Chapter 8 General!

"No!" Liu Rong was horrified to find that his body was thrown high, his eyes saw the demon also leaping high, and the corners of his mouth were full of grinning.

"Death!" Li Kui opened his eyes angrily, and split Liu Rong in half with the ax in his hand, spilling blood into the sky.

From the moment Liu Rong insulted Qin Feng, his fate was already doomed.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a second-rate military general card." The system's prompt sounded.

"Who dares to bully brother Qin Feng?" Li Kui stood on a pool of blood and roared angrily.

He looked at the soldiers around him,
Seeing Li Kui's gaze, the soldiers all lowered their heads.

"The humble officer Xue Ming greets the commander-in-chief." The only remaining centurion shouted loudly.

As for the three centurions who attacked just now, they all died, and the soldiers also died, leaving only more than 500 soldiers.

"Humble post to kowtow to the commander-in-chief."

"Humble post to kowtow to the commander-in-chief."

When many soldiers heard Xue Ming's voice, they quickly shouted loudly.

"Get up, everyone." Qin Feng swept his eyes towards the ring, hundreds of soldiers all surrendered,
After training with the soldiers, I learned about the situation of my subordinates from Xue Ming.

Then he entered his camp, and he and Li Kui killed the enemy on the battlefield, and obtained a large number of warrior cards, which he planned to use,

There is also a second-rate military general card that I just obtained, and I will also use it.
"System, use all the fighter cards for me." Qin Feng ordered Li Kui to guard outside, and after confirming the safety, he said to the system.

"Ding, use all 150 warrior cards." The system's prompt sounded.

Card: Warrior

Race: human
Status: Strong
Loyalty: [-]%

"System, when will they appear?" Qin Feng asked the system.

"Ding, they are already nearby, and will come to join the host soon." The system prompt sounded.

"System, gave me the second-rate Generals card." Qin Feng used a generals card he had just obtained,
He is full of expectations for this general card, hoping to open a famous general,
Now he has become a commander, but he doesn't know how to train soldiers. As for Li Kui, it's okay to ask him to kill people, but ask him to train soldiers?I am afraid that the training of soldiers can be abolished.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the second-rate military general Gao Shun, and now he has heard that the host is brave and mighty, and is coming to join him."

Name: Gao Shun

Race: human
Cultivation level: second-rate warrior.

Cultivation method: Jin Feng battle tactic. (Yellow top grade)

Weapon: Iron Halberd

Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host.)
Origin: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

"Gao Shun, loyal Gao Shun!"

When Qin Feng learned that Gao Shun was the one drawn by the system, he directly praised him.

Gao Shun came from the Three Kingdoms, and was the most powerful general of the Three Kingdoms under Lu Bu, but Lu Bu knew his talent, but he didn't use it.

But despite the many injustices, Gao Shun is still loyal to Lu Bu,
In the end, Lu Bu was defeated and killed by Cao Cao, Gao Shunning refused to surrender, and finally committed suicide, which can be called unparalleled loyalty.

Gao Shun's most important talent is training soldiers, and he has a strong army under his command, claiming to be trapped in the camp.

The slogan is even more majestic: "The momentum of the charge, there is advance but not retreat; the ambition to fall into the battle, there is death but not life."

Qin Feng was looking forward to Gao Shun's arrival.

"Report!" A soldier shouted from outside.

"Shut up, I disturbed Brother Qin Feng's rest, I will cut you down." Li Kui said viciously.

"Tie Niu tell him to come in." Hearing Li Kui's words, Qin Feng shook his head helplessly. Li Kui's character is really dumbfounding.

"Oh, I listened to brother Qin Feng." Li Kui said in a muffled voice, and then led the soldiers into the camp.

Li Kui walked towards Qin Feng carelessly.

"Humble duty to greet the Commander-in-Chief." The soldier shouted in awe, with a fearful expression on his face.
This commander-in-chief is a ruthless man. When he first came to the barracks, he beheaded four centurions and three hundred soldiers.

"Get up, what do you have to report?" Qin Feng asked the soldier to stand up, looking at the soldier expectantly,

He wanted to hear from the soldiers that someone was coming to join him,

"My lord, there is a big man outside who claims to be your old friend and wants to see you."

The soldier said respectfully.

"Old friend? What's his name?" Qin Feng's eyes lit up, it is very likely that Gao Shun came,

"Sir, Commander-in-Chief, someone said his name is Gao Shun." The soldier thought for a while, and then said directly.

"Gao Shun!" Qin Feng quickly walked outside, he couldn't wait to see Gao Shun.

"Brother Qin Feng, who is Gao Shun? He actually made you so happy?" Li Kui followed Qin Feng, seeing Qin Feng's excitement, he was quite puzzled.

"General Gao Shun's talent is comparable to yours. He is a second-rate warrior, but he is good at training troops. He once trained a special force. He is famous in the camp and claims to be invincible."

Qin Feng introduced Gao Shun, and the more he felt, the more excited he was, and he didn't see the light of Li Kui's jealousy.

"Hmph! I, Tie Niu, want to see what kind of ability he has, which is worthy of Qin Feng's praise."

Li Kui snorted, speeded up, and ran towards the outside of the barracks.

Qin Feng quickened his pace a little, and when he arrived outside the barracks, Li Kui was fighting with a young man,
The two are evenly matched.

"Brother Taiwan is really good." Li Kui and Gao Shun separated from each other, and Gao Shun praised Li Kui.

Gao Shun also admired Li Kui's ability very much because of the endless battle just now.

"You're not bad!" Li Kui clashed his two axes, and when he heard Gao Shun's praise, he raised his head and laughed.

"Go, I'll take you to see Brother Qin Feng." Li Kui shouted,

Just when Li Kui was about to enter the barracks, Qin Feng just came out of the barracks, and he quickly went up to meet him.
He said excitedly: "Brother Qin Feng, you are right, brother Gao Shun is really capable."

"Little brother Gao Shun pays homage to Brother Qin." Gao Shun saw Qin Feng with a look of excitement on his face, walked quickly in front of Qin Feng, and knelt down on the ground.

"Brother Gao Shun, please get up quickly." Qin Feng stepped forward quickly and helped Gao Shun up from the ground.

"Brother Qin, you haven't forgotten little brother." Gao Shun was even more excited when he heard Qin Feng's address.
"How can I forget Brother Gao Shun?" Qin Feng still doesn't know what memory the system has planted for Gao Shun.
He had no choice but to follow Gao Shun's words.

"Go," Qin Feng pulled Gao Shun's hand and walked towards the barracks: "Brother Gao Shun, let's go to the barracks to catch up."

The two walked inside.

Qin Feng looked at Gao Shun from the corner of his eye. He was about twenty years old, with a good appearance and no smile.
Moreover, all the hair is tidied up neatly, out of shape, and the clothes on his body are neat. Obviously, he is a person who has very high demands on himself.
The body is straight, as if the spine can support the sky.

Really commendable, what a hero!
(End of this chapter)

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