Chapter 17 Even more powerful!


The BMW under the crotch of the commander who imparted the military order couldn't bear Li Kui's aura, and collapsed directly on the ground.

The commander was suppressed by the momentum and couldn't move for a while.

"You dare to kill me? Are you not afraid of the wrath of the five generals?" The commander shouted sharply with his eyes wide open.

"Hahahaha," Qin Feng was laughed at by the commander's ridiculous words.

"They have already hung the knife around Qin's neck, and Qin is not allowed to resist? It's ridiculous.

If you want to kill Qin, you need to see if their necks are stiff and whether they can block the sharp blades of Qin and his brothers. "

Qin Feng's face was as indifferent as water, and he said coldly.

"Gao Shun, Yang Zhi, you two will integrate the army, and follow me on the horse to step on the five generals! Let them know that Qin is not easy to bully, murderers, people will always kill them!"

"The last general will obey the lord's orders." Gao Shun, Yang Zhi said loudly, and quickly returned to the barracks with the entire army,
"Clang." Li Kui slashed down with a sharp axe. The commander didn't even have a chance to resist, and was directly split in half.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a second-rate general card."

Just as Qin Feng turned around and returned to the barracks, the system's prompt sounded in Qin Feng's mind, and he received a second-rate general card.

"Okay! In this way, I will be more confident and step on the five major generals." Qin Feng's heart is more confident.

"System, use second-rate military general cards." Qin Feng said to the system silently in his heart.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for using the second-rate general card and obtaining the second-rate general Wu Song."

Name: Wu Song

Race: human
Cultivation level: second-rate warrior.

Kung Fu method: subduing dragon and subduing tiger formula (top grade of yellow grade) and crouching tiger boxing (top grade of yellow grade).
Weapons: Snowflake Iron Knife (Two)
Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host.)
Origin: Outlaws of the Marsh
Character experience: Wu Song ranks second, known as Wu Erlang by people in the rivers and lakes, and a native of Qinghe County.Jingyanggang drank eighteen bowls of wine, killed a tiger, and became the head of the infantry in Yanggu County.

Brother Wu Dalang was murdered by adulterers Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing.Wu Song killed the adulterer and raped, surrendered to the police, and was sent to Mengzhou prison.

Then I got to know Shi En.In order to regain the store for Shi En, he drunk and beat Jiang Menshen.

Killed Zhang Tuanlian and Jiang Menshen in Yuanyang Tower, disguised as a walker in Zhangqing Hotel on Shizipo, fell grass in Erlong Mountain, and then defected to Liangshanbo.Become the No.14 hero in Liangshan, the No.2 leader of the infantry.He lost his left arm when he attacked Fang La, and stayed in Liuhe Temple to take care of Lin Chong. After becoming a monk, he died at the age of 80.

Qin Feng walked towards the barracks, and now he has gained another second-rate general, and he has four second-rate generals on his side.
He possesses the Fang Tian Painting Halberd at the level of a magic weapon, and he can display the strength of a second-rate warrior, not weaker than the opponent.

What's more, he still has a trump card, which is to hand over Fang Tian's painted halberd to Gao Shun or Yang Zhi, and his strength will far exceed that of second-rate warriors.

"Where is the beast running?"

A shout sounded from a distance, and then a white-fronted tiger with stern eyes rushed over.

A figure jumped up high from a distance, and landed directly on the body of the eye-catching white-fronted tiger. A fist the size of a casserole bombarded the body of the eye-catching white-fronted tiger, directly bleeding to death from the seven orifices of the eye-catching white-fronted tiger.

Qin Feng stopped, turned his eyes to the back and saw a burly man with a square face and full of righteousness, carrying two Jiedao on his back, sitting on a tiger carcass,

It seems that this person is Wu Song.

"Wu Song is late, please forgive me." When Wu Song saw Qin Feng who was revered by everyone, his eyes lit up and he hurried over.

"I don't know who a strong man is?" Qin Feng asked suspiciously, pretending not to understand.

"My lord, this villain is a hunter in the mountains. I wanted to come here to seek refuge with my lord, but when I thought of meeting you for the first time, I was afraid that I would neglect your lord, so I went to the mountain to hunt a big worm and gave it to my lord to taste." Wu Song raised his eyes and white forehead Hu lifted it up and walked towards Qin Feng.

"Okay, a strong man is mighty, I have Wu Song as a tiger with wings." Qin Feng laughed and pulled Wu Song into the tent together.

Introduce it to Li Kui, Gao Shun and Yang Zhi.

Wu Song quickly became friends with Li Kui and Yang Zhi, but he was a little distant from Gao Shun.

Among the reasons, Qin Feng has some guesses. Although they have no memory, some things still cannot be changed.

"Li Kui, you send this eye-catching white-fronted tiger to the cooking room, and wait for us to come back and taste it carefully."

Seeing that the timing was about right, Qin Feng held Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand, stepped on the steed, and led Li Kui, Yang Zhi, Wu Song, Gao Shun and [-] soldiers towards the place where the five generals gathered.

The five peak battle strengths, the fighting spirit is boiling, this battle must be won!

Outside the forest, there are tens of thousands of Liao soldiers stationed at this time, the general is a first-class warrior, and there are ten other generals under him.

In the barracks, the general was discussing military affairs with ten generals.

A man with a scar on his forehead sat on top, with a hulking back and a fierce aura exuding from his body.

It has unimaginable power.

This person is the general of the Liao army, Xiao Qiming, a first-class military general, who is good at using long swords, and his sword skills are superb.

"The general's subordinates believe that taking advantage of the low morale of the Great Xia army, they should take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill all the remnants."

A general sitting in the front seat stood up, bowed his hands to the general, and said respectfully.

"General, my subordinates think otherwise. Although Xia Jun's morale is low now, he has not lost his fighting spirit. Once there is a big battle, unnecessary losses will be caused.

I suggest that when the enemy's food and grass are exhausted, start the battle, and the enemy will be wiped out in one fell swoop. "

The general sitting in the other row had a different idea and said.

The two generals kept arguing.

"Okay!" Xiao Qiming opened his eyes suddenly, and said, his words were full of gold and iron horses.

The two generals shut up one after another, lowered their heads in fear, and stopped speaking.

"The two generals each have their own ideas and reasons, but the general said before retreating that he can live in the city of Daxia when he leaves the customs.

All of you remember, this is not our battlefield, it is just a group of ants lingering in this alpine forest,

There is no need to waste unnecessary time for a group of ants,
What's more, my Daliao soldiers are all hot-blooded men, so why fear death?
Pass down the order and tomorrow the army will follow me to flatten the mountains and forests and kill all the lingering ants. "

Xiao Qiming put one hand on the knife, his body became more powerful, as if surrounded by the shadow of the knife, he said domineeringly.

"The last general takes orders." The ten generals quickly stood up and said respectfully, then exited the tent and conveyed the military order to the soldiers outside.

"General Zhang, this is really a clever plan of yours. If you can get through this difficult time, I, Mr. Wang, will follow suit for you in the future."

General Wang Shen said complimentingly to General Zhang Shen.

The other three generals also complimented General Zhang one after another.

ps: The contract is ready and will be sent out today.

(End of this chapter)

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