Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 75 "The So-Called Genius"

Chapter 75 "The So-Called Genius"
"'Consonance Fengshen Legs' may not be as good as some other treasure techniques in terms of long-distance displacement, because this itself should be classified as a treasure technique." Wei Long seemed to have split the wind resistance, and could stop within 3000 meters in an instant.

This is the reason why he values ​​the 'Consonant Fengshen Legs'.

The focus is on the word "consonance".

He doesn't need this treasure technique to be good at long distances such as thousands of miles of displacement. Wei Long only needs that he can shorten the distance with the enemy in an instant during a battle.

To crush the enemy as fast as possible.

"As the level of Lingxi Fengshen legs increases, this speed will be even faster, and with my current physical fitness, I can definitely withstand such a displacement."

The bone inscriptions in Wei Long's body had already reached the level of not coming out. After absorbing the essence and blood of the two gods, Xuanming and Ming, his physical fitness had reached the first-class level in the same realm.

"Physical strength is not what I'm after."

Wei Long came to a dangerous landscape, the volcano seemed to erupt, the earth was shattered, and ordinary people couldn't survive in it.

There are many such places in the land of the lowest layer of Lingxu Cave.

Behind Wei Long, countless dots of light appeared, like a canvas, directly turning this land into a dark area within ten miles.

The torrential suction made the mountain fire boil, faintly about to break through the air.

""Black Territory Broken Star Scripture", as always, has the artistic conception of eternal life in the ruins and reconstruction in the ruins, and this is also the reason for the existence of the Lingxu Cave." Wei Long evolved his own fundamental method.

The mood is fully open.

Each faction has its own temperament, just like every city.

Bai Qingyuan, the leader of the sword cave, has the temperament of being extremely passionate about the sword and breaking all spells with one sword.

Detachment is the sword, ego is the sword.

Killing is also a sword.

That is a pure swordsman, life and death are placed in the sword.

On the other hand, Zhao Wubai has a torrential atmosphere, his fists are as powerful as mountains and seas, and his aura is soaring to the sky, with unparalleled vigor.

It is so clear only in the realm of life wheel.

The people in the Pantheon are very tyrannical, moody, and perverted. They have already distorted human nature, and they can't even be called human beings.

This is the temperament of every force.

Wei Long also has the aura of the cave of Lingxu.

The Lingxu Cave was established because of the suppression of the Heisha Abyss. All the exercises have the shadow of Heisha, and every exercise is taken from Heisha to kill Heisha.

If you use one sentence to describe it, it would be 'in hell, but in heaven'.

Staring at the abyss, the abyss will stare back, but Lingxu Cave, what they want is to fight the dragon, and they themselves remain motionless.

The detachment you seek is achieved with the supreme faith in your heart!


The earth fire erupted, and the shadow of the black domain behind Wei Long suddenly transformed into a monstrous beast, with black flames raging to the sky, and countless chains waving on it.

The ground fire that erupted was suppressed back alive again.

With a flash of Wei Long's figure, he put away the "Bahuang Town Prison Sutra", and the mountain fire on the ground erupted again, but the momentum was a little sluggish.

I saw two blood-red phantoms above the sky, regardless of each other.

Even the breath on the body is the same.

A hundred miles away, a blood shadow dissipated, while the other figure gradually solidified. Wei Long stepped on the cave and the earth, and the 'Heart of the Earth' provided continuous blessings. We make up for it little by little.

"'Xuanying Xuedun' is safer and more reliable than Burning Xuedun." Inside Wei Longming Palace, a blood-colored spar was only slightly dimmed.

As soon as Wei Long's heart moved, he saw countless red clouds pouring into his body, which turned into vitality in an instant, and in just an instant, the consumption of 'Xuanying Xuedun' was replenished.

"The "Shaxia Shuangling Method" is indeed a method involving the original power. In terms of convenience and repair speed, it far exceeds the "Huaying Spring Grass Art". Moreover, it can borrow the power of the earth together with the "Heart of the Earth". Form a combo with 'Xuanying Xuedun'. Together with escaping, my stability has been greatly improved. Even if the level of 'Xuanying Xuedun' is improved in the future, it can still achieve balance."

Wei Long silently analyzed, "In other words, 'Xuanying Xuedun' will be able to appear as a common method, instead of the previous 'Burning Xuedun', which requires re-condensation of blood crystals once used up. It can also Make up for my short board of long-distance travel.”

Blue mist rose from Wei Long's body.

In a blink of an eye.

Including the armor and skirt, the battle armor covered with mysterious patterns emerged outside his body, and the fine scales were like dragon scales.

Wei Long's figure flashed, and he suddenly fell into a wasteland.

A big hole was made, and then he reappeared, still unharmed.

"The 'blue-patterned battle armor' made up for my shortcomings in defense. I don't need 'one-yuan heavy water' to solidify the armor separately, so that I can let go of my hands and feet."

Wei Long showed a smile on his face, "Besides, in the confrontation with the enemy, I also have a layer of protection, which can reduce the probability of being injured."

Wei Long raised his head and looked towards Ming Kong Island, a golden light appeared in his eyes.

Like the dawn breaking through the darkness.

Under the 'Delusion Breaking Technique', Wei Long saw the traces of miraculous movement, the most concentrated in Mingkong Island, Jitian Peak, Caiyun Chuangong Hall, and Xinbao Island, especially Xinbao Island is open to the public The few streets in the city are really restricted and airtight, and the force of repression can be called terrifying.

"'Delusion Breaking Technique' has the effect of breaking the illusion, and can see the trajectory of the supernatural movement."

With a flash of Wei Long's right hand, the "Book of Black Iron" appeared, and the heavy water flowed in it, driven by magic, creating a chapter in the Jindan column.

Write it down like this, "After 14 years of entry, suppressing a generation, breaking the realm of Jindan is like drinking tea and drinking water, and directly entering the realm of five refinements, the talent is unparalleled and terrifying. After three months of practice, the system has been upgraded, and there is no obvious flaw. In the future, it will only make up for it." It’s just two words. The so-called genius is probably like this.”

Wei Long thought about it.

If you use his standards to evaluate geniuses, it would be too unfriendly to other geniuses. He has always been humble.

Added another sentence, "My situation is special. Only one peerless person can appear in thousands of years. For others, it can be properly downgraded, so as not to hurt the self-esteem of the genius too much."

"The completion of inheritance this time is different from the last time I just joined Dongtian."

Wei Long wrote down his insights, and put away the "Book of Black Iron" with a smile on his face, "This time, most of the techniques I chose were treasures. Even at a higher level, they can still work stably. There is no need to use them as they are now. Almost all replaced."

"It's just that now there is one major skill, plus other auxiliary skills and treasures, there are eight in total. Including the 'Book of Black Iron', nine of them need energy upgrades."

Thinking of this, Wei Long couldn't laugh anymore, "Additionally, the cultivation level needs to be improved a bit. It can be said that ten mouths are waiting to eat, and they all need energy, which are all resources."

"It's all Xia Yu!"

Wei Long scratched his head.

The first theorem of cultivation that he summed up, 'krypton gold + points = strong', is indeed great enough, but the resources needed behind it are equally huge, "Make money, make money, really want to make money."

Just as Wei Long was thinking, the token flashed, and someone contacted him.

(End of this chapter)

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