Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 74 Complete Completion

Chapter 74 Complete Completion (Third Update!)
In fact, Wei Long is not perfect, he also has some shortcomings, and Wei Long himself admits this.

His aptitude can only be considered mediocre beyond the comprehension of new exercises.

His greater advantage is the spirit of never giving up, and strong self-confidence, and after the introduction of new exercises, he can quickly improve by adding some talent.

In Wei Long's heart, he is not afraid of learning slowly, and is not afraid of learning late.

Just improve fast.

he used to be.

In order to perfect his own tactical system, he was silent for several years, and then rose rapidly with the resources outside the Black Sha Abyss, spending ten years to settle himself.In just a few years at the frontier, he killed the golden core of the holy beast sect, killed countless desolate beasts, and suppressed the geniuses of the same generation.

It is confirming his way.

In the initial stage, you can slow down and walk more steadily. After you hit the road, you can directly add some hurricanes.

This was even more vividly reflected after his Golden Core broke through.

After the Ziji Golden Elixir was condensed, he directly stepped into the Golden Elixir Five Training.

The more foreshadowing you have done before, the faster you can walk, and you don't have to worry about pulling your hips!
In this regard, adding some talent certainly played a big role, but Wei Long's firm heart is also a key link!
Don't look at Wei Long's many fallacies.

But the critical moment is very clear.

He can step back if he is awkward with Wei Tianhu, and he can wait until he has a conflict of interest with village chief Wei Shengjun;
But an enemy with a stand like Shangguan Suya, no matter how tall he was, would be killed with one punch.kill first
Another attacker like Song Renming didn't give him any chance, let him suffocate to death.

As for Pantheon's Jiao Thirteen and his party, it's the same. Killing them doesn't count, they directly refine the blood of the upper gods and collect them for their own use.

Because, some conflicts can be resolved, and some conflicts are different positions.

Some people have kindness to him, while some people only want to harm him.

Clearly, it was Wei Long who was talking about.

Originally becoming a true disciple, many people first wanted to participate in the true rule of justice, and became a member of the manager of the Lingxu Cave earlier, and there were many benefits.

However, Wei Long is very clear.

Where does everything about him come from.Elder Zeng Qingru's optimism, senior brother Jiang Hanyu's friendship, even cave master Liu Shenzong, and first elder Han Wenyuan held a true biography conference for him in advance, and even spared precious time to attend in person, and countless junior sisters marveled at his appearance, etc.

All of this is based on Wei Long's incomparable strength.

If there is no strength, what good is a good-looking face.

I'm afraid it has been molested long ago.

Wei Long is still grateful for Elder Zeng Qingru's kindness, and is willing to listen to the latter's opinions on the way of cultivation and the promotion of status in the cave.

But, let him prevail.

How can Wei Long ensure that his way of cultivation will not be influenced by others, and it returns to the original question.

Since he obtained his current status from his unparalleled talent and strength, he had to consolidate it again.

If you want to control others and truly become a strong person, the first step is to control yourself.

The first thing Wei Long practiced was the second half of the 'Bahuang Town Prison Sutra', and he thoroughly mastered this sect from the remnants of the Prison Beast, which was also the treasure technique that was most involved with him.

According to Wei Long's idea, the "Bahuang Town Prison Classic" will be used as one of his regular attack methods to prevent "Ziji Bahuang" from being too perverted, completely erasing the enemy, and even the loot cannot be picked up.

It only took three days for the "Bahuang Town Prison Sutra" to fully comprehend.

After the fusion, this treasure technique has dropped from the original [Superb] level to [Perfect].

But after completing it, the overall power has been greatly improved.

After that, Wei Long mastered the 'Legs of Lingxi Fengshen'.

With the foundation laid by "Spiritual Consonance", this treasure technique from Fenglang, it took only seven days for Wei Long to enter the stage of "First Glimpse".

'Xuanying Xuedun' has the foundation laid by 'Burning Xuedun', and Xuedun pays more attention to instantaneous explosion. It took Wei Long eight days to get started with 'Xuanying Xuedun'.

After completing these three treasures, or completing them, or practicing them, Wei Long really fell into difficulties.

The exercise "Shaxia Shuangling Method" used for healing and recovery.

It took half a month for Wei Long to reach the threshold.

This is the foundation of Wei Long's two superior exercises, the 'Hua Yue Hunyuan Market Classic' and the 'Black Territory Broken Star Classic', which are also inherited from the 'Sacred Market Classic'.

Because of his direct exploration of the original power of Heisha and Chixia, Wei Long had to spend half a month before he could be considered as the real [first glimpse].

And the last two parts, the treasure technique "blue-patterned armor" obtained from the blue dragon, are even more difficult, and a lot of details are needed to truly condense into an armor.

But maybe it was because of his achievements in 'One Yuan Heavy Water', Wei Long spent half a month and finally comprehended this water-type defense technique.

It can be regarded as having completed the initial training.

What really made Wei Long complain is the 'Delusion Breaking Technique'.

This mysterious secret technique has the double powerful ability of breaking the law and breaking the delusion, and it is also a treasure technique that Wei Long must comprehend in order to avoid being trapped in the formation and imprisoned by others.

The short burst ability of the treasure technique 'Heart of the Earth' can only be used as a transition.

In terms of breaking free from confinement, Delusion Breaking Technique is more professional.

It took more than a month for Wei Long's accumulation today before he finally learned the art of breaking delusion. During this process, Wei Long had to go to other inheritance palaces to continue to supplement his passing foundation.

However, all the effort expended is worth it.

It took Wei Long three months to let his tactical system finally catch up with his strength in the Jindan realm, and it was in a situation of keeping pace.

And except for the somewhat useless exercises of "Huaying Chuncao Gong", all the other treasure techniques that he had mastered before served as the nourishment for the new treasure techniques and exercises.

All past efforts will not be in vain.

This is also the path of cultivation, or growth, it is not separated, but connected at each stage.

Under the life wheel, the ever-improving "Bahuang Township Prison Sutra" is still shining today, and all the accumulations in the life wheel realm, the terrifying magical blessing of "the meaning of harmony" will become His most valuable experience right now.

Looking back, Wei Long was surprised to find that he was already so powerful, and he had mastered all kinds of skills and treasures.

Old system:

Cultivation method: "Huayue Hunyuanxu Jing" [Superb]

"Bahuangzhen Prison Sutra" [Superb] [Part [-]]

"Consonance" [Superb]

"Burning Blood Escape" [Superb]

"Hua Ying's Spring Grass Skills" [Superb]

Treasure technique: Unitary heavy water [unrivaled]

Heart of the Earth 【Peak】

New system:

Dan cloud value: 48
Cultivation method: "Black Territory Broken Star Sutra" [Superb]

"Shaxia Twin Spirit Method" [First Glimpse]

Treasure technique: Unitary heavy water [unrivaled]

Heart of the Earth 【Peak】

Bahuang Town Prison Sutra [Perfect]

Consonant Fengshen Legs [First Look at the Door]

Mysterious Shadow Blood Escape [First Glimpse]

Delusion Breaking Technique [First Look at the Door]

Blue-patterned Armor [First Look at the Door]

Treasure Soldier: Book of Black Iron [Low Grade Sturdy Glyph]

Wei Long came out of the Caiyun Chuangong Hall, his figure flashed, the muscles of his legs were exerted violently, and his magic burst out, and there was an invisible wind attribute blessing on it. In just an instant, his figure appeared three miles away, and then he was only in the air Leaving an afterimage, he quickly galloped away to the distant sky.

 happy New Year!
(End of this chapter)

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