Chapter 7 Absolutely Ridiculous!

"Go over and ask him to come and pay homage to this commander." Qin Feng said to the soldiers.

"This" soldier was rather hesitant, some didn't want to go over,

"Didn't you hear what my brother said? If you don't go there, I will kill you." Li Kui saw that the soldiers dared to disrespect Qin Feng,
Immediately, he said fiercely, swung the two axes in his hand, and the evil spirit in his body rushed towards the soldiers.

"The younger one will go here, the younger one will go here." Seeing Li Kui's fierce face, and seeing the two huge axes, the soldier turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said.

Then a soldier was quick-witted and quick-responsive, and quickly ran over to Liu Rong,

The remaining soldier was trembling, his legs were shaking,

He just didn't react.

Qin Feng saw the soldiers trotting all the way to Liu Rong's side, talking to Liu Rong, he couldn't hear what he said,
After he saw the soldier finished speaking to Liu Rong, Liu Rong looked at him and smiled contemptuously at him,
Then he said a word to the soldiers and continued to train the soldiers.

The soldier trotted back, looked at Qin Feng and Li Kui in fear, and then stated Liu Rong's words.

"My lord, Commander Liu asked me to tell you that you are not allowed to leave your post during the training period."

Qin Feng was taken aback,
Then there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Liu Rong on the ring with a look of interest in his eyes.

"Is this a slap in the face? Interesting!"

Qin Feng stepped forward and walked inside.

"Your Excellency, please stay still. Commander Liu explained that you haven't figured out your identity yet. You can't enter now.

You need to wait for Centurion Liu to come and confirm your identity after training the soldiers before you can go there. "

The soldier stood in front of Qin Feng and said, this is what Chief Liu asked him to say,
Between the new Chief Thousand and Centurion Liu, he still chose Centurion Liu. After all, Centurion Liu controls [-] soldiers.

Even if the new commander is a third-rate warrior, he is not a match for Commander Liu,

Commander Liu has already emptied the position of Commander-in-Chief,
"Are you going to stop me?" Qin Feng paused, looked at the soldiers with his eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

Holding the sword with one hand, it seemed that there was a disagreement and he was about to kill him.

"President Liu ordered." A gleam of fear flashed across the soldier's eyes, but thinking of the strength of Chief Liu, he still spoke.

"Shut up, answer my question first, are you planning to stop me?" Qin Feng interrupted the soldier's words roughly, and asked coldly.

"I don't dare to be humble." Seeing Qin Feng's gaze, the soldier trembled in his heart, and finally flinched, trembling, and said in fear.

"Then get the hell out of here!" Qin Feng directly pushed the soldier aside roughly, and walked towards the inside.

Seeing Qin Feng's movements, a soldier inside did not dare to say anything, and lowered his head in fear.

"Brother Qin Feng, do you want Tieniu to kill him to vent your anger?" Li Kui waved the two axes in his hand, with a ferocious expression.

"Follow me, you will help me vent my anger later." Qin Feng sneered and strode forward.

"Century Liu is really arrogant." Qin Feng walked to Liu Rong's side and looked at Liu Rong with cold eyes.

"It's not that I'm brave, but that you're too stupid. Do you know that trespassing in a military camp is a capital offense?"

Liu Rong looked at Qin Feng coldly, "I'm afraid you don't know? Then let me tell you that trespassing on the barracks is a death penalty!"

"Come on! Take down these two spies who trespassed in the barracks." Liu Rong sneered and said loudly.

"I'm the new commander-in-chief, who dares to take me?" Qin Feng said loudly with disdain.

"What commander, we only know that you are a spy."

"That's right, he is a spy. I hate the spy who betrayed the country the most in my life."

There are many confidantes of Liu Rong below who are fanning the flames, pointing at Qin Feng with knives, Li Kui rushed up,
More than 300 people rushed up, including two centurions,
The two centurions naturally did not believe that Qin Feng was a spy, but they had already turned to Liu Rong. If Liu Rong said he was a spy, then he was a spy.

As for the other centurion, he hesitated and didn't dare to make a move.
There are still many soldiers who dare not do it.

"Tie Niu go, don't you want to vent your anger on me? Now vent your anger on me severely." Qin Feng smiled disdainfully, and looked at Liu Rong with deep meaning.

Liu Rong suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, but he quickly shook the bad feeling out of his mind,
If you have the advantage, you will definitely win.

"Brother Qin Feng, looking at Tieniu will definitely vent your anger on you." Li Kui couldn't bear it anymore. Hearing Qin Feng's order, he jumped off the high platform with both legs, and directly met the many soldiers rushing over.
Two huge axes slammed forward, directly smashing the five soldiers to death.
One of them was a centurion.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 1 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining an elite soldier card."

"You bastards dare to insult brother Qin Feng, all of you are going to die!" Li Kui roared angrily, letting out the evil spirit on his body.

"Kill!" The body turned into a black whirlwind, and the two axes were hidden in the whirlwind, constantly harvesting lives.

"A second-rate warrior, he is a second-rate warrior." Soon a soldier calculated Li Kui's realm based on Li Kui's strength, and exclaimed in surprise,

Many soldiers were shocked when they heard the screams. They still had the courage to fight, so they quickly fled towards the distance.

Second-rate fighters are not something they can resist at all, they can only escape.

"Impossible, this is impossible, how can you be a second-rate warrior!" Liu Rong's face was unbelievable,

Liu Rong's cry attracted Li Kui's attention, and Li Kui jumped onto the platform from ten meters away.

"Plop." Liu Rong was charged by Li Kui's evil spirit, and his complexion turned pale. When he saw Li Kui's blood all over his body, he collapsed on the ground in fright as if from a demon.

"Get up for me." Li Kui smiled grimly, pinched Liu Rong's neck with one arm, and pulled Liu Rong up.

"Kneel down for me." Li Kui lifted Liu Rong in front of Qin Feng and threw it down.
Liu Rong was frightened out of his wits. When he heard Li Kui's words, he dared to refuse and fell to his knees.

"Apologize, apologize to my brother Qin Feng." Li Kui stepped on Liu Rong's back and stepped Liu Rong on the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I offended the commander-in-chief." Liu Rong felt the ax blade hanging on his neck, his face was covered with cold sweat, and said fearfully.

Hearing Liu Rong's words of apology, Li Kui let out a hey smile, obviously very satisfied,

Just when Liu Rong breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that his life was about to be saved,
Suddenly, I felt my body was thrown away by a huge force.

ps: Dear friends, please recommend tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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