Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 66 Look at the head, it has gone far

Chapter 66 Looking back, we have reached a long way (for subscription)
Wei Long has accumulated enough, or even simply using the word enough to describe his strength is not enough to describe his strength. He has reached the end of the realm of life wheel, and the comprehension of the "meaning of harmony" has made him possess the power of a strong man in the realm of Jindan. Challenge the strength of the board.

Life mark value: 100 points

Cultivation method: "Wei Huayue Hunyuan Market Classic" [Unparalleled]

"Bahuangzhen Prison Sutra" [Superb]

"Consonance" [Superb]

"Burning Blood Escape" [Superb]

"Hua Ying's Spring Grass Skills" [Superb]

Treasure technique: Unitary heavy water [unrivaled]

Heart of the Earth 【Peak】

Treasure Soldier: Book of Black Iron [Low Grade Sturdy Glyph]

Wei Long has reached the state of [unparalleled] in his major cultivation method.

Others such as 'Bahuang Town Prison Classic', 'Consonance', 'Burning Blood Escape', 'Huaying Spring Grass Art', as well as the treasure technique 'One Yuan Heavy Water' and the treasure technique 'Heart of the Earth' obtained from Jiaoxiong Baogu Inside, most of them are above [Breakthrough].

He has almost no flaws.

The miraculous 'ultimate power' has grown even more indescribably terrifying, faintly about to transform.

The 'Bahuang Township Prison Sutra' has the air of suppressing everything. This technique originated from the 'Bahuang Township Prison Boxing'. It is essentially a treasure technique with extremely high potential, and Wei Long has almost come to an end. .

If you want to improve further, you must find a way to obtain the lower exercises, or directly comprehend the precious bone of the prison beast, and use it to practice.

'Consonance' has greatly developed the magic of Wei Long's legs, his body is a great treasure, and his extremely fast speed is the guarantee for Wei Long to execute his own tactics.

In the battle with Song Renming, Wei Long strengthened his confidence in constantly improving the "one wave flow" tactic.

If it is a challenge across the great realm, Wei Long is not afraid of most practitioners in the early stage of Jindan, because he is strong!

But facing Song Renming again, Wei Long didn't dare to say that he could kill him.

The inheritance of Jindan powerhouses from such a big sect as the Holy Beast Sect is different.

Wei Long came from the cave of Lingxu, so he can better understand the strength of the inheritors of great powers, and they have almost no shortcomings.

The reason why Song Renming could be killed was that Wei Long could recover from his injuries, which was like cheating, so that he would not gradually lose his combat effectiveness.

There is another important point.

The suddenness of Wei Long's tactics, the first strike, all the strength, every strike must pour out all the attacks.

After the battle with Song Renming, although Wei Long killed many remnants, which were equivalent to the desolate beasts in the Golden Core realm, the biggest harvest was the battle with Song Renming.

Wei Long didn't give Song Renming a chance to break away from the 'Mysterious Beast Turin Formation' or use the 'Wind and Thunder Drum', and he couldn't even fully release the opponent's golden core.

Song Renming couldn't keep the distance at all.

To kill Song Renming across a large realm, strength is only the foundation.

And it is Wei Long's own constantly improving tactical system that can really fully exert and implement his strength.

Life and death battles are not turn-based.

The first goal is to kill the opponent.

Maybe Wei Long was born in a barren village. From the very beginning, what he came into contact with was to kill wild beasts as quickly as possible, not to be proficient in duels with friends.

Wei Long didn't suffer from being indecisive, and the battle after battle made him understand a little bit.

Don't delay a battle that can be resolved in an instant.

In a life-and-death battle, no matter how weak the opponent is, they cannot make mistakes.

Because swordsmen have no eyes, when they die, they die.

Wei Long has practiced the body technique of 'Consonance and Rhinoceros'. The only function is to quickly close the distance between the enemy and us, and try to get the first attack as much as possible, so that the enemy can only passively defend.

As for 'Burning Blood Escape', it is a hole card. The blood crystal in Wei Long's life wheel space is still dazzling and has not been used yet.

But the greatest significance of a means of escape is not to use it.

It's about giving Wei Long the confidence to come and go freely.

Even deep down in his heart, Wei Long wished he would not use 'Burning Blood Escape' in the future.

Because once used, it means a very dangerous situation.

As for "Huaying Chuncaogong".

With Wei Long's optimistic attitude, he has to admit that this recovery technique is very tasteless.

When choosing this exercise, Wei Long was first subjected to the sonic attack of Kui Beast, and then suffered from the test of the 'Floating Shock Stone', which affected his judgment. The choice of this recovery exercise was not wise.

If it happened again, he would probably choose a defensive technique or treasure technique.

'Huaying Chuncao Gong' has environmental restrictions for use.

This part of the shortcomings became more and more obvious with Wei Long's practice of fighting more and more in the border city.

When Wei Long only killed Heisha monsters outside the Heisha Abyss, he didn't need the 'Huaying Spring Grass Technique'.

With the improvement of Wei Long's tactical system, that is to say, the enemies that Wei Long can take away in one wave will not need recovery skills.

Enemies that Wei Long couldn't take away in one wave, it was too late to use the recovery technique.

Wei Long has already planned that after he breaks through the Jindan realm, he will switch to a more useful recovery technique, which will be more meaningful for actual combat.

In addition to exercises.

There is no limit on the quantity of the two treasures mastered by Wei Long, 'One Yuan Heavy Water', and it will become more and more vigorous with the improvement of Wei Long's supernatural power.

An attack of pure strength is transformed into an even more incomprehensible miracle.

Wei Long has been able to condense nearly a thousand drops of 'One Yuan Heavy Water' to kill his enemies.

This is also the greatest benefit of comprehending the "meaning of harmony", the supernatural permeates every part of his blood.

Among them, "condensing water into armor" gave Wei Long a very strong defense method, which can use the flow of heavy water to reduce the enemy's attack, and the second application of "pumping water into silk" combined with the power of "one-element heavy water" to break the spell Can, unmatched sharpness.

But the same 'condensed water into armor' also reduces the amount of heavy water when attacking in a disguised form while defending.

Wei Long really needs a defensive method.

As for the precious art of 'Heart of the Earth', Wei Long deliberately elevated it to the level of [reaching the pinnacle] for two reasons.

The first reason is the super endurance of this treasure technique, because part of the blood of the flood dragon bear comes from the bear of the earth, this treasure technique has a different connection with the earth.

Weilong can get blessings by stepping on the ground, and the consumption of all-out efforts is almost halved.

Wei Long attaches great importance to this point.

The one-wave tactics can pour the highest damage in a short time, but the disadvantage is also very prominent, that is, consumption.

At present, Wei Long has not encountered the problem of exhaustion. The most dangerous time he faced Song Renming was when he punched him twelve times in a few breaths and killed him.

And this is Wei Long's slowest fighting speed.

His battles are basically over in a few hits.

But if he encounters an enemy who may need to fight for a long time, and he can't escape, then the short board of consumption will be obvious.

of course.

Wei Long's own body energy can also be replenished, but no amount of protection can be too much.

This is also the reason why Wei Long is strong.

Others only saw his quick breakthrough, but never actually saw the hard work behind him.

He made several records that could not be obtained in a single wave.

The first option is to run away with 'Burning Blood Escape'; second, if you want to fight recklessly, your body's energy can guarantee battery life; if the battle lasts too long, there is a third insurance, that is the 'Heart of the Earth' treasure surgery.

Battery life makes Weilong last longer.

As for the second function of 'Heart of the Earth', Wei Long also valued it very much, that is, it can temporarily overdraw the heart and achieve the effect of skyrocketing strength.

In this step, you can use this secret method to temporarily improve your strength when you are trapped, imprisoned, or in the final stage of the battle.

And after using the 'Heart of the Earth' to get out of the prison, you can take advantage of the skyrocketing strength and try to see if you can win.

You can also run, and you can escape directly with 'Burning Blood Escape'.

The backing of the 'wave of flow' tactics is a lot of filings, and it is precisely this that can guarantee Wei Long's such a strong strength.

Before killing the enemy, save your life first.

When facing the enemy, kill the enemy first.

"If you can avoid a life-and-death struggle, then don't fight a life-and-death struggle, and don't fight to the death because of a battle of will."

Wei Long analyzed silently on the way to Caiyun Chuangong Hall, "And if it comes to the point of life and death, then let go, don't hesitate, don't give the enemy a chance, and ensure complete destruction."

After Wei Long's conclusion, he realized that he was already so strong before he knew it.

Before he knew it, Wei Long had practiced for 14 years.

Every addition; every devouring of waste meat; every reflection, and even every fallacy, recorded his progress.

He grew up from a rookie who had to learn how to call a tree pig before killing a tree pig, to become a famous "Jade Faced King Kong" of the generation of young disciples of the Southern Wilderness.

Not by accident.

Looking back, it was Wei Long's firm heart that never went far.

And in the way of cultivation, he has gone farther and farther, and will eventually go further.

In addition to the perfection of Wei Long's skills, the precious soldier "Book of Black Iron" was also upgraded from [Sturdy Imprint] to [Sturdy Embossed], becoming a low-grade magic weapon.

"Of course, killing those two freaks of the Pantheon is a battle of positions."

Wei Long's physical fitness has also changed.

After absorbing a drop of blood essence from the two gods of Xuanming and the two upper gods of the Pantheon, Wei Long's blood and bones faintly revealed bone inscriptions.

Not yet formed, but enough to make up for the weakest link in his body.

Even though Wei Long added points along the way, in terms of physical fitness, he is still one point behind those disciples who have swallowed precious medicine for body training for a long time, bathed in the true blood of powerful wild beasts, and even had their bodies molded by the strong.

And then swallowed two drops of the high god's blood, this only shortcoming, has also been made up.

Bone inscriptions are special lines on the precious bones of wild beasts, which have the power to communicate the origin of the world.

Because there are similar strange runes on the treasure bones condensed by wild beasts, and because the bone inscriptions on the treasure bones are the most common, this kind of runes are called bone inscriptions.


The strong person in the realm of gods and demons has reached the extreme because of the supernatural powers in his body, and loses his mortal body, and will produce bone inscriptions in his body. Because the body of gods and demons is different, the specific bone inscriptions are also different.

Although there is only a trace of bone inscriptions on Wei Long, it has become a phenomenon.

Arriving at Caiyun Chuangong Palace, after Wei Long verified his identity, he walked towards the guarding elder. He had seen that somewhat old elder, Fu Ye, three years ago.

At three quarters, an astonishing sound came from the hall, and the fluctuation was absorbed mysteriously in an instant.Fu Ye, who reviewed Wei Long's practice progress three years ago, looked at the figure bowing away, and couldn't help sighing, "It's really convincing to be so arrogant!"

(End of this chapter)

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