and Yaowang Island behind, and heading for the mysterious island exuding colorful colors. When exchanging exercises, it is time to break through the Golden Core!
(End of this chapter)

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