Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 97 Double Promotion

Chapter 97 Double Promotion
The Golden Core Realm is already the cornerstone of the cultivation world of the Dayan Dynasty, and Yuan Shisan is also a well-known existence, who likes challenges, because his identity as the Yuanmo God Clan explodes in combat power and walks like a wind.

It never occurred to me to hide my whereabouts.

Going to a county this time is to challenge a genius and prepare for breaking through the realm of the upper god.

Entering the realm of gods and demons can be regarded as breaking away from the bottom layer and becoming a strong person who can stand on his own.

Putting it in the whole world, the realm of gods and demons is enough to fight.

Wei Long asked Wan Renzhu for the information of Snake Liu, Snake Seven, and Yuan Shisan.

Snake six snake seven Needless to say, I have committed a massacre, damn it.

As for Yuan Shisan, the influence was very bad.

And because of the tyranny of the race, the future will definitely be derailed. According to the consensus of the God and Devil Association, the freaks of the Pantheon will follow the influence of the source of power.

Some races, such as the Primordial Demon God Clan, tend to be tyrannical in power, and their personalities will gradually become extreme.

"I killed you, and it was also for your own good. You don't need to thank me, the reward can be paid with this sinful blood of the gods."

Wei Long put away the eleven drops of divine blood, and there was a frighteningly violent aura in that dark as ink divine blood, "You, Yuan Shisan, were once a human race, and it is not your responsibility to make mistakes. It's a good deed for me to let you go."

Yuan Shisan is also a well-known figure in the younger generation, with a bright future.

If he knew that not only did he die inexplicably, but was attacked by Wei Long, he would not even be able to resist.

To be molested even after death, he might be angry and lift the coffin boards.

Oh, forgot.

He didn't even have a corpse, and he couldn't even lift the coffin board.

"Weak, too weak."

When killing Snake Six and Snake Seven, Wei Long had no trouble.

I didn't expect to change to Yuan Shisan, and it turned out to be so crispy, "It's really an annoyance. If you really blow someone up with a punch, the scene will be very ugly. I'm afraid I will have to research a purification effect next time. , can be refined directly, so that it will be less painful, and the onlookers will suffer less visual damage."

Wei Long thought wildly in his mind, and soon disappeared in a flash.

The second battle, from the beginning to the end, was also useless.

"Master, you don't need to hide from the limelight." The boy dressed as a book boy reported to a handsome young man, "Yuan Shisan is missing."

"Missing?" The young man froze for a moment.

Yuan Shisan was going to challenge him, and he was not ready yet.

If the genius of the human race loses to the people of the Pantheon again, I am afraid that not only will he lose the family's face, but he will once again fuel his power.

"Missing. On the way here, a strong person sensed a very powerful miraculous wave, and then Yuan Shisan, who was rushing high-profilely, disappeared." The young man told the news in detail.

"Some people say that it was a strong man in the realm of gods and demons who passed by, but he couldn't see what he was doing, so he wiped it off with his own hands. Others said that it was the genius disciples of the dynasty who saw it and killed him. But Yuan Shisan did Missing, even the Pantheon is looking for it."

"It must be a strong man in the realm of gods and demons. With the strength of Yuan Shisan, there is no opponent in the golden core realm. He has long been able to break through, but he is worried that he will not survive the thunder disaster, so he will accumulate more." The young man was shocked.

No matter what kind of detachment path you take, when you reach the step of transforming into a mortal body, you will always be unable to escape the thunder.

This point, even the desolate beasts blessed by the origin of the world's black evil spirits cannot escape this catastrophe.
In Baibao City, Wan Renzhu also received the latest report.

"On the streets of the city, when you killed Snake Six and Snake Seven, you didn't shy away from others' prying eyes at all. When Yuan Shisan was on his way, there was no so-called resistance from the beginning to the end. It seemed that they were just killing casually."

Wan Renzhu opened her small mouth involuntarily after reading the news conveyed through the special channel.

Subconsciously evaluated Wei Long's strength, she didn't know whether it was better to describe it as a big heart, or a bold person with a high degree of art.

The information she gave to the two pieces was true, but she never expected Wei Long to be so fierce.

If I want to kill you, I will kill you.

It doesn't matter who you are.

It doesn't matter where.

To say kill is to kill.

"But, you have completed the test, shouldn't you come to the auction?" Wan Renzhu checked the time of Yuan Shisan's death, it was two days ago, and she still didn't see Wei Long.

Wan Renzhu raised his forehead, "This must not be a ghost test, nor is it a testimonial, but you are greedy for divine blood!"

"Hey, there are seventeen pieces of golden snake blood and eleven pieces of Yuanmo's blood." Wei Long killed Yuan Shisan and came to a barren mountain three thousand miles away, throwing off the spy.

Wei Long looked at a total of 28 divine blood, and they were as beautiful as gemstones. "The Demon Society is really a good organization. It can protect the purity of the blood of the human race, prevent it from growing continuously, and realize my ideals and ambitions."

Protecting the human race is a responsibility Wei Long is willing to undertake.

As for the divine blood obtained, it was just a trivial self-reward.

Wei Long put away the divine blood first, and took out the fire golden vine, which was a treasure presented to him by Elder Zeng Qingru.

It took Wei Long a lot of struggle to pick out the fire golden vine from many treasures.

There are too many treasures in the Hundred Treasures Pavilion, it seems that every one of them is useful, but when you think about it carefully, it is not a necessity.

Wei Long was caught in the dilemma of choosing treasures in the core inheritance hall at that time, and in the end his choice was as rational as ever.

Not what you want, but what you need.

Wei Long's biggest need now is to accumulate energy in his body, which can be used to forcefully comprehend the 'Linglong True Meaning' and ensure that he can survive the thunder disaster.

This is also what he does most often in cultivation.

No matter what the road ahead is, it's just a two-word flat push.

Is it difficult to transform the true meaning into reality, and is it difficult to combine the meaning? He has gone through them all.

In addition to the accumulation of body energy, it is the accumulation of metal energy, which takes the power of the 'Black Iron Book' one step further.

This precious book is very suitable for Wei Long's needs. From psychology to physiology, it can not only record many of his ideas, insights, and glorious deeds, but also help him physically destroy the enemy.

In addition to these two, the rest of the precious soldiers, treasure pills, and treasure medicines are also good.

Wei Long refused to take any of them.

Wei Longneng has been strong so far, has a strong ability to control himself, and his hard work is not empty words.

Adding some talent gave him an unusual path, which Wei Long himself cherishes.

If you want to master the powerful and unparalleled power, you must first master yourself.

As for precious medicines such as Bitter Heart Fruit that can comprehend Linglong's true meaning with a certain chance, Wei Long was not at all tempted.

There are two reasons.

First of all, Linglong's true meaning is difficult, and Wei Long knows his own family affairs, his comprehension can only be regarded as upper-middle, and when he reaches the threshold of Jindan to God and Demon, this kind of comprehension is actually inferior to most monks of the same rank. Just ordinary.

Those who have reached this point have no poor comprehension.

For those with good comprehension, taking Bitter Fruit is just [-]% more chance.

Why did Wei Long pursue such a slim chance?

Instead of doing what you want to do, do what you are good at.

What is he good at?
add a bit.

It's over to improve your fundamental strength.As for Linglong's true meaning, with strength, there will naturally be a steady stream of resources, which is a virtuous circle.

"It feels like a chocolate sandwich." Wei Long picked up the fire golden vine and gnawed on it. If others saw it, they would be horrified to death.

Can this kind of refining thing be eaten?

The answer given by Wei Long is delicious. The golden flame on the outside of the fire golden vine is like butter, while the refined metal core inside is like chocolate.

Wei Long's body, which can no longer be seen normally, is continuously absorbing massive amounts of metal energy.

"The taste is much better than the essence of black iron and bronze."

Wei Long felt that his choice was right.

It's a great feeling.

Metal power is continuously integrated into the "Book of Black Iron" in the Palace of Fate, making it even darker. The most amazing thing is the mountain-shaped relief on the back of the book page, and the trace of the carving is becoming more and more clear.

And when the [Sturdy Glyph] continues to improve, the magic will continue to be pure.

More and more shocking and terrifying.

After eating the fire golden vine, Wei Long breathed a sigh of relief, "Low-grade metals are easy to obtain and have a large quantity, while high-grade metals have more energy and high quality."

With the continuous integration of metal energy, the metamorphosis on the 'Black Iron Book' is even more astonishing.

The foundation of this precious book is the material of the horned dragon cub, with a touch of flame marks, which seems to have reached a certain balance between water and fire.

"This feeling?"

Treasure Soldier: Book of Black Iron [Extreme Solid Glyph]

The Book of Black Iron has finally reached the limit of the God and Demon Soldier, and touched the threshold of the God and Demon King Soldier.

Wei Long felt that he couldn't just eat cheap metals in the future. If he vomited, it would make Baobing a little malnourished. Variety."

Wei Long looked at the dark mountain-shaped relief of the "Book of Black Iron", where there was a trace of flames, and he fell into deep thought.

"Forget it, when there is a chance in the future, just buy more good metal materials to try." Wei Long stopped thinking about it.

After upgrading the Black Iron Book, Wei Long took out 28 divine blood again.

He didn't go to the auction of Baibao Pavilion because he wanted to improve his strength.

There are many real treasures in Baibao Pavilion, but they have nothing to do with him.

Because Wei Long has no money.

"I'm ashamed to say that the Guhua Chamber of Commerce keeps expanding, and the business is getting bigger and bigger, but I haven't touched many Xiayu." Wei Long felt a little sad.

He still doesn't have enough background, unlike Elder Zeng Qingru who can just give him a treasure like a fire golden vine, and because of his rapid improvement in strength, he can't save money at all.

Except for the funds for the expansion of the chamber of commerce, the rest were used in exchange for cultivation resources.

Wei Long took the divine blood one by one. The last time he almost overturned on the Guangming Divine Blood, this time he was not greedy for too much. He started with the Golden Snake Divine Blood, killing the Golden Snake distortion factor in it, leaving behind the transformation factor and abundant energy .

Yuanmo's divine blood is very tyrannical, but under Wei Long's 'Ziji Bahuang', he is just a younger brother and can't resist at all, until the 28 divine bloodlines are absorbed.

Wei Long's heart moved, and all the transformation factors were added to the Dali Bone Inscription.

Bone Inscription: Vigorous Bone Inscription [Intermediate]

The Vigorous Bone Inscription has been upgraded from [Elementary] to [Intermediate], and Wei Long's strength has increased by [-]%.

"The previous increase has not yet fully turned into the background, I did not expect to increase again this time."

Wei Long quietly realized that under the skin, qi and blood are rising, surrounded by the sun, and in the blood, bones and viscera, there are bones and mysteries permeating, as if reborn again, the mortal body is constantly changing, as if to touch the higher level.

(End of this chapter)

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