The Summoning of Billions of Gods and Demons from Another World

Chapter 18 Single-handedly, suppress the army!

Chapter 18 Single-handedly, suppressing thousands of troops!

"General Wang, don't say that, we will surely get through this time, and we will work together in the same boat and become first-class warriors in the future."

Zhang Shenjiang said proudly.

"Come on, General Zhang will replace wine with tea. The four of us respect you." General Wang, General Hong, General Li and other four generals stood up and said flatteringly.

"Okay! Come four brothers, let's celebrate our victory." Zhang Shen was so proud of the spring breeze that he was about to drink the tea in his cup.

"The five bullshit generals quickly get out and die? Let your grandpa Li Kui cut you off with an axe, and give your heads to Brother Qin Feng to kick as a ball."

Suddenly, there was a violent shout in the barracks, rolling and surging, spreading throughout the barracks.

General Zhang, General Wang, General Hong, General Li and other five generals heard it clearly, with angry expressions on their faces.

"Bastard, I want to see who dares to be so arrogant." General Zhang Shen shouted, took off his weapon, and strode outside.

"General Zhang Can go together." General Wang Can, Hong Can, and Li Can stood up one after another, put on their armor, and walked outside.

"Who are you? How dare you be so arrogant?" When the five generals rushed outside, they saw a group of troops in front of the barracks, about 500 people,
It is said that they are soldiers of the Great Xia Dynasty. These 500 people should be the army owned by the commander.

It seems that the commander-in-chief was so bold that he not only disobeyed the barracks, but instead attacked the door.
General Zhang Shen's eyes were cold, the commander would not eat the fine wine after toasting, he was looking for death.

His eyes instantly locked on Qin Feng, who was surrounded by everyone, and said coldly: "Now I'll give you a chance, go back, I'll take the order of the obedient general, otherwise this place will be your burial place."

General Wang, General Hong, General Li and other four generals looked fiercely at Qin Feng, Li Kui, Gao Shun and others.

"This place with beautiful mountains and clear waters is naturally a good place to bury the bones, but it is not the place where my bones are buried, but the place where the five of you and others are buried."

Qin Feng's murderous intent was revealed, and he said domineeringly.

"Li Kui, Gao Shun, Yang Zhi, Wu Song follow me to kill the enemy leader."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he lifted Fang Tian's painted halberd upside down, rode his horse and rushed out,
Fang Tian painted the halberd Today is for me to experience the power of your magic weapon.

"Ignorant child, how dare you be so presumptuous," General Zhang said sharply, and then said to the four generals.

"This person is extremely fierce, obviously he cannot be used by us. The five of us will work together to kill them here. As for the method of breaking through, we will figure out a way in the future."

"Okay!" The four generals including General Wang, General Li, and General Hong were also annoyed by Qin Feng, so they agreed directly.

The five generals charged towards Qin Feng, Li Kui, Gao Shun and the other five.

"Kill!" There was no fear on Qin Feng's face, he only had excitement and passion in his heart, and finally he was able to compete with the masters in this world.

The Fang Tian painted halberd held upside down in his hand slammed towards the front, exerting force from his waist, and slammed it from top to bottom,
This blow definitely surpassed Qin Feng's peak strike, and under the boost of Fang Tian's painted halberd, it directly reached the peak of a second-rate warrior.
"You are also a second-rate warrior." General Wang Shen, who was fighting Qin Feng, suddenly changed his expression, and exclaimed in his mouth.

However, there is no fear on his face, he is also a second-rate martial artist, and he has experienced many battles, and his martial arts skills are perfect.

Facing Qin Feng with a halberd, he raised his knife to meet him.


The weapon is one inch long and one inch stronger. Fang Tian's painted halberd in Qin Feng's hand is not only long, but also a magical weapon. Its attack power is even stronger than that of Wang Shenjiang.

With a halberd, the person who was smashed by Wang Shen turned his back on his horse. The sword in Wang Shen's hand was broken, and his entire arm was torn off. As for the horse, he had already been shocked to death.

In one move, Wang Shen lost and was seriously injured.

"Such an ant dares to order Qin, I don't know what it means." Qin Feng didn't expect that General Wang Shen would be so weak, and said contemptuously,
He rode his horse and chased after General Wang Can,
However, Qin Feng was not good at riding a horse, so he chased Wang Shen for more than 100 steps before he was able to kill General Wang Shen under his horse.

"No." When he was about to die, General Wang Can let out a shrill scream.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 100 experience points."

"Kill, avenge the general." General Wang Can's personal guards rushed towards Qin Feng when they saw General Wang Can's tragic death.

"Just use your heads to celebrate the two generals I like." Qin Feng swung Fang Tian's halberd in his hand, smashing a soldier to death and turning him into a pulp.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Xuan-level top-grade Martial Arts Overlord's Halberd Technique card, may the host use it?"

The system beep sounds.

"Use." Qin Feng killed a soldier again, and said silently in his heart,
"Ding, the Xuan-level high-grade Martial Skill Overlord Halberd Technique card was successfully used."

After a system prompt sounded, Qin Feng felt that countless moves appeared in his mind,

There are also scenes of constant fighting with people,
Having obtained the Xuan-level high-grade martial arts Overlord's Halberd Technique, he has not only inherited the martial arts of the Overlord of Chu, but also inherited the combat experience of the Overlord of Chu,

If he fights with General Wang Can again, Qin Feng is confident that he will kill General Wang Can with one move.

Qin Feng looked at the soldiers who rushed up, his eyes were full of sternness, he rode his horse and rushed up, waving Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand,
When the five commanders rode past with Qin Feng, a drop of blood fell from Fang Tian's painted halberd to the ground.

"What a domineering halberd technique, rare in this life." A commander praised him, tilted his head and knocked him off his horse.
There was a mark on the neck, and the bright red blood spilled out without money.

The other four generals also fell to the ground.

When Qin Feng rushed to the barracks, the soldiers in the barracks retreated one after another.

"Hahaha," Qin Feng couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw such a scene, how heroic he is.

Holding Fang Tian's painting halberd, Qin Feng suddenly drew a line in front of the barracks, and roared, "Listen, anyone who crosses this line will be killed!"

The soldiers in the barracks backed away in fear, not daring to take a step forward.

At this time, the battle between Yang Zhi, Wu Song, Li Kui, and Gao Shun was coming to an end, and they were about to kill their opponents.

Yang Zhi, Wu Song, Li Kui, and Gao Shun are all heroes of China through the ages. If it weren't for the constraints of their environment, they would never stop at second-rate warriors.
It is the exercises practiced by the four people, and the aura produced by Qin Feng has only been felt on Chen Daozong.

"Do not."

"I am willing to surrender."



Following four shrill screams, Yang Zhi, Wu Song, Li Kui, and Gao Shun had killed the four generals.

Five people died, and the tea in the barracks was still warm.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the warrior card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the warrior card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 10 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a second-rate general card,"

(End of this chapter)

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