Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 96 Please come and test me!

Chapter 96 Please come and test me! (please subscribe)

The more xenophobic the backward areas are, the more racially they have a sense of belonging in the backward areas. Although the Dayan Dynasty is remote, it is not backward or weak. At least it is not worse than the nearby dynasties.
But because it is adjacent to the Great Wilderness.

From time to time, powerful desolate beasts invade and suffer from desolate beasts, which also inspires a sense of responsibility as a human being.

At least Wei Long, a traverser, under the cultivation of Lingxu Cave, also consciously assumed this responsibility.

To some extent.

To protect the human race is to protect everything that is important to oneself.

From a barren village to a cave, what remains unchanged is a strong belief, detachment from the sea of ​​suffering, and using oneself as a raft, this is the way of cultivation.

And protecting the human race, making it stronger and free from the endless black evil sea of ​​suffering, is the responsibility that a human monk should bear.

On the map behind Wanrenzhu, the green dot represented by the power of the Pantheon, the closer to the edge of the wilderness, the fewer dynasties, but the densely packed interior of the Shengwu Dynasty.

If the Pantheon really had an ulterior purpose, the consequences would be disastrous.

Not only did the human race have to face the powerful threat of wild beasts, but the human race was also riddled with holes.

Wei Long had to admit that Wan Renzhu was a very capable woman. She didn't mention the benefits of joining the Demon Society at all, but just made clear the righteousness of the human race.

Maybe there is a layout of the Baibao Pavilion behind the Demon Society, or some other hidden secrets.

But there is no doubt that the threat of the Pantheon alone is enough to explain the significance of the existence of the Gods and Demons.

For tens of thousands of years, the territory of the human race has not expanded, and has even shrunk.

Today is the 1040th year of Shengwu, and 1040 is the year of the reign of the current emperor.

"What will the gods and demons be responsible for?" Wei Long asked.

When Wan Renzhu saw Wei Long's obvious resignation, she knew that Wei Long's joining the God and Demon Society was likely to happen, "The God and Demon Society is all over the world, and Baibao Pavilion provides financial support. There is only one meaning for the existence of Gods and Demons, and that is to curb the expansion of the Pantheon."

"The existence of the Pantheon itself has positive significance for the human race, but this positive meaning is not to raise it, but only for the human race."

Wan Renzhu introduced the God and Demon Association, "The Baibao Pavilion will provide members with activity resources and information sharing. If any Pantheon has been online, it must be cleared."

"According to what you said, the Gods and Demons will only target the Pantheon, and won't affect my original power?" Wei Long asked.

Wan Renzhu said: "The members of the God and Devil Society are very mixed, and there may be spies from the Pantheon in it, but it doesn't matter. We have no collective action. For example, if the Pantheon in the Southern Wilderness branch has a bad move, I will first Find a member of the Southern Wilderness, let him come forward to solve it. He can use the original sect power, or cooperate with familiar people who are also in the God and Demon Association."

"In addition, there is no reward for our missions. Baibao Pavilion will provide some activity resources, but that is not reward. If we talk about reward, it is the treasure you get from killing the people in the Pantheon."

Wan Renzhu continued: "We help deal with some items of the Pantheon, including their divine blood. You can make alchemy or medicine if you want."

"Do you still have the blood of the gods?" Wei Long's expression changed when he heard the 'blood of the gods'.

Wan Renzhu shook his head, "Sacred blood will be bought almost every time it appears, but there will be an auction half a month later."

"How do you say that divine blood is very precious?" Wei Long asked.

Wan Renzhu asked, "Is the blood of the strong in the realm of gods and demons precious? Those divine blood can be obtained from the descendants of the gods in the realm of the life wheel, and their effects are better in some respects than the blood of gods and demons. And there is no psychological burden to use the blood of gods and demons." .”

"It seems that Baibao Pavilion intends to increase the value of divine blood." Wei Long was thoughtful.

Wan Renzhu really looked at Wei Long with admiration. Not only was he talented and good-looking, but he also possessed wisdom that others couldn't have. "What do you say?"

"The higher the value of the blood of the gods, coupled with the attributes that are easier to obtain, the descendants and sons of the Pantheon may attract many people's attention."

Wei Long thought for a while, "Originally, some monks who were not right-minded and unable to improve their strength would choose to join the Pantheon, but with the way to obtain divine blood, some of them would fight with the Pantheon."

"Indeed, to contain the Pantheon, it would be too difficult to rely solely on gods and demons. We need more power."

Wan Renzhu talked about another matter, "More than 20 years ago, the Pantheon did not know why it invested a lot of power in the southern part of the Shengwu Dynasty and several nearby dynasties, resulting in the death of nearly a hundred high gods and thousands of god sons. It's unclear."

Thinking of the fortune teller, Wei Long asked, "Is the Pantheon still investing in power?"

"It is still the case. Although the loss is huge, it is still there. It seems to be the order of the Supreme God."

Wan Renzhu was also very puzzled, "According to the news we got, they seem to be looking for someone."

Seeing that Wei Long seemed to be thinking, Wan Renzhu smiled and said: "The people who can make the Pantheon launch such a huge search are at least at the level of the golden body, and have nothing to do with us."

"That's not necessarily true." Wei Long thought secretly, but he was afraid that Wan Renzhu would see something, so he changed the subject and said, "How does the God and Demon Society work?"

"Give me your demon jade." Wan Renzhu replied.

Wei Long took out a piece of jade pendant that Chen Ming gave him, and he was a little puzzled, "Why didn't General Chen Ming tell me clearly at that time? To go around such a big circle, let Elder Zeng Qingru bring me here."

"Chen Ming."

Wan Renzhu accepted the jade card from Wei Long, and it was difficult to describe, "That guy is really special in his work. He obviously doesn't use his brain very much, but he likes to pretend to be an expert."

Wei Long thought of Chen Ming, and then thought of what he did.

I can't help but have a little more confidence in my IQ, which has not been very confident.

Wan Renzhu took out a jade pendant that was almost identical from the desk drawer, and she lightly urged a touch of wonder.

Suddenly, the two jade pendants merged into one.

Only now did Wei Long notice that Wan Renzhu's strength was actually in the realm of gods and demons.

"Before you were only recommended, now you are considered a member of the God and Demon Society. In the future, there will be tasks that will be released to you directly through the God and Demon Jade. After checking the information, you can decide whether to accept it. If you don't accept it, just reply directly. If you are retreating, remember to turn off the God and Demon Jade, otherwise, if you don’t reply, you will delay the timing of the mission. As long as you are in the territory of Nanhuang, the God Demon Jade can be used.”

Wan Renzhu handed the combined jade pendant to Wei Long, "You are a member of the Golden Core level, which is rare in the Demon Society."

"Aren't there many people like me?" Wei Long took the Shenmoyu, closed it, and put it in a storage bag. Wan Renzhu frowned upon seeing it.

The reason why Wei Long did this is very simple. From the space folding of the Baibao Pavilion and the message transmission distance from the Shenmoyu, it can be seen that the Shenmohui is very advanced in the use of artifacts.

The Baibao Pavilion behind it is very strong, and it can have such a powerful space folding and long-distance information transmission technology.

Even if this piece of divine and demon jade has a positioning function, it is nothing.

Wei Long didn't want his position to be exposed all the time.

"By the way, isn't there any initiation ceremony?" Wei Long asked, thinking of something.

Wan Renzhu said: "No."

Members of the Gods and Demons Association started on average in the realm of gods and demons. A monk who can reach this level has a lofty heart and will not accept boring tests.

I join you because I think highly of you, and you want to test me?
This is the mentality of the strong.

Wei Long said angrily: "How can this be possible! I have already made an exception by joining at the Golden Core level, and I am applying for an assessment of myself."

"If there are any members of the Pantheon who have passed the line, those who have not passed the line can also be used as a test for me to join."

Wei Long took it for granted: "To join a group, you have to submit a certificate, don't you need to think about me!"

"Elder, I have already joined the God and Devil Association, and I have to complete the test. I won't participate in the auction in half a month. I will come to you before the auction ends, so as not to delay the mine mission."

Wei Long came out and hurriedly said to Zeng Qingru, then he left Baibao City with two leather scrolls in satisfaction.

Zeng Qingru approached Wan Renzhu and questioned: "You have crossed the line! Don't mess up messy things. We came together because of a common goal. You will make me re-evaluate our cooperation. The same is true for Lingxu Cave. !"

Zeng Qingru was angry, and he had already warned Wan Renzhu not to make trouble.

Wei Long is a new star in the Lingxu Cave, and the God and Demon Society must not attempt to influence his future.

"Calm down." It was also the first time Wan Renzhu saw the old man Zeng Qingru so angry.

She was also helpless, "I have already persuaded him that there is no need for a test, but he just wanted to say something strange like 'vote a certificate' and 'double test', and threatened me to quit if I didn't give the task. What can I do?"

"What?" Zeng Qingru was dumbfounded when she heard the explanation.

Iron Sand City, the Nanhuang branch of the Pantheon.

"The Liyu Tower has been cleaned." Xie Dong read the story report: "The Zhou family has concealed a lot of information, and Mingba is nowhere to be found."

"Then what should we do?" Yun Wu and Tian Yi didn't expect the situation to take a turn for the worse.

Xie Dong thought for a while, "Ming Ba is stupid, but it's not incurable. We have to reconsider, maybe we need to make some concessions."

"Concession? Isn't this adding to the prestige of Lingxu Cave Heaven?" Tian Yi was furious.

"This time it's not just a dispute over a mine, but a negotiation with the Lingxu Cave!" Xie Dong saw that the visitors from the Lingxu Cave were not friendly, "We have to make preparations, we can't make it easy for them!"

seven days later.

Snake Six and Snake Seven were born in a pantheon in the middle of the Dayan Dynasty, and belonged to the Golden Snake God Clan.

The golden snake gods have snake scales on their bodies, and the most amazing thing is that there are countless snake hairs on their heads, which look like countless small snakes coiling. This is their powerful ability.

In order to complete the transformation as soon as possible, Snake Six and Snake Seven raised their own strength to the level of high gods. They were hunting human monks, and they had committed tragedies that destroyed several cultivating families.

The two were brothers before the foundation was changed by the blood of God. After joining the Pantheon, with a tacit understanding, they can always run rampant in the same realm.

Coupled with the blessing of the Pantheon in the dark, although it does a lot of evil, its whereabouts are difficult to control.

On a street, there were people coming and going, but they avoided two of them, not daring to look directly at them.


Two powerful divine sons with snake hair were directly blasted into pieces by a person who fell from the sky. The unidentifiable powerful artistic conception disappeared in a flash, and a total of seventeen divine blood like snake-shaped gemstones were extracted.

"This Pantheon is indeed a freak." Wei Long searched for seven days before finally identifying the location of the two freaks. "Compared to the crimes they committed, such a simple death is really cheap for them. Alas, I It's just too kind."

People on the street hadn't reacted yet, or even realized what had happened.

Wei Long ended the battle in less than a breath, and then disappeared in place.

"Ah, dead? No, the god of death!" someone shouted.

Nine days later.

There is the Primordial Demon God Clan, the first born with strange devil horns, and there are bone inscriptions on the devil horns. This race is a rare fighting race in the Pantheon, and almost every one of them is very powerful in the same realm.

The growth of the Yuanmo God Clan also requires fighting.

Yuan Shisan received the blood of the Yuan Demon God to survive and grow continuously. He has a good reputation in the capital of the Dayan Dynasty.

Gai because he likes challenges, he fights with human monks openly and aboveboard, and declares that others can kill him, but he will not kill others.

It can be said.

Yuan Shisan's influence far exceeds that of ordinary god sons. He started as a descendant of gods and continued to challenge. Now he is at the peak level of god sons, equivalent to a golden core perfect monk.

Has the reputation of God of War.

This kind of powerful power made many people choose to join the Pantheon and become the Primordial Demon God Clan.

However, the blood of the primordial demon is very difficult to subdue, and the transformation caused by it often leads to death. Even if the Pantheon has secret techniques, it cannot be guaranteed.

But Yuan Thirteen is really strong.

Yuan Shisan had already tried to break through to the High God, but he was still challenging, which made many geniuses shy away from his edge and did not want to fight him.

On the road leading to a county town, Yuan Shisan was beaten to death by a person with a mysterious brick. The brick was like a book, and with an incomparable force, the god of war exploded.

"Too cruel."

Wei Long put away the disguised 'Book of Black Iron' and refined it with the true meaning of the 'Sacred Market Scripture'.

Eleven divine blood exuding a black magical aura gathered in Wei Long's palm, and a tyrannical force spread, "This kind of famous genius can't withstand my full blow, how strong am I? "Wei Long was confused.

(End of this chapter)

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