The Summoning of Billions of Gods and Demons from Another World

Chapter 65 I have the pride, can stand up to the world!

Chapter 65 I have the pride, can stand up to the world!
"Catch them all for me."

When Yuan Ming rushed in, the soldiers who surrounded the Qin residence also rushed in from all directions.

Yuan Ming gave an order, and a large number of soldiers rushed towards Qin Feng, Qin Caihua, etc., with swords facing each other, and they were about to capture Qin Feng, Qin Caihua, etc.

"Presumptuous! Who dares to touch my lord?"

Yuan Ming and the others were about to rush to Qin Feng, when there was a violent shout, and then there was a booming sound outside, as if an ancient giant beast was coming.

Li Kui, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou arrived. They jumped up from the roof and stood in front of Qin Feng.
The fierce and murderous aura suppressed thousands of soldiers including Yuan Ming.


The momentum was violent, vast, and filled with endless sense of oppression, firmly suppressing thousands of soldiers including Yuan Ming on the ground.

"Who dares to hurt the prince!" Thousands of soldiers rushed in from outside, roaring in their mouths, their swords had already been unsheathed,
When Li Kui, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou put away their momentum, they rushed forward quickly, with swords in their hands on the necks of Yuan Ming and others,

"It's too late in the future, please forgive me." Li Kui, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, Wen Chou turned to face Qin Feng, knelt down on one knee and said in a low voice.

"Get up, you came just in time." Qin Feng waved Li Kui, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou to get up.

"My lord, how do they deal with it?" Hua Xiong bent slightly, and asked Qin Feng with his fists clasped.

"Are they?" Qin Feng glanced at Yuan Ming, he didn't want Yuan Ming to do this, after all he didn't reveal his identity.

However, as a first-class martial artist, he is also the King of Divine Martial Arts of the Great Xia Dynasty, and his majesty is inviolable.
Since these people have offended him, they will naturally be punished: "Because you don't know the identity of the king, you can be pardoned for capital crimes, but hard for living crimes. Each person will be beaten with thirty slaps, as an example to others."

"The order of the last general!" Hua Xiong said sonorously, then turned to face the soldiers, and said loudly:

"The lord has ordered that each person be hit with thirty big boards, as a warning to everyone else!"

"Follow the prince's order!" A large number of soldiers said respectfully, set up the guards in Qianlong Town, and walked towards the outside of the Qin Mansion.

"Wait! Can I tell you which prince you are?" Yuan Ming knew Qin Feng and knew that Qin Feng was the young master of the Qin family, but these fierce soldiers called Qin Feng the prince.

Qin Feng is the prince?Thinking of the name Qin Feng, it seems that I have heard it countless times in the past month,
A terrible idea popped up in my heart, but I couldn't believe it.

"My lord is Shenwu King Qin Feng!" Hua Xiong said sonorously, saying that Shenwu King's eyes were full of fanaticism and worship.

"Acknowledge the punishment!" Yuan Ming looked at Qin Feng with fiery eyes, and it turned out to be King Shenwu. Now King Shenwu is the object of worship of the soldiers of the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

He collided with King Shenwu and was punished willingly, even he felt that the [-]th board was a bit light,

Yuan Qingshu came with a package just now, and when he heard Hua Xiong's words, the package in his hand fell off, and the contents were scattered all over the floor.
He stared blankly at Qin Feng.

Feng'er is the king of martial arts?

Qin Caihua also fell into a daze, staring at Qin Feng blankly,

Although he heard Qin Feng say that he is the King of Shenwu, he didn't believe it in his heart.

Now that the facts were placed in front of him, he couldn't help but not believe it, and his heart was shocked beyond words.

It is really difficult for them to imagine Qin Feng, who used to be nostalgic for romance, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, as an invincible existence commanding thousands of troops on the battlefield.

"Feng'er, are you really the King of Martial Arts?" Qin Caihua came back to his senses a little bit, walked to Qin Feng's side, and asked again.

"Yeah!" Qin Feng smiled and nodded heavily.
"Soldiers, my king asks you, what is my identity?" Qin Feng faced the soldiers and asked boldly.

"Shenwu King!"

"Shenwu King!"

"Shenwu King!"

Hua Xiong, Li Kui, Yan Liang, Wen Chou and all the soldiers roared.

Then Qin Feng ordered Hua Xiong, Li Kui, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou to lead many soldiers to kill the Shi family, Wang family, Liu family, and Zheng Changlong's family to prevent future troubles.

Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou lead soldiers in battle, they are used to seeing life and death, and they don't command soldiers with kindness, and they don't have the benevolence of women.

As for Li Kui, he has no woman's benevolence, as long as it is Qin Feng's order, he will carry it out.
Even if he was ordered to slaughter the whole town, he would do it!
Three days later, Qin Feng led Hua Xiong and Li Kui to leave Qianlong Town. As for Yan Liang and Wen Chou, they were left in Qianlong Town and ordered by Qin Feng to stay to protect Qin Caihua, Yuan Qingshu and others.

After waiting for Qin Feng to choose a foothold, he took his parents there,
Qin Feng sat in the sedan chair with a thick smile on his lips. He thought about what happened in the past three days,
The whole Qianlong Town is extremely lively, the prefects and family patriarchs of the surrounding cities all came to Qianlong Town to meet them,
Only then did his parents feel his authority and feel a lot of pride for him.

The Qin family is even more famous in Qianlong Town, and even famous in a radius of hundreds of miles.

"My lord, Bai Qi and General Yang Lin are back!" Hua Xiong walked to Qin Feng's sedan chair and whispered.

"Stop!" Qin Feng got off the sedan chair, saw Hua Xiong, Bai Qi, Yang Lin stood aside, and asked:
"Bai Qi, Yang Lin, how is your inquiry? Can you find out where Wei Yongsheng is retreating?"

"My lord, the last general is incompetent, and I didn't find out where Wei Yongsheng retreated." Bai Qi, Yang Lin cupped his hands, bent slightly, and said in a deep voice,

"It's a pity!" Qin Feng sighed and got up in vain. Yang Lin's answer was both expected and unexpected.

One must be cautious in retreating and breaking through, but he did not expect that Wei Yongsheng, as a peerless military general in the early stage and an almost invincible existence in the Great Xia Dynasty, would be so cautious.

"However, my lord, we have found a piece of news," Yang Lin looked at Qin Feng respectfully, and said in a deep voice.

"Tell me and listen." Qin Feng looked at Yang Lin, nodded, and said to Yang Lin.

"My lord, after we arrived at the imperial city, we made many inquiries and sneaked into the Grand Marshal's Mansion. Wei Yongsheng is indeed going to break through to the mid-term master realm of peerless warriors, and has even broken through, and is consolidating his cultivation.
Moreover, Wei Yongsheng was extremely cautious, he didn't even tell his son or wife where he was retreating.

In order to prevent Wei Yongsheng from having trouble finding the lord after leaving the customs, we did not touch anyone in the Generalissimo's Mansion. "

Yang Lin said in a deep voice,

He sighed in his heart, this Wei Yongsheng is indeed a character, he doesn't even believe his own son.

"Let's go, keep going!" Qin Feng's face did not change at all, even if Wei Yongsheng broke through, so what, I am not afraid,

If anyone in the Grand Marshal's Mansion offended him, he would dare to kill him, even if it was Wei Yongsheng's son, even if he would face Wei Yongsheng's revenge.

He is not afraid at all!
This is the arrogance of a warrior, but also his integrity,
As for humility and kneeling, he cannot do it,
There is certainly a chance to rise up, but he can't do it,
If he did, would he still be Qin Feng?

I have a proud bone that can stand up to the sky and the earth, even if the power of the vast heaven and earth, it is difficult to smooth my edges and corners.

(End of this chapter)

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