Chapter 71

The retreat disciple was just one of the surprised people. In fact, not only him, but also many disciples, they got the news of the convening of the True Inheritance Conference from the identity token.

The disciples of Lingxu Cave who can join are all outstanding figures from their original cities and families.

Even the disciples who are not famous in the entry test may be the No.1 of the younger generation in their own family.

not to mention.

As disciples, many of them immerse themselves in cultivation and rarely care about gossip.

I'm so busy with my own affairs, how can I have time to listen to anecdotes about geniuses that come out of nowhere.

Wei Long's reputation rose too fast, like a tornado, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it.

Only Zhong Wuyan, who was born in the Zhennanhou Mansion, the family of the God and Demon King, was born with a halo, because the blood of the God and Demon King can inherit the supernatural, and many people are subconsciously curious.

However, for some outstanding disciples, even Zhong Wuyan would not flatter them.

Cultivation is for detachment and self-release.

What's wrong with the genius, never fought, who is better than whom?

It's just that today, because of the true biography meeting held in advance, some news about Wei Long is accumulating.

Dongtian had intended to promote Wei Long's fame before, but it was only among the new disciples. Now, through the True Inheritance Conference, he has completely established his reputation among all the disciples.

"It seems that the sect intends to make Wei Long famous." The seven Zhang Zixin were also in the square.

Zhang Zixin thought of the scene he saw when he just returned to the cave, and analyzed, "Many chambers of commerce have come to cooperate with juniors to deal with some powerful desolate beast materials, but the chamber of commerce alone will not spread so far, but in the last year of the trial , even the 'Jiaozhilou' has been evaluated."

The Jiaozhilou is a force that can be ranked at the level of the Shengwu Dynasty. Although they only conduct intelligence analysis and intelligence processing, their strength should not be underestimated.

Known as the number one force under the seven great sects in the world, the strength of its headquarters far surpasses that of Lingxu Cave.

Intelligence forces like the "Taozhi Building" are spread all over the world, with many sub-buildings.

On the whole, the Zhilou is very strong, but in terms of local buildings, the Zhilou must maintain a good relationship with the local forces.

Sometimes intelligence sharing is even required.

Because of the special information transmission system in the Zhizhi Building, some forces will use their hands and their credibility to make their disciples famous.

of course.

The primary disciple's strength must be online.

Otherwise, Yaozhilou wouldn't hold his own feet and ruin his reputation.

Apart from his own unreasonable strength, Wei Long's rise to fame also needed the help of his own sect, which anyone with a discerning eye could see.

"'Teaching Building' is the outside, and now the True Instruction Conference is the inside."

Cui Wenhai, who doesn't like to talk, hit the nail on the head, "Now the true biography conference is being held in advance to establish a name for the younger brother in the cave."

"That's right, we have a lot of contact with our junior brother, so we can understand how terrifying he is, but it may be difficult for others to understand." Xia Yonglan looked complicated.

The seven of them had known Wei Long when he was still in the deserted village.

It is precisely because of seeing Wei Long soaring into the sky that he can understand Wei Long's fearfulness better.

The seven Zhang Zixin were also excellent disciples, and they all had arrogance in their hearts, but in front of Wei Long, they also had to express their admiration.

Sometimes you get too close to a peerless genius, there are good and bad, too easy to be attracted by its light,

But beyond the light, people often cannot see it.

"With the current level of support from the sect, the True Inheritance Conference is just a formality. If the younger brother becomes a True Inheritance disciple, we have to make some changes." Yan Wei reminded.

Since the entrance test, Wei Long has been given special care by the sect, otherwise it would be impossible for him not to perform some small trial tasks for ten years.

After that, Zeng Qingru invited him to go to the border for trials, which was also the most suitable training path for him.

Afterwards, he really showed extraordinary strength, and the spread of some fame was also promoted by the Lingxu Cave.

The weight of a true biography is even more valuable because of the system of cultivating disciples in Lingxu Dongtian itself.

Being able to directly contact the management of Dongtian is equivalent to entering the middle level of Dongtian from a low-level disciple, and it is also a middle level with a promising future.

Hearing Yan Wei's reminder, the six Zhang Zixin were all thinking silently.

In fact, some decisions have already been made.

"Unknowingly, this guy has grown to this point." Tie Wuxin also came to Qingqi Island from Shenbing Island.

He stood with some seniors from Shenbing Island. After entering the room, there will be some diversions, or go to Shenbing Island to refine weapons, or go to Yaowang Island to refine medicine, or Xinbao Island to conduct market operations. etc.

Tie Wuxin was recruited by Li Lin, the owner of Shenbing Island, after the entrance test, and was recruited in advance as a disciple.

"Wei Long is the little guy who liked to look for you before?" A muscular brother stroked his chin and thought. brother.

Tie Wuxin nodded.

Although I already knew that guy's talent was terrible, but he really gained such a big name in just three years, and he thought of the vision of "Purple Qi coming from the East" three days ago, and the "Ziji Eight Pillars" weather.

Presumably it is also extraordinary in the Jindan realm.

Tie Wuxin felt the eight life marks on his golden life wheel, and his eyes gradually became firmer.

He will follow his own path and lead his family to escape the control of the Pantheon!

The other side of the square.

Xu Fang, a disciple of Kong Qianru, the master of Yaowang Island, was the leader of the group of fragrant women, and she was also asking some questions to her junior sister Lu Ziyan beside her.

And among the crowd in the middle of the square.

A young man with a long gun on his back was laughing and chatting with his surroundings, thinking of something. Qiu Mingrui looked at a man and a woman in front of him, with a rare complicated expression on his expression.

For more than ten years, Qiu Mingrui, who was once called a genius, is now just a beginner disciple, and he is still one step away from the late stage of the life wheel.

The man and woman in Qiu Mingrui's eyes were also talking.

Zhou Luo waved his folding fan. He has completed his life wheel for more than ten years. Not only that, but he is still very average. He cannot be said to be the strongest in every aspect, but he is one of the strongest.

"Are you about to take that step?" he asked the woman.

The woman was born with purple patterns and had inexplicable supernatural powers on her body. It was Zhong Wuyan. She tilted her head slightly, as if she was thinking about something, "That step is not difficult for you and me, but it is rare to comprehend the meaning of 'combination'."

Zhou Luo paused while shaking the fan.

'Combined meaning'.

This is another realm after the transformation of true meaning, but it is more than one level more difficult than the transformation of true meaning.

Zhou Luo looked at Zhong Wuyan and chuckled, "If it wasn't for your identity, there would be one more you in this True Inheritance Conference."

"Maybe." Zhong Wuyan just glanced lightly, "But I can't compare with that guy."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Wuyan walked away.

Because that person has already appeared.

"Have you lost your fighting spirit?" Zhou Luo didn't expect to hear this sentence from Zhong Wuyan's mouth, and turned to her back and said: "Back then he was only the third."

Zhong Wuyan left without looking back, and did not answer Zhou Luo's question.

Her memory involuntarily went back to half a year ago. That year was the last year of their trial. Wei Long was in the limelight. Although he was not in the Golden Core realm, he was already regarded as a strong man comparable to the Golden Core realm.Defeated Bai Qingyuan, Zhao Wubai and other geniuses.

Finally she challenged him.

From start to finish, it was useless.

It's almost not enough to describe.

It was a fiasco.

It was also after that disastrous defeat that Zhong Wuyan knew the reason why Bai Qingyuan broke the sword to show his ambition and Zhao Wubai went deep into the wilderness to break through himself.

It was an indescribable feeling.

Zhong Wuyan has the blood of the God and Demon King in her body, she is supernatural, but she is irresistible to that man's punch.

She is already very strong, but there is no hope of victory in Wei Long.

Even though she has understood the meaning of harmony in the past few days after returning to the cave, she is not sure if she challenges again.

She is very familiar with that kind of temperament, she has felt it from the father of the god and demon king, it is the temperament of reaching the limit.

Wei Long's skin is very light, but there is an inner smell.

Zhong Wuyan turned and left. The genius disciples of the class of 14 have gradually widened the gap, and it will be further and further apart.

"It's painful to see the gap." Zhong Wuyan said nothing, "It's even more painful to chase beyond."

You are strong, but those who are at the same time as you are stronger, abnormally strong.

It is difficult to know, but it is also difficult to act.

Probably so.

Under the guidance of the senior deacon, Wei Long entered a large hall.

This is the Hall of True Tradition.

The Zhenchuan Hall is located in the center of Qingqi Island, with a large scale. The ground made of fine white jade is shining with warm light. In the distance, there are curling incense clouds rising from the tripod-style incense burner. Many people stood in the air.

The first person is the Cave Master Liu Shenzong, followed by the Great Elder Han Wenyuan. After the two, there are Li Lin, the master of Shenbing Island, Kong Qianru, the master of Medicine King Island, and Shen Dafu, the master of Xinbao Island. name elder.

The position of true biography will be evaluated by a group consisting of three island owners and thirty elders.

Wei Long looked over, and Shen Dafu, known as the "God of Wealth" in Dongtian, waved to him. As for the elders who had some relationship with him, such as Zeng Qingru, Zhang Baichuan, Fu Ye, etc., they nodded to him, and the rest of the elders were watching him secretly.

See you.

Senior brother Jiang Hanyu signaled, Wei Long flicked his finger, and pushed open the door of the Hall of True Tradition.

A ray of light changed from narrow to wide, and suddenly became bright and bright. Wei Long took a deep breath, swept his robes and strode out of the hall.

Among the disciples in the square, exclamations resounded.

Indeed, Wei Long broke through the five forgings of the golden elixir, consumed all his energy, and returned to his peak state at this moment.

Looking at Wei Long walking out with the door of the main hall relaxed, his figure under the sun is almost impossible to look directly at.

Zhao Tiesheng, who was beside Tie Wuxin, also looked at Wei Long, his jaw was open, and he couldn't speak for a while. He wanted to compare his muscles with Wei Long, but he immediately turned his face away.

It's still Wang Zha, Zhao Tiesheng is very uncomfortable.

Some people saw Wei Long's charm, some people saw Wei Long's magic, and some people saw Wei Long's tranquility
Then the cave master Liu Shenzong, the great elder Han Wenyuan and all the elders jumped out of the Temple of Heaven in the square
"Today, the position of the True Inheritance will be determined." Liu Shenzong stood there, as if it was the center of heaven and earth, and it was the first time for many disciples to see him as the Cave Master.

Grand Elder Han Wenyuan lightly tapped his disciple, who was also one of the true biography, and his disciple Zhou Zhenchuan, who sat down, presided over the true biography meeting.

"Wei Long, after 14 years of entry, he has achieved the Golden Core Realm and obtained the 'Purple Qi from the East' and 'Purple Extreme Eight Pillars' weather, which can be described as extraordinary. This is a meritorious deed. It is the first class in a hundred years!"

Zhou Zhenchuan didn't talk nonsense, and said concisely: "Ten years of silence, once the sword is released, it must be sharp. He has made countless contributions in the battle of the border. In the past three years, he has become famous in the cave, killed countless wild beasts, and refreshed the border trials countless times. Merit, went deep into the wilderness countless times, killed wild beasts, and defended the southern wilderness. This is martial arts! It is also the No.1 of the younger generation in a hundred years!"

"." Wei Long felt strange when he heard others praise him.

It seems that it is more enjoyable than boasting about yourself?

"Elders, please vote." Zhou Zhenchuan threw out 33 jade tokens.

The 33 elders in the ranks, urged by their miraculous powers, released endless brilliance from the jade plaques in the air, and no one objected or abstained.

Afterwards, it was confirmed by the disciples.

No one questioned.

On occasions like these, it is about the great cause of the sect's inheritance, and every sentence must have something to say, even if you feel dissatisfied, Wei Longgong has all the martial arts, and every item is listed, so you can question it accordingly.

To join the Lingxu Cave, there is a basic judgment.

Wei Long is indeed too powerful to be questioned.

As for, much ado about nothing, let alone appear, even the weakest beginner disciple has his own persistence.What's more, people are responsible for what they say.

After all the links were completed, Zhou Zhenchuan handed over to Liu Shenzong and Han Wenyuan for confirmation.

Wei Long then became the youngest true disciple in the history of Lingxu Dongtian, who entered the position of true disciple at the age of 30, and was personally identified by Lingxu Dongtian as the first genius in a hundred years.

The True Inheritance Conference was successfully concluded, and it was announced that inside and outside the Lingxu Cave, like a stone thrown into a lake, ripples would sweep across the Southern Wilderness, and slowly spread to the ears of interested people from the major forces of the Dayan Dynasty.

"Senior brother Wei Long stepped into the taboo level in the realm of life wheel, breaking countless records!"

"Senior brother Wei Long has achieved the position of true biography in just 14 years, and has become the No. 1 cave in the past hundred years!"

"Senior Brother Wei Long broke through the Golden Core at the age of just over 30 years old. The vision is magnificent, and the realm of gods and demons is almost guaranteed. He is indeed a true disciple who has been unanimously approved by all the elders!"

 May everyone be safe.

(End of this chapter)

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