Chapter 71 Step down!

The "rumbling" stone lion weighed several thousand catties, and Hua Xiong directly knocked it down on the door of the Grand Marshal's mansion, smashing it to pieces immediately.


The few people who were about to walk out behind the door were directly smashed to pieces.


"Who is so presumptuous?"

A loud roar rushed out from the Grand Marshal's Mansion, with a powerful momentum, ten first-rate warriors and dozens of second-rate warriors.

"Young Master." When Wei Zhizhi came over, the warriors beside him nodded and greeted Wei Zhizhi.
Although Wei Zhi's cultivation base is low, but he is the only son of Generalissimo Wei Yongsheng, they must respect him,
"Who are you? Do you know that this is the Generalissimo's Mansion, is this a place where you can run wild?"

Wei Zhi stood in the guard of ten first-class warriors, and scolded Bai Qi, Hua Xiong, Li Kui and others.

"If this wasn't the Grand Marshal's Mansion, we wouldn't have come here!" Bai Qi snorted coldly, holding the killing sword in his hand. "King Shenwu has ordered that the whole family of the Generalissimo's Mansion be executed."

"Hahahaha, it's extremely ridiculous, how dare you two first-rate warriors speak nonsense here,"

Wei Zhi laughed loudly,
The ten first-class warriors belonging to the Generalissimo's Mansion also stood up very cooperatively, exuding a huge momentum.

Showing the strength of the Grand Marshal's Mansion, tell Bai Qi that Hua Xiong and his two first-class generals are really not enough in the Grand Marshal's Mansion,
"How is it? Now you understand how stupid you are?" Wei Zhi said mockingly,
"As for your Shenwu King, I believe he has already lost his face. I sent a peerless general to go outside the imperial city. I don't want to kill Qin Feng, but I want to humiliate Qin Feng."

"Is that peerless warrior named Meng Xianchao?" Bai Qi said softly with a flat face.

"How do you know?" Wei Zhi's face changed slightly, how did this person know that Uncle Meng's name was Meng Xianchao.

"I tell you a piece of desperate news. Meng Xianchao is dead, and his head was kicked by the lord."

Bai Qi said softly, he was looking down at Wei Zhi, he wanted to completely blow Wei Zhi's confidence,

"As for the warrior who killed Meng Xianchao, it was me!" Bai Qi jumped up after speaking, and let out a soft shout in his heart.

"The killing intent is boiling."

Rolling killing intent surged out from Bai Qi's body, illusions abounded around him, and a large number of generals fell into it and couldn't extricate themselves.

"Mie!" Bai Qi waved the killing sword in his hand, killing five first-class fighters instantly.

"Back!" The faces of the remaining five first-class warriors changed wildly, pulling Wei Zhi to retreat quickly.

"General Bai Qi, save one for me." Hua Xiong saw that Bai Qi made a sudden attack, and killed five first-class fighters in an instant.
He rushed up quickly, shouting in his mouth.

He was afraid that it would be too late, so Bai Qi killed all the first-class fighters,

Although General Bai Qi is a first-class martial artist, with the help of the God-killing Sword, his strength has reached half-step peerless martial artist,
If he used the method of beheading the peerless warrior Meng Xianchao before, he might not even be able to drink the soup.

"Kill." Hua Xiong swung the sword in his hand, beheaded three second-rate warriors in half, and then quickly selected a first-rate warrior to rush over.

Bai Qi's face was flat, and the ten thousand evil vertical and horizontal tactics in his body were running rapidly, stabbing at the four first-class warriors with a sword, and the murderous intent immediately enveloped the four first-class warriors,



The four first-class fighters looked horrified, and quickly resisted Bai Qi's attack, but when they came into contact with Bai Qi's attack,

I only felt a huge force gushing out from the Killing God Sword, knocking them out.



When the four first-rate warriors stood up and wanted to fight fiercely again, the weapons in their hands broke, and they felt even more uncomfortable in their chests, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out.

"It's your honor to be able to die in the hands of Qi!" Bai Qi's face was flat, his body turned into an afterimage, his sword sealed his throat,
Kill all four first-rate warriors.

"Destroy!" Hua Xiong also resolved the battle, splitting the first-class warrior in half with one blow.

"Kill!" Then the two joined forces to kill the remaining second-rate fighters, killing them all in less than a minute.

"His grandma still wants to run away." Li Kui captured Wei Zhi,
Wei Zhi was struggling constantly in his hands, but Li Kui was not in a good temper, so he just slapped him.

Directly swell up Wei Zhi's cheek at a speed visible to the naked eye,

"Still staring at me?" Seeing the hatred in Wei Zhi's eyes, Li Kui stared fiercely,

Wei Zhi was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes,
"Little boy, I, Tieniu, will finish you for the lord!" Li Kui raised his ax and was about to kill Wei Zhi.

"Wait a minute, Tieniu, kill him in the end, he dared to provoke the lord, so you can't let him go easily,

Flatten the Grand Marshal's Mansion first, let him feel the pain, and finally kill him. "

Hua Xiong said with a sinister smile, in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he was a general who followed Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo was the real Great Demon King, who slept in the harem all over, and finally deposed the emperor and killed the old emperor with poison.

Hua Xiong's ability to follow Dong Zhuo shows that Hua Xiong has cruelty in his bones. Now that Wei Zhi is against the lord,
completely inspired the brutality in his bones,

"Okay!" Li Kui rolled his eyes and immediately agreed.

"All the soldiers follow me to level the Grand Marshal's Mansion." Hua Xiong raised the long knife in his hand, said angrily, and quickly charged inside.

"Kill." Numerous soldiers charged inside, beheading the entire Grand Marshal's Mansion as if no one was left behind.

"Ahhhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~~~" Wei Zhi wailed in pain,

Seeing familiar people being killed one by one, he could do nothing but howl in pain.

"Damn you, you all deserve to die," Wei Zhi looked at Li Kui with scarlet eyes and hatred,
"My father has broken through to the peerless mid-stage generals. When my father comes, he will kill all of you, and you will be crushed and ashes."

"Kill him." Bai Qi glanced at Wei Zhi and said lightly, ready to return.

"Bump." Li Kui directly threw Wei Zhi at Wei Zhi with an axe, smashing his head flat.

Before he died, Wei Zhi showed a look of relief, watching his relatives die in front of his eyes, but he was powerless, which was really too painful.

"Let's go." Hua Xiong, Bai Qi, and Li Kui led many soldiers back the same way, looking for Qin Feng's location.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining ten experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining [-] experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining ten experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a peerless mid-stage general card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a Peerless Early Generals card."

Qin Feng followed Xia Hong to the palace, and the system's prompts kept coming from his ears. Now Bai Qi, Hua Xiong, and Li Kui are killing each other in the Grand Marshal's mansion.

ps: Thank you book friend 20170927124646262 for rewarding 500 starting coins, thank you for your reward of 1000 starting coins, thank you book friend 20180722113025511 for rewarding 100 starting coins, thank you for the reward of 500 starting coins from the starry sky deep in the void, and thank you for the autumn wind cutting fallen leaves Reward 1000 starting coins, thank you for the reward of 500 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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