The Summoning of Billions of Gods and Demons from Another World

Chapter 64 Even if the magistrate is killed, so what?

Chapter 64 Even if the magistrate is killed, so what?

A short and fat middle-aged man, wearing a county magistrate's suit, rushed in leading thirty yamen servants.

Zheng Changlong led his confidants to rush in. Seeing the scene in front of him, the corpses were scattered all over the place. Shi Yun, Wang Fengyang, Liu Daoyang and other six people knelt down on the ground.

How is it different from the scene he imagined before?

Earlier, he was going to wait for fortune, Wang Fengyang and Liu Daoyang to kill the Qin family, then he rushed in with the yamen servants, captured Shiyun, Wang Fengyang, Liu Daoyang and others, and put them in the prison.

Of course it's not true, but it's just pretending. When Shi Yun, Wang Fengyang and others entered Qin's house, they covered their faces so that others couldn't recognize them.
When he was locked in the prison and beheaded at noon, he randomly searched for a dozen prisoners to replace the beheaded,

Looking at the official uniform Zheng Changlong was wearing, Qin Feng knew that he was the county magistrate, and he slightly let go of the aura of the six third-rate warriors including Shi Yun, Wang Fengyang, and Liu Daoyang.

"Master Zheng, help me,"

"Master Zheng, quickly kill this madman."

"Master Zheng, this person killed my servants for no reason, I beg Master Zheng, Lord Qingtian, to be the master for the little people."

Shi Yun, Wang Fengyang, Liu Daoyang and other six third-rate fighters shouted loudly when they saw Zheng Changlong coming, as if seeing a savior.

"The daring madman, in broad daylight, under the bright sky, dares to commit murder and kill, and he is arrested quickly.
If you dare to resist, you are an enemy of the county magistrate, and if you are an enemy of the county magistrate, you are an enemy of the imperial court! "

Zheng Changlong said loudly, the fox pretends to be the tiger, and with the backing of the imperial court, he has no fear at all.

He is an official of the imperial court. Once he is injured or killed, he will be regarded as contemptuous of the imperial court and will be wanted by the imperial court.

"Qin Feng, let us go quickly."

"That's right, if Qin Feng doesn't insist on going his own way, he will definitely increase the crime. If you let us go, we will intercede with Mr. Zheng,"

Shi Yun, Wang Fengyang, Liu Daoyang and other six third-rate warriors said quickly, with resentment in their eyes,

Once Qin Feng is restrained, they must kill Qin Feng,
But now is not the time to show it, the resentment in their eyes flashed and disappeared quickly,
They all looked at Qin Feng with benevolent faces, as if they were not the ones who were vicious before, and kept promising Qin Feng that as long as Qin Feng let them go, they would intercede for Qin Feng.

"Hehe!" Qin Feng sneered at Zheng Changlong who was flaunting his might, "What are you? You deserve to represent the imperial court."

"Die to me!" Qin Feng glared at Zheng Changlong and the other servants, and his momentum exploded.

The powerful aura of "Booming Long" was extremely powerful, like a tyrannical bombardment, it sent Zheng Changlong and many government servants flying away, and all the vitality in his body was shattered.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 10 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 10 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 10 experience points."

The system's prompt sounded in Qin Feng's mind for seven times, and a total of 70 experience points were obtained for killing hundreds of people. '

Shi Yun, Wang Fengyang, Liu Daoyang and other six third-rate fighters were stunned, and even more unbelievable.
"You killed County Magistrate Zheng?" Shi Yun looked at Qin Feng with disbelief, like looking at a lunatic,
How dare he kill magistrate Zheng, how could he kill magistrate Zheng,

He shocked Qin Feng and killed Zheng county magistrate, of course, he was more worried about his own life, desperate,

The other party even dared to kill the county magistrate Zheng, how could they let them go.

"It's just a county magistrate, if you kill it, you will kill it!" Qin Feng said disdainfully, pressing his palm down slightly,
Shi Yun, Wang Fengyang, Liu Daoyang and other six third-rate warriors were directly shocked to death. If they were cut open, they would find that their flesh, bones, and meridians were all broken.

Shi Yun, Wang Fengyang, Liu Daoyang and other six third-rate fighters tilted their heads, their bodies limp on the ground, and they were completely dead,'

The Shi family, Wang family, Liu family, and many warriors and servants who came to the government office were all killed by Qin Feng.

"My son, you have caused a catastrophe." Qin Caihua's face changed wildly, with complicated expressions on his face.
"Feng'er, go quickly, leave Qianlong Town, leave the Great Xia Dynasty, and go to another country." Qin Caihua quickly pushed Qin Feng to the outside,

Feng'er killed the county magistrate, the court will not let Feng'er off.

Qin Feng glanced outside, as if he saw Zheng Changlong's body found by the passing crowd outside, panicked voices,
He said disdainfully: "Father, don't worry, I'm just a county magistrate, and the imperial court will not embarrass me."

"Feng'er, listen to your father, go, go." Yuan Qingshu also said in a panic, looking at Qin Feng worriedly.

"Madam, go to the room quickly, take the bank note on my bed, and bring it to Feng'er." Qin Caihua suddenly remembered that Qin Feng hadn't packed his luggage yet, so he quickly said to Yuan Qingshu,

There is no need to carry other things, but money must be carried,
It is absolutely impossible to go out without money.

"Father, listen to me, as the king of martial arts, let alone kill a county magistrate, even if I kill a magistrate, the court will not do anything to me."

Qin Feng pressed his hands on Qin Caihua's shoulders, trying to calm Qin Caihua down, and said word by word.

"Feng'er, do you think daddy would believe it? If it were you, would you believe it again? Now I tell you, I am actually a powerful warrior, do you believe it?" Qin Caihua stared at Qin Feng's face with the same expression. Said word by word.

The most powerful warrior he has ever seen is a second-rate warrior, and from the two priests and other warriors, he learned that it is difficult to become a warrior, and it is even more difficult to become a third-rate warrior, let alone a first-rate warrior. Musha,
It has never been heard of anyone who can become a first-class warrior in a few months, even in the biographies of the great figures of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Qin Feng was suddenly speechless when asked by Qin Caihua, and he said after a while: "Father, you have to believe that there are always geniuses in this world, and your son is a genius."

"Do I still not understand my son?" Qin Caihua glanced at Qin Feng, quietly waiting for Yuan Qingshu's arrival.

Qin Feng didn't make any excuses, just a black line on his forehead, and he didn't open his mouth to explain anymore.

"Quick, quick, quick, surround me, surround the entire Qin residence." A loud voice sounded outside,

There were a lot of sounds of neatly walking, as well as the sound of weapons beating.

"Rush." ​​In less than 20 seconds, a man wearing a commander's uniform rushed in with [-] soldiers.

"Surrender quickly, or the sword will have no eyes." Yuan Ming said loudly. He received a report that the county magistrate Zheng was killed.

He came quickly, saw Zheng Changlong's body outside, and was furious in his heart, not because he was angry that Zheng Changlong died,

In fact, he had long disliked Zheng Changlong,

He was outraged that someone killed the imperial court official, someone was provoking the imperial court, and quickly deployed soldiers to surround the Qin mansion.
He even took the lead and led the soldiers to rush in directly.

(End of this chapter)

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