Chapter 2 Super Card System!

When Scar heard Qin Feng's words, he subconsciously paused, and was about to back away.
The moment he heard Qin Feng's scolding, he felt fear in his heart, as if the other party was someone more fierce than him.

When Scar reacted, what kind of fierce person was there in front of him, he was simply a boy with delicate skin and tender flesh.

"Boy, you are very courageous, how dare you scold your grandpa Scar." Scar was angry and approached Qin Feng,

Seeing Qin Feng not waving the knife in his hand for a long time, he thought it was because he was afraid, so he didn't dare to wave it at all.

Scar grinned grinningly, stretched out one hand to the front, ready to capture the opponent with one hand,
"Great opportunity!" Qin Feng's eyes lit up fiercely, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he shot like lightning, slashing at Scar's arm, breaking off his arm first,
The knife falls, the hand breaks.


Severe pain flooded into Scar's mind, and he let out a scream, and his body fell to his knees directly on the ground.

"Not good." Brother Hu, the second child and the others saw everything that happened like lightning, especially the moment when Scar was kneeling on the ground, they yelled in their hearts that it was not good, got up quickly, and ran towards Scar.

But a few people knew in their hearts that it might be too late.

The other party can cut off Scar's arm fiercely, how can he give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Boy, stop it, if you kill him, I will tear you to pieces." Brother Hu yelled sharply,

His cultivation was close to that of a third-rate martial artist, and his loud shout was deafening, resounding through the sky,

"Hahahaha, I, Qin Feng, have already decided that I only want to live happily in this life! Whoever wants to kill me, I will kill whoever, even the king of heaven and I can't stop it!"

Qin Feng had no fear on his face, he laughed wildly, and stabbed hard with the knife in his hand, piercing Scar's chest.

"Ding, the host kills the enemy, and the super card system is activated."

"Ding, the host kills the enemy and gets a second-rate general card, may the host use it?"

Qin Feng watched Brother Hu, the second child and others arrived, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and when he was about to fight to the death,
A voice rang in his ear,

Qin Feng has read some time-traveling novels, and instantly felt that this should be his golden finger.

The enemy was approaching, and Qin Feng didn't have time to think about what kind of golden finger it was, so he quickly said according to the prompt.


"Ding, congratulations to the host for using the general card."

"Ding, the general card was used successfully, and Li Kui was successfully summoned."

Name: Li Kui

Race: human
Cultivation level: second-rate warrior.

Cultivation method: Black Spinning Crazy Jue (top-grade yellow grade) Blast slash (top-grade yellow grade)

Weapon: Broad Axe

Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host.)
Origin: Outlaws of the Marsh
Character experience: One of the 108 generals of Liangshan.Li Tieniu, nicknamed "Black Whirlwind", ranked No. 20 and second in Liangshan's ranking, and he was the fifth infantry leader in Liangshan.

In order to avenge his mother, he killed the tiger. After Liangshan was recruited, he followed the army to conquer the Liao Kingdom, Tian Hu, Wang Qing, and Fang La; after the war, he was named the governor of Zhenjiang Runzhou.

After Song Jiang was poisoned by drinking the poisonous wine sent by treacherous officials such as Gao Qiu, he was worried that Li Kui would rebel and take revenge again, so he asked Li Kui to drink the poisoned wine, and Li Kui died later.

"Damn it, how dare you kill Dao Scar, die to me!" Brother Hu rushed to him, shouted loudly, and sliced ​​off Qin Feng's head with his knife.

"It's so strong." Qin Feng's complexion was aching when he was hit by the strong wind with a knife. The opponent's strength was extremely powerful.
It is even stronger than at the peak of his previous life.

With a calm face, Qin Feng raised his knife to block Brother Hu's attack. Now he only hopes that the golden finger will play a role soon.

Two knives collide,

Qin Feng only felt a huge force coming from the blade, the tiger's mouth was shattered, and the long knife in his palm was held tightly by him, so he didn't let go.

However, his whole body was thrown out by the huge force, and he was thrown out for a full five or six meters.

Just as Brother Hu was about to approach Qin Feng and kill him, there was a deafening shout.

"Ah! How dare you hurt my brother Qin Feng, I Tieniu will kill you!"

Standing up suddenly among a hundred cannon fodder was a bearded, dark-skinned, hulking man holding two axes.

Holding two broad axes, Li Kui rushed towards Brother Hu as if his body had turned into a black whirlwind.

The momentum is monstrous, and the evil spirit is compelling.

"Ah!" Seeing Li Kui's aura, Brother Hu was so frightened that his aura far surpassed that of a third-rate general.

Where did such a murderer come from in the cannon fodder battalion?

Frightened and ran away,

But his speed is not as fast as Li Kui's,
Li Kui soon overtook him, and with one ax he chopped Brother Hu in half.

"And how dare you bully brother Qin Feng, you will all die to me!" Li Kui roared wildly, and directly killed the second child and the others,
Basically, it is one ax and one, and it takes less than 1 minute to solve all of them.

"Brother Qin Feng, are you okay?" Li Kui quickly ran to Qin Feng, threw two axes on the ground, and shouted quickly.

Seeing that Qin Feng hadn't spoken for a long time, Li Kui quickly said:
"Brother Qin Feng, you don't know me Tieniu anymore? You saved my mother back then, and my mother asked me to repay you."

"Black Whirlwind Tie Niu, how could I forget." Qin Feng smiled at Li Kui, his eyes were calm, and he said calmly.

From Li Kui's words, Qin Feng instantly analyzed that Li Kui had no previous memory and did not know the existence of the system.
"Brother Qin Feng still remembers me Tieniu." Li Kui's rough face was full of joyful smiles, and his words were excited,

"Go, Brother Qin Feng, I'll help you to have a rest."

Li Kui supported Qin Feng and walked aside,
The cannon fodder standing in front of Li Kui and Qin Feng quickly backed away, looking at Li Kui with awe and fear.

"Tie Niu, I'll rest for a while, watch out and don't let anyone approach me." Qin Feng leaned against a stone,
"Brother Qin Feng, don't worry, I, Tie Niu, will never let anyone approach you. If anyone dares to approach you, I will smash his head!"

Li Kui assured Qin Feng, patted his chest, and looked around with a grinning face.

The cannon fodder around lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at Li Kui at all.

This man is definitely a murderer.

"Okay!" Qin Feng felt relieved, rested his body, and asked in his mind: "Super card system?"

"May I ask if the host accepts the manual?" The system prompt sounded.

Qin Feng was a little surprised, it is really advancing with the times, the system has manuals.

"Accept." Qin Feng said quickly, it is much more convenient to have the manual, no need to ask, no need to explore,
A piece of information came into Qin Feng's mind in an instant, the super card system, the golden finger that came through.

Kill the enemy, there is a certain chance to get a card, what the card represents, you can call it out,
There are soldier cards, general cards, fairy cards, upgrade cards, weapon cards, etc.,
In short, everything is possible.

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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