Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 98 The King's Family of Giant Crocodile Mountain

Chapter 98 The King's Family of Giant Crocodile Mountain (please subscribe)


"So strong."

"Really strong!"

Wei Long felt that he could smash a mountain with one punch.

He knew that this was probably an illusion, but as his body continued to grow stronger, it made him intoxicated.

"This is the path I pursue! What power, what maid, everything, on the road of self-improvement, vulnerable!"

Wei Long's self-control ability has improved, and he has invisibly matched his heart.

In a trance, he touched Linglong's true meaning again, this time it was more within reach.

There is no trace of Linglong's true meaning, and its beauty cannot be missed.Like the sound in the air, the color in the image, the shadow in the water, and the image in the mirror, there are endless words and infinite meanings.

That is enough self-awareness to control the body of gods and demons.

But at this moment, in Wei Long's heart, it seems that the fog has been cleared, and he has seen a more real world, which is the original world of power.

Original heart.

The heart is lofty.

The heart remains the same.

But after all, the door of Linglong's sincerity is not easy to push open, Wei Long felt that it should be able to be pushed open by force, [-]-[-].

But after pushing away, Lei Jie added to his body, and there might not even be a [-]-[-] chance.

I'm afraid I'm afraid.

Wouldn't it be a loss for Liang Liang?

"Forget it, forget it, why bother to force it, it will be a matter of course." Wei Long quietly figured out the true meaning in his heart, and no longer forced it.

The first time he felt that his state of mind had improved was when the Guhua Chamber of Commerce was initially established. He pointed out the country at the gathering of true disciples, and he could decide the rise and fall of a city with one word.

After that, he was entangled in mundane affairs, which made him feel detached.

"Linglong's true meaning is a kind of beauty. If you want to surpass the god-devil body, you must have a powerful mind like a god-devil."

This is also due to the improvement of bone inscriptions, Wei Long's physical transformation, and his own spiritual understanding has increased, just like when he strengthens his skills, his own understanding of true meaning will also increase.

Wei Long once again realized the difference between the way of cultivation of the human race and the way of cultivation of the Pantheon.

One is my power, and the other is my power.

Putting aside the path of the sustenance mode in which the Pantheon needs the divine blood bestowed by the upper gods for cultivation.


The path of the Pantheon is not necessarily without merit.

For example, if someone has a heart for the light and walks the path of the light protoss, then his own perception and the source of power will continue to match, regardless of whether the power is in charge of me or my power is in charge.

It's me becoming one with the otherworldly source.

"Yuan Shisan should be the strong man in this situation." Thinking of this, Wei Long's heart moved.

He suddenly understood.

There should be such people in the pantheon, because when the base reaches a certain level, there must be those who are in line with the source.

"The Pantheon is poaching the corner of the human race."

Wei Long felt a little heavy. The most important thing restricting the development of the Pantheon now was the limited blood of the upper gods.

One day, the divine blood is infinite, and everyone can choose the path of origin that suits them.

At that time, who is the evil way?
A barren mountain peak, this is the edge of the wilderness, completely uninhabited.

A tall figure, with a tall treasure book floating in front of him, I saw that person pouring "one yuan heavy water" continuously, behind him, a shadow of the true meaning of a prison beast appeared, and black prison fire was also poured into it In the treasure book, purple pill clouds hovered over the treasure book, and an incomparably terrifying power was brewing in it.

That figure was naturally Wei Long.

Wei Long injected the 'one-element heavy water' and 'prison beast flame' into the 'Book of Black Iron', which is also part of the supernatural power of the Book of Black Iron when it reaches the level of the best magic soldier. It can absorb the power of fire, and the combination of water and fire, And faintly repelling it, forming a powerful force, the book of black iron grew to a huge size of ten feet.

Wei Long's figure flickered, came to the sky, and punched out violently.

boom! ! !
The earth trembled.

The earthquake was felt in a radius of hundreds of miles.

The almost indescribable fierce power seems to have touched the root of power.

It was a kind of extreme violent power, superimposed on the Book of Black Iron with a strong attribute, and it fully displayed the violent power.

The mountains rumbled, and the sky fell apart.

The high mountain turned into gravel, like a stone, smashed from it, and then rolled and fell around, from the mountain to the basin sinkhole.

"It turns out that I can really smash mountains." Wei Long looked at the messy land.

The desolate beasts living on the edge of the wilderness, like frightened little rabbits, keep running away.

A shadow of ruins enveloped the world for more than ten miles. Wei Long's figure moved, refining the tide of beasts into precious blood.

These desolate beasts were not enough for him to squeeze between his teeth.

But Wei Long, who was born in a barren village, knew that his actions created a small wave of beasts, and it would be easy for him to erase the small wave of beasts.

One cannot forget one's roots.

After Wei Long demonstrated his ability, he didn't know how to describe his strength anymore.

If there is really a taboo level in the Golden Core Realm, he should be there by now.


It's really hard to judge whether it is specific or not.

But no matter whether he arrives or not, the power is his own after all. Wei Long knows that the realm of gods and demons is getting closer and closer to him.

And his heart is strong enough to control the power of gods and demons.

Outside Baibao City.

"The auction is over?" Wei Long came to Baibao City and found that compared with the crowds of more than half a month, there are still many people on the street, but much less than before.

"It's over." Seeing that Wei Long came back safely, Zeng Qingru was in a good mood, but he still told him, "I have already heard about the deaths of Snake Six, Snake Seven, and Yuan Shisan, so don't be so rash next time."

As he spoke, he handed a porcelain bottle to Wei Long.

Zeng Qingru already regretted it a little, and blamed that damned Chen Ming, who pretended to be green onions, for recruiting Wei Long in advance without saying hello to him.

Wei Long hadn't grown up yet, but he was so greedy for the blood of the gods, Zeng Qingru was afraid that something might happen to him.

Wei Long opened a trace of the bottle, and found a drop of blood that was as bright as a star inside, with an amazing silver-blue color.

This is not only a drop of divine blood, but it is likely to be condensed from the blood of a higher god.

"This is the blood of the true god refined from a silver-horned protoss I once killed. If you need it, use it." Zeng Qingru said.

The elder's tone was indifferent, but Wei Long knew that this drop of the blood of the true god was no less precious than the fire golden vine.

Wei Long was inexplicably moved, apparently the elder was afraid that he would kill the Son of God rashly and cause danger.

It is impossible for the Pantheon to be unaware of the organization of the God and Demon Society, but the members of the God and Demon Society are loose, and the tasks are passed in one direction. Even if a trap is set, it is not known who is performing the task.

The God and Demon Society is a small circle of like-minded people, preventing the expansion of the Pantheon is more out of a sense of responsibility.

The more this kind of person, the harder it is for the Pantheon to target.

And a fledgling like Wei Long, who is greedy for divine blood, is more likely to be targeted.

"I said I'm not taking risks, but I'm still taking risks." Wei Long thought about it, and he also came to his senses.

He has always vowed not to take risks lightly, but after killing Mingba, the blood was so fragrant that he 'smartly' asked for some information from Wan Renzhu.

It's not that Wei Long can't kill, but he's a little impatient.

Killing Snake Six, Snake Seven and Killing Yuan Thirteen are too close together. I am afraid that some young geniuses in the Pantheon will have more high gods guarding him secretly waiting for him.

Wei Long thinks he is calm and low-key.

But deep down in his heart, he was really a little flustered. Sun Fenghan, an old true disciple, apologized in retreat, and Liu Wufeng, the captain of the law enforcement team, resigned and backed down.


People are like this, if they are not careful, they slap themselves.

Moreover, I don't know it yet.

In the end, there is no escape from a true fragrance.

"Then Pantheon asked us for Mingba, and negotiated with us in advance." Seeing that Wei Long had realized something, Zeng Qingru nodded in relief.

"I do not go."

Zeng Qingru asked someone to take good care of Wang Duoduo. Now that the Baibao City auction is over, Wang Duoduo is being taken care of well.

Traveling all the way to the mountains and rivers, I arrived at a town hundreds of miles away from the Giant Crocodile Mountain.

Zeng Qingru and Wei Long came to pick him up, and the little guy got into a fight.

"Aunt Pingping, I won't leave." Wang Duoduo grabbed the hand of a woman. He was raised white and fat, with chubby little hands, "I want to follow Aunt Pingping."

That woman is a disciple of Lingxu Cave, named Zhen Pingping, she looks sweet and cute, at this moment coaxing: "Didn't Duoduo say you want mom and dad?"

"I want Aunt Pingping, I want Aunt Pingping."

Wang Duoduo almost forgot about his parents.

Wei Long and Zeng Qingru looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ekou City is a city that has gradually prospered due to the development of the Xiayu mine in the Giant Crocodile Mountain.

Some people say that a pure-blooded wild beast ancestor crocodile once fell in the giant crocodile mountain, and the precious blood was scattered on the ground, forming the Xiayu mine.This is just a legend.

The largest family in Ekou City is the Wang family.

The Wang family made their fortune from mining, and in the hands of the previous patriarch, Wang Chuanping, they really became bigger, and even built a city, which grew bigger and bigger.


In the Wang family compound, Wang Jiadong walked out of the inner house, and he had a big fight with his wife, he was in a bad mood, "Duo Duo hasn't heard from you yet, so what's the attitude of the Pantheon, don't you care about Mingba?"

"Patriarch, there has been no news from Ming Ba for more than half a month, and we have no way to investigate the Liyu Tower. The Zhou family of the gods and demons did not let the news leak out."

A scribe dressed as an aide beside him said: "Our plan should be completed."

"I hope so." Wang Jiadong sighed. His father was a strong man who led the Wang family to flourish.

But from Wang Jiadong's point of view now, his father's vision back then was still too short-sighted.

Back then, after discovering the Xiayu mine, Wang Chuanping knew that he couldn't monopolize it, and the Wang family didn't have the strength to monopolize it.

He even cooperated with the Zhou family of gods and demons. Before deciding how to develop it, the Pantheon got the news and intervened.

A hundred years ago, the Pantheon had just established a branch hall in Iron Sand City, and urgently needed funds. I did not know where to get the news, and wanted to rob the mine discovered by the Wang family.

Wang Chuanping's clever means directly attracted the Lingxu Cave, and the [-]% Xiayu developed with the mine, let Zeng Qingru, who was still the real one, intervene.

At that time, Zeng Qingru, who was about to abdicate, was already on the edge of the realm of gods and demons, and needed resources.


I also deeply understand the threat of the Pantheon's opening of a branch hall in Nanhuang to the Lingxu Cave and the human race.

Pushing the boat along the way exerted the influence of the cave, and did not allow the Pantheon to succeed, so that the Wang family could dominate the mine affairs.

"But success also benefits, and failure also benefits." Wang Jiadong sighed, and said to the scribes beside him: "You said, if my father had completely voted for Zeng Qingru and the Lingxu Cave, he probably wouldn't have suffered misfortune in his later years. "

The scribe persuaded: "Patriarch, the most urgent thing is to keep the Wang family."

"As a son, I am in vain! As a father, I am even more unqualified!" Wang Jiadong clenched his fists fiercely.

Wang Chuanping died of a wild animal crisis in the mine a year ago. However, this is the northern part of Xing'an County, not the edge of the wilderness. The sudden appearance of the remnant species reveals the atmosphere of conspiracy everywhere.And a month ago, a Pantheon madman named Mingba kidnapped his youngest son, just like the Pantheon back then, he insisted on taking a share of the mine.

(End of this chapter)

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