Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 70 What Should I Do If I'm Too Strong?

Chapter 70 What Should I Do If I'm Too Strong?
Wei Long believed that Zeng Qingru should be persuading him to compete for the position of the master of Caiyun Chuangong Hall, and in the future he will be in charge of Caiyun Chuangong Hall, one of the three core islands of Lingxu Dongtian, and become the core figure of Lingxu Dongtian.

Caiyun Chuangong Hall is the three core islands together with Jitian Peak and Mingkong Island.

It is also one of the three islands in the sky.

It has a special status in Lingxu Cave.

Jitian Peak is the training place for elders and senior deacons. Needless to say, there are many masters in it, and the Great Elder Han Wenyuan is a strong man in the realm of God and Demon King.

And Mingkong Island is the training place of the cave master Liu Shenzong, and also the training place of the true disciples, and it is equally important.

The great elder Han Wenyuan and the cave master Liu Shenzong are both princes conferred by the Shengwu Dynasty, and they bear the responsibility of suppressing the unknown land in the Southern Desolation.

As for the Caiyun Chuangong Palace, it is a treasure land of inheritance, which has all kinds of exercises, secret techniques, and precious techniques that have been collected in the Lingxu Cave for thousands of years and continuously improved by oneself.

The position of the master of Caiyun Chuangong Hall has been vacant since he became the master 500 years ago and died of a pure-blooded desolate beast.

It is really that the realm of the god and demon king is too difficult, and the realm of the god and demon king is even more difficult.

Those who are not of great talent and perseverance cannot break through.

For thousands of years, there has not been a new God and Demon King realm powerhouse in the Lingxu Cave. In addition, if he wants to inherit the Caiyun Chuangong Hall, he must have a relatively 'simple' background.

Because Jitian Peak and Mingkong Island belong to the elder family, and the other belongs to the cave master family, so there is some competition among them.

Although it is not too noisy, but there is also a heart to compare with each other.

If a talented disciple is accepted as a disciple by the elders of Jitian Peak, or directly worships under the cave master of Mingkong Island, there will naturally be competition for the position of the great elder and cave master in the future.

"From this point of view, Elder Zeng really thinks highly of me."

After a little analysis, Wei Long understood that Zeng Qingru's suggestion was actually his confidence in Wei Long's future breakthrough to the realm of God and Demon King. It implied that he would take a road that was difficult in the early stage but smooth in the later stage.

Because there are few competitors on the way to compete for the position of the master of Caiyun Chuangong Hall.

In contrast, it may be convenient in the early stage to join a certain elder of Jitian Peak, or the master of Mingkong Island Cave, but the competition will be great in the later stage.

There are many excellent disciples competing for the master of Mingkong Island and the master of Jitian Peak.

"If one day I achieve the realm of God and Demon King, according to Elder Zeng Qingru's suggestion, then I can directly become the Hall Master of the Caiyun Chuangong Palace, and have the same status as the First Elder and the Cave Master."

Wei Long thought.

For him, it doesn't really matter which path he takes. Elder Zeng Qingru has confidence in him, but Wei Long has more confidence in himself. Going to fight, who will fight?
This is not arrogance, but the courage of the strong.

It is his self-confidence condensed from countless battles, countless times of self-motivation, and countless times of persistent hard work and hard work.

People must be self-aware.

Breaking through the realm of Jindan, ascending to the realm of Jindan five forging, the vision is so huge, the miraculous transformation is so amazing, and the strength is so fierce, if Wei Long deceives himself again, how will other ordinary disciples live?
"Never mind."

Wei Long thought for a while, but he still took one step at a time. He hadn't even confirmed the position of the true biography, so there was no need to think too far. As for the final choice, he just had to find someone who obeyed his own will.

Wei Long did not forget Elder Zeng Qingru's kindness in knowing him.

Although in the long run, it is definitely profitable for Lingxu Cave to accept him as a peerless genius, but one must be grateful, right?He will seriously consider Elder Zeng Qingru's suggestion.As for the final result, don't rush, take your time.

three days later.

In the past three days, Wei Long experienced the wonder of the golden core realm. To say the greatest wonder, there is an accurate word called 'divine alienation form', which condenses into a pill cloud.

The original 'Ultimate Power' transformed into 'Purple Extreme and Eight Desolation', and the gods turned into purple pill clouds, and the fire of life became more vigorous.It's just that now Wei Long doesn't use life fire as the main attack method, but just a means of assisting in refining flesh and blood, a tool for extracting essence.

If Wei Long thought about it.

At any time, an astonishing fire of life can be thinned out from a wisp of miraculous pill cloud, Shen Xi can also be thinned out from a wisp of life fire, or qi and blood can be thinned out from Shen Xi. It turns out that every step taken is not in vain. Will turn into the deepest accumulation.

Just, not necessary.

Yes, it is not necessary.

The reason is simple, Wei Long's supernatural power of 'Zi Ji Ba Huang' is too powerful.

The destructive power is astonishing, Wei Long has already tested it, and now he has the dual destructive power of body and energy, which is real destruction, beyond the concept of "strength", which is tens of thousands of catties.

Instead, it is supernatural power, like a mythical means, only those of the same level of power can have the power to counter it.

The so-called same level means to achieve the ultimate level of destruction that Wei Long has now mastered in terms of a certain attribute strength.

Taking Song Renming who died under Wei Long's hands as a reference, Wei Long can directly erase the traces of his existence with one punch and kill him thoroughly.

The wind attribute he masters is miraculous, and it is vulnerable to Wei Long's "Ziji Bahuang" miraculous pill cloud.

Those who can fight against Wei Long in the Golden Core Realm either have a powerful magic weapon for body protection, at least at the level of a magic soldier, or they have also comprehended the "meaning of unity" in the realm of the Life Wheel, possessing not only knowledge Of course, I also know why it is a powerful talent.

Or simply have the blood of the God Demon King or a higher level flowing in his body.

Or, the Golden Core is complete and has touched the threshold of the God and Demon Realm.

There are only a few cases where it is possible to fight.

It's just a battle.

The most important reason why Wei Long didn't use Minghuo as the most conventional attack method was that it was still not suitable for his tactical system.

What he pursued was.

The ultimate speed shortens the distance with the enemy;

Gain a first-hand advantage with extremely fast shooting speed;

Great instant damage destroys the vitality of the enemy.

Wei Long possessed the "Eight Desolation Ziji" which is a step further and more brutal power of miraculous pill cloud.

The damage he can deal in an instant is very high. If the enemy is really playing with the mentality of cat and mouse, or any luck, if the God and Demon Realm is broken by him, he will die with one punch.

"It's just that in addition to the injury, further exercises also need to be planned."

Wei Long got up slowly, he already had some ideas about the improvement of his own system, but he only had time to choose exercises after he was busy with the tasks in front of him.

"Follow me." There was already a senior deacon waiting outside Wei Long's courtyard.

When he saw Wei Long, he was taken aback for a moment, then called out an empty boat and took Wei Long to Qingqi Island.

On the Baiyu Square of Qingqi Island, there are already nearly ten thousand disciples. As long as there is no going out for training tasks, almost all of them have appeared.

"Have you heard, this time it is a true biography meeting held in advance for a disciple." A disciple who entered the room mysteriously said to his friend.

That person showed doubts. He has been in seclusion for the past few years, trying to comprehend the way of golden elixir. "Who is it? Could it be the daughter of the Marquis of Zhennan more than ten years ago?"

He really couldn't think of anyone other than the strange girl who was born with purple patterns that day, who had the qualifications to let Dongtian hold a true biography meeting for her alone.

Lingxu Dongtian's selection of true disciples has always adhered to the bottom line of rather queuing than indiscriminate, and the frequency of holding true teaching conferences is every integer year, ten years, or 20 years.

If the disciples have the qualifications of true teaching, it will be held. At least [-] elders must be called to discuss the matter, and all the disciples will listen.

More than two-thirds of the participating elders need to pass in order to be listed in the true inheritance.

And if there are no disciples who are qualified for the True Inheritance, then the True Inheritance Conference would rather not be held and postponed in the future.

And even if some disciples stand out, it often takes ten years to wait. Now 22 years have passed since the last true biography conference, and there is no one who can become a true biography during this period.

It stands to reason that it will not be held until eight years later.

But now, because one person is ahead of schedule.

"Brother, you have been in seclusion for too long."

The disciple shook his head, "In the past two years, a more terrifying disciple has appeared. That junior brother, oh, may soon become a true senior brother. He has been ranked first in the Julu City military merit list for two consecutive years. Of course, it’s nothing if it’s just a border city like Julu City, but in the past two years, he has broken his own record countless times.”

"In the last full year, he killed nearly [-] direct descendants of the survivors, and three survivors who were close to adulthood. The strategic merit points alone have reached nearly a thousand points. Such strength is unparalleled." The disciple's tone was complicated.

The closed-door disciple's eyes were blank. He also had a trial mission in the border city, and he was also one of the outstanding disciples.

Although it is not in Julu City, it is also a big city in the Southern Wilderness. He has been in seclusion for three years, or 30 years, and he said confusedly: "One thousand strategic points, isn't that nearly one hundred thousand ordinary points?"

"The combat achievements can no longer describe the strength of that senior brother."

A female disciple next to him showed longing, "Senior Brother Wei Long was completely defeated in Julu City. Excellent disciples of Sword Cave Heaven and Mountain Sea Cave Heaven, you must know that Julu City is under great pressure because of the old Suanni's rebellion. Anyone nearby who can help The cave has sent the most outstanding disciples of the time."

"However, those so-called excellent disciples couldn't withstand a blow from Senior Brother Wei Long." The female disciple swallowed, "And according to legend, Senior Brother Wei Long is amazingly brave."

"Junior Sister, Wei Long is not only famous for his jade face, but also has the power of a diamond." A male disciple next to him reminded him, "I heard that Wei Long is nearly ten feet tall and has various quirks."

The male disciple next to the female disciple had a slightly sour tone.

Looking at the two people around them who were gradually arguing, the retreat disciples also extracted relatively complete information from the conversations around them.

Wei Long.

He was a disciple of the same class as Zhong Wuyan 13 years ago. When Zhong Wuyan, Zhou Luo and other geniuses became famous in the past ten years, he was silent and unknown.

And when he really walked out of the cave, he started his first trial mission, which was the border trial, directly attacking the evil.

In just three years, it became famous in the Southern Wilderness.

He has the reputation of being the first genius disciple of Nanhuang's youth, and even has the title of 'Jade Faced King Kong'.

Many monks who had seen Wei Long fight said that it was terrible and dared not take it lightly.

Even with his flesh-hungry eccentricity and unparalleled violent fighting style, he was evaluated by the branch of the most famous intelligence force in the world, the "Daozhilou" in the Dayan Dynasty, as "the most important thing in the hearts of women under the age of [-] in the Southern Wilderness." male god'.

In that comment, many people valued the other sentence more, 'has the talent that can be called the younger generation of the Shengwu Dynasty'.

The implication is that Wei Long's talent is not limited to the Southern Wilderness, nor is it limited to the Dayan Dynasty.

The closed-door disciple, combined with all the information, finally understood the horror of that Junior Brother Wei Long.

Has the reputation of No.1 of the younger generation in Lingxu Cave for a hundred years, and has the talent of Jiang Hanyu, who is catching up with the current master of true biography.Indescribably powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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