Chapter 72 The general arrives!

Speaking of the system prompt, Qin Feng didn't pay attention to it before, but suddenly heard two other prompts,
His eyes lit up suddenly, and he was able to draw two peerless warriors, and one of them was at the peerless mid-level.

Qin Feng was talking with Xia Hong, part of his mind fell into the system, and he wanted to start the lottery draw.
He took the lead in exchanging warrior cards and a large number of weapons, and in the end there were only two peerless general cards left.

"System, exchange the two peerless generals for this king!" Qin Fengxin communicated to the system.

"Ding, successfully used the Peerless Early Generals card, and obtained the Peerless Early Generals Pei Yuanqing." The system prompt sounded.

Name: Pei Yuanqing (the third hero of the Sui and Tang Dynasties!)
Race: human
Cultivation: Peerless Early Generals

Cultivation method: Lingxuan fighting tactics (mysterious level top grade)
Weapons: Eight Diagrams Plum Blossom Bright Silver Hammer (magic weapon), Meteor Silver Armor (magic weapon).

Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host.)
Origin: Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties
"Ding, successfully used the peerless mid-stage military general card, and obtained the peerless mid-stage general Guan Yu." The system prompt sounded.

Name: Guan Yu: Meiran Gong (later called Wu Sheng,)

Race: human
Cultivation: Peerless mid-term general

Cultivation method: Martial Sage Heart Method (Mysterious Top Grade) Martial Saint Saber Technique (Mysterious Top Grade)

Weapons: Qinglong Yanyue Knife (magic weapon), Dragon Scale Golden Armor (magic weapon).

Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host.)
Origin: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Two system prompts sounded in Qin Feng's ears, and Qin Feng was so excited that he actually drew Pei Yuanqing, Guan Yu,

These two people have left various legends in later generations, especially Guan Yu, who was even mythological and canonized as a martial saint in later generations.


For the military generals he acquired this time, Qin Feng only had one thought in his mind. He returned his mind and stepped into the palace.
Qin Feng looked around, the splendor of the imperial palace shocked Qin Feng a lot,
Especially standing on top of the imperial palace, you can see the whole imperial city scenery, giving people a feeling of being in charge of the world.

Qin Feng followed Xia Hong straight to the place where the banquet was, and then Hua Xiong, Bai Qi, and Li Kui arrived,
"King Shenwu, I offer you a toast. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have become the king of subjugation."

In front of Qin Feng, Xia Hong kept his posture very low. As the emperor, he made a toast to Qin Feng.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, as long as Qin Feng is alive, the Great Xia Dynasty will never perish!" Qin Feng drank the fine wine in his glass and said in a deep voice,
Xia Hong is good to him, he will not let anyone destroy the Great Xia Dynasty, and he himself will not destroy the Great Xia Dynasty.
"Okay, okay, okay! With the words of King Shenwu, I can sit back and relax." Xia Hong said loudly with an excited face,
He has always been worried that Qin Feng will snatch his throne, but now with Qin Feng's promise, he is finally relieved.

In fact, he didn't know that Qin Feng was not interested in the throne of the Great Xia Dynasty, but he was very interested in his future establishment of the country and taking the Great Xia Dynasty as a vassal state.
But now is not the time, the strength is too weak,

The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves for a while, many princes, civil servants and military generals toasted Qin Feng one after another, many of them were in awe of Qin Feng and toasted sincerely, and many of them were planning to curry favor with Qin Feng.

At this time, on the borders of the Great Xia Dynasty, envoys from the four kingdoms of Wei, Shu, Qi, and Lu were in close contact with each other.

The overall news is that there are peerless early-stage warriors who have broken through to peerless mid-stage warriors in the four countries.
Among them, there are two peerless early warriors in Wei who have broken through to reach the level of peerless mid-term warriors.
Including Shu Kingdom, Qi Kingdom, and Lu Kingdom, there are five peerless mid-stage warriors in total.
The four countries have close contacts, and they are secretly forming an alliance, with the king of Wei as the leader, to attack the Great Xia Dynasty,
The Great Xia Dynasty was completely annexed. As for the land, it was divided equally among the four countries.

Wei, Shu, Qi, and Lu formed an alliance, but did not pay attention to Liao. In their eyes, Liao was a barbarian and inferior.

The armies of the four countries are gathering, and when the preparations are completed, they will deal a heavy blow to the Great Xia Dynasty.

"My lord, there are three generals coming outside. According to Yang Lin, Qin Qiong confirmed that all three of them are peerless generals."

Hua Xiong entered Qin Feng's room and whispered to Qin Feng who was practicing.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining ten experience points."

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed in his eyes and disappeared completely.

"Let's go, take me over to have a look." Qin Feng said quickly, he was quite excited, and after a whole day, the four peerless generals finally arrived.

Qin Feng got up and followed Hua Xiong towards the outside, entered the hall outside, and saw three strange generals sitting on chairs,
There is also Yang Lin, with whom Bai Qi is talking,

When the generals saw Qin Feng coming, they quickly got up to greet him.

"My lord." Yang Lin and Bai Qi clasped their fists in both hands, bowed slightly, and saluted Qin Feng respectfully.

"Kowtow to the lord." When Guan Yu, Yuwen Chengdu, and Pei Yuanqing saw Qin Feng, their eyes lit up suddenly, and they knelt down directly.

"Who are you three strong men?" Qin Feng quickly helped Guan Yu, Yuwen Chengdu, and Pei Yuanqing up, and asked suspiciously,
I was a little curious in my heart, what kind of excuses did the system arrange this time.

"My lord, I'm waiting for the guidance of the three people's masters. The Great Xia Dynasty has a master named Qin Feng, and the three of us are here to pay respects to the master." Yu Wencheng said quickly.

"My lord, I know that you may be skeptical about saying this, but Brother Yuwen is telling the truth,"

Guan Yu said in a deep voice.

"En!" Pei Yuanqing was only fifteen years old, and now he suddenly didn't know what to say, so he nodded heavily.

"I believe you!" Qin Feng nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice, looking sincerely at Yuwen Chengdu, Guan Yu, and Pei Yuanqing.

He knew that Yuwen Chengdu, Guan Yu, and Pei Yuanqing came from the system and were [-]% loyal to him.

"Yuwen Chengdu, Guan Yu, Pei Yuanqing kowtow to the lord!" Yuwen Chengdu, Guan Yu, and Pei Yuanqing were moved, and were overwhelmed by Qin Feng's demeanor, so they wanted to bow to Qin Feng again.

"The three generals don't need to perform such a grand ceremony. Since they are worshiped under the king's command, from now on, everyone will be brothers, and they will share the difficulties and share the blessings."

Qin Feng didn't wait for Yuwen City Capital, Guan Yu, and Pei Yuanqing, quickly helped the three of them up, and said in his mouth.

"My lord." Yuwen Chengdu, Guan Yu, and Pei Yuanqing only got up after imitating Yang Lin, clasped fists in both hands, bent slightly, and shouted respectfully to Qin Feng.

"Okay! Everyone, get up quickly." Qin Feng said loudly: "Hua Xiong, hurry up and order down, throw a big banquet, and clean up the dust for the three brothers."

ps: Thank you for the sad cloud and rain for rewarding 100 starting coins, thank you for Qiu Fengzhan Maple Leaf for rewarding 1000 starting coins, thank you Jason for rewarding 100 book coins, and thank you for rewarding 588 book coins in a world so lonely without you.

(End of this chapter)

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