The Summoning of Billions of Gods and Demons from Another World

Chapter 1 Don't be ruthless, can't stand firm!

Chapter 1 Don't be ruthless, can't stand firm!
"If there is an afterlife, I, Qin Feng, will definitely have power over the world." A thought flashed through Qin Feng's mind, and he collapsed weakly.


Qin Feng felt that he was thrown to the ground, and his chest hit the ground heavily, causing severe pain.

"What's going on here? Isn't Lao Tzu dead?" Qin Feng's thoughts were like a ball of paste, and his thoughts were chaotic.

He clearly remembered that a knife pierced his chest, and he should have died, how could he wake up?
Qin Feng lay on the ground without moving, and his thoughts gradually became clear. He was born on the earth and was an orphan.

In an accident, he was rescued by a man named Uncle Bo, and then he followed Uncle Bo into the gray forces,

Uncle Po Boss,

Relying on the ruthlessness cultivated since childhood, he fought all the way and earned a great reputation,
Uncle Bo has become a big boss.

Later, Uncle Po feared that his achievements would overwhelm the master,
The outside only remembers Qin Feng, but not him, Uncle Bo,

Later, after Uncle Bo established his position, he attacked him and sent more than 20 thugs to surround and kill him.

It's ridiculous that he didn't develop a confidant because he trusted Uncle Po and believed in Uncle Po's trust in him.

Besieged and killed by more than 20 thugs, fighting desperately, and finally pierced through the chest with a long knife,

"I'm obviously dead? But why am I alive again?" After Qin Feng sorted out his memory, his eyes showed a blank look.

"Ah" Suddenly Qin Feng felt a pain in his mind, and a ball of memory flooded into his mind again,

After a while, Qin Feng absorbed the mass of memory and understood why he woke up.

He is really dead, and now it can be said that he is reborn, or time travel is the most appropriate,
This place is no longer Earth, and the body he travels through is also named Qin Feng, who belongs to the Shenzhou Continent, the Great Xia Dynasty, the young master of a wealthy businessman in Qianlong County, a county town.

Because the Qin family has a lot of property, it can be said to be the head of Qianlong County, but they have gold and silver, but they have no power to protect them.

Everyone is innocent, but Huaibi is guilty.

The wealth of the family is peeped by many forces, and the warriors often go to their homes to borrow money. Of course, there is no repayment.
The family is oppressed because there is no strength in the family, let alone warriors.

There are also warriors in the family to worship, but they are all things that spend money but don't work hard. They are called to recharge their energy and recharge their batteries, and they will not take action until the Qin family is destroyed.

As the young master of the Qin family, he is aware of the hardships of the family, so after his 20th birthday, he sneaked out,
I am preparing to join the army, because after making military exploits in the army, I can obtain exercises, so that I can train my body and become a warrior.
After a month, he sneaked to the border to join the army. He was clever. The first thing he did after joining the army was not to think about how to make military exploits.
But thinking about bribing the superiors,

Not only did he want to do it, he bribed all the bank notes he carried from home,
What the original owner didn't expect was that instead of being appreciated by his superiors, he was thrown from the rank of soldier to the cannon fodder battalion after bribing his superiors.

Where is the cannon fodder camp?To be precise, this is the place to die, there is a 90.00% mortality rate,

Most of the cannon fodder camps are death row prisoners,

"Silly boy who has no strength, everything is useless. He took out a huge amount of money to bribe his superiors, but he didn't know that he had violated the taboo of not revealing his wealth."

Qin Feng withdrew his consciousness, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,
How similar are the two of them, death is due to lack of strength,
But I'm luckier than him, at least I was born again.

Qin Feng got up from the ground, the important thing now is to figure out the surrounding situation, looking around,

The first thing you see is dirty, like a beggar's nest,
Hundreds of people were dressed in tattered clothes, emitting a strong stench from their bodies, lying or sitting, with numbness and despair in their eyes.

After Qin Feng was thrown in and stood up now, they didn't pay attention at all, they were already numb, and these couldn't attract their attention.

However, beside the hundreds of people, there were seven people who attracted Qin Feng's attention. First of all, the other party was tall and big, unlike the hundreds of people in front of him with yellow and muscular faces.

There were seven other people wearing armor. Although it was broken and could no longer cover their bodies, it was also armor, a precious thing that could save their lives.

What attracted Qin Feng's attention the most was that the seven people looked at him with glowing eyes, revealing wolf-like gazes,

This look is familiar to Qin Feng, because when he met a beautiful woman on earth, he would show such a look,
Qin Feng looked down at himself, his skin was fair, thin and tender, and he knew from his memory that his body was a beautiful man,

No wonder the other party looks at him like that,

In the cannon fodder camp, men with thin skin and tender flesh will always have some preferential treatment,
There is no fear in Qin Feng's eyes. He has seen many storms and waves in his previous life. Although his current body is not the opponent's seven opponents,
But as long as the other party dared to come, he would dare to chop the other party, even if he died, he would have no worries.

In his previous life, he was able to gain a great reputation from an orphan because of his ruthlessness,
And in this life, he will be even more ruthless, because he is dead, and this life is earned, when he is unscrupulous,

Heart is not cruel, stand still!
He retreated towards a corner, because there was a knife there,

Qin Feng retreated into the corner, picked up the knife, hugged it in his arms, and then closed his eyes to rest his mind. Now he urgently needs to recover his strength.

"Brother Hu, look at that kid, he looks like a woman with his skin and tender flesh." Seven people looked at Qin Feng, and Dao Scar said to Brother Hu.

Brother Hu is the tallest of the seven, the one with the heaviest evil spirit and the most complete armor.

The seven of them were criminals who were about to be beheaded. Because of the war on the frontier, they were thrown into the cannon fodder camp.

"I think that's a girl." Brother Hu said loudly, with a ferocious and excited expression on his face,
"Scar, you go and drag her over to me. In this day of blood licking on the blade, if there is no woman to vent, I will go crazy sooner or later."

"Brother Hu, wait." Dao Scar responded, got up and walked towards Qin Feng, with excitement on his face.

Brother Hu likes to drink spicy food, they can also drink soup, can't they?

"Third brother, be careful. Look at that kid holding the knife. I think the other party is not easy." The second child looked at Qin Feng like a poisonous snake, and said slowly.

"Second brother is in any danger. You see, that kid has delicate skin and tender meat. I'm afraid he hasn't even killed a chicken."

Scar said indifferently.

"Scar, you go with the knife." Brother Hu glanced at Qin Feng, disdainful, but still reminded Scar, so as not to capsize in the gutter.

"Okay!" Dao Scar bent down to pick up the knife with some displeasure, and walked towards Qin Feng.

When the other people standing in front of Scar saw Scar approaching, their eyes showed fear, and they avoided him one after another.

Qin Feng noticed the arrival of the knife scar, his eyes showed a cold look, he stood up, and took the knife in his hand.

When Scar approached him, Qin Feng said coldly:
"Go away! Don't mess with me, otherwise, you will die!"

ps: The new book asks for a recommendation ticket, please recommend a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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