Chapter 92 Fight!

"Qin Feng greets His Majesty."

When he came to the place where Xia Hong was waiting, Qin Feng quickly stepped off the horse, walked towards Xia Hong quickly, clasped his fists, and said loudly.

"Everyone in Yuwen City pays homage to His Majesty."

"Zhang Fei greets His Majesty."

"Guan Yu greets His Majesty."

Many generals under Qin Feng also jumped off their horses one after another, walked up to Xia Hong, and saluted Xia Hong.

"King Shenwu, get up quickly." Xia Hong walked quickly to Qin Feng's side and helped Qin Feng up.

"All the soldiers, please get up quickly." Xia Hong said to the many soldiers, his eyes signaled to the many ministers, and he went to help the many soldiers to stand up.
Then Xia Hong pulled Qin Feng's arm, led Qin Feng to walk towards the dragon chariot, and directly pressed Qin Feng on the dragon chariot, Xia Hong and Qin Feng both sat on the dragon chariot.

"Let's go, prepare to go back, I want to clean up the dust for King Shenwu!" Xia Hong said loudly,

When he was in the imperial city before, he had already ordered to come over to prepare a banquet, and he wanted to wish King Shenwu a triumphant return.

"Come, King Shenwu, I respect you with this glass of wine, thank you for preserving the Great Xia Dynasty." Xia Hong put his posture very low in front of Qin Feng, and said to Qin Feng,

"Your Majesty, please!" Qin Feng drank the wine in one gulp, feeling very happy.

In the center of the banquet, there are a large number of dancers singing and dancing, which is very luxurious.

Many generals were also at the banquet, drinking in big bowls and eating meat in big mouthfuls. For a while, they were very happy.



"Report, something is wrong with His Majesty."

A guard's face was pale, and his body quickly rushed in towards the palace, falling down several times during the process.
"Hurry up, what's the matter, what happened? Don't you know that I'm entertaining King Shenwu? If I can't satisfy you with the news, I'll cut off your head."

The singing and dancing in the palace stopped, and the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty all looked at the soldiers, Xia Hong said dissatisfied.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The soldier's words trembled under the emperor's anger and the emperor's majesty.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from the front line of [-] miles, which lies in the two star kingdoms Wu and Xilin bordering Wei, Shu, Qi and Lu.

Now it has gone south and north, led by a master-level powerhouse, who will destroy the kingdoms of Wei, Shu, Qi, and Lu,
Now that the Xilin Kingdom is coming towards our Great Xia Dynasty, the generals guarding the frontier know that they are no opponents, so they ask His Majesty for help. "

"What?" Xia Hong stood up abruptly, his complexion turned pale, and he said in disbelief:
"The Kingdom of Wei, the Kingdom of Shu, the Kingdom of Qi, and the Kingdom of Lu, including our Great Xia Dynasty, are all just a small country.
Why did the Wu Kingdom and the Xilin Kingdom of the Two-Star Dynasty so mobilize their teachers and mobilize the crowds, they even sent great master-level powerhouses to come.

Our Great Xia Dynasty is single and weak, how to resist the two-star dynasty Xilin Kingdom is really going to kill our Great Xia Dynasty. "

Xia Hong felt desperate, and finally passed out directly.

"His Majesty?"

"His Majesty?"

"Quickly send the imperial doctor."

"Pass the Imperial Physician!"

Seeing Xia Hong fainted, many civil and military ministers rushed up quickly, shouting loudly.

"Don't panic!"

Qin Feng stepped forward quickly, with a word that calmed Manchao Wenwu slightly, put his hand on Xia Hongren, and woke him up.

"King Shenwu, Great Xia is about to die." Xia Hong opened his eyes slightly, desperate, and cried bitterly while pulling Qin Feng's arm.

Afterwards, a large number of civil and military ministers also began to suffer. Who can resist the attack of the Two Star Dynasty?
"Your Majesty has the kindness to Qin Feng, and is even more kind to Qin Feng. Qin will not let the Great Xia Dynasty perish, so Qin can go to the frontier to resist Xilin Kingdom, and keep Xilin Kingdom outside the country!"

Qin Feng looked at Xia Hong's face and said in a deep voice.

In addition to the Great Xia Dynasty, there is actually another reason. Qin Feng did not say it. He annihilated the main forces of Wei, Shu, Qi, and Lu. Especially Wei, even the king died in battle.
Theoretically, the territories of Wei, Shu, Qi, and Lu were already his battle strength, but now they are forcibly occupied.

"King Shenwu stopped, Xia Hong grabbed Qin Feng with his arm, preventing him from leaving.

"Your Majesty?" Qin Feng paused, looked at Xia Hong, and asked with puzzlement in his eyes.

"Xilin Kingdom and Wu Kingdom are two-star dynasties with powerful strength, and there are many master-level powerhouses sitting in their towns. We can't resist it.
King Shenwu, please leave the Great Xia Dynasty. You have reached such a position at a young age, and you have several peerless mid-term warriors under you. The future is limitless.
There is no need to go to die for the Great Xia Dynasty,

But I hope that when you grow up in the future, you can destroy Wu State and Xilin State can avenge the Great Xia Dynasty. "

Xia Hong looked at Xia Hong expectantly, now that the Great Xia Dynasty could not be preserved, he only hoped to take revenge in the future and destroy Wu and Xilin.

"Your Majesty, Qin Feng was born in the Great Xia Dynasty and grew up in the Great Xia Dynasty. His parents, brothers, and fiancee are all in the Great Xia Dynasty.

How can Qin Feng leave?How can we watch the Great Xia Dynasty fall?

Although there is no certainty of victory in this battle, even Qin may die in battle, but someone must stand up at this moment, right? "

Qin Feng took Xia Hong's arm away with one palm, said sonorously in his mouth, and strode outside, didn't he?
Li Yuanba, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Yuwen Chengdu, Bai Qi and other generals stood up and strode outside.

"King Shenwu, I am waiting for your return in the imperial city!" Xia Hong stood up with the support of two ministers, looked at Qin Feng's leaving figure, and shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this king will return triumphantly!" Qin Feng said forcefully, walking out of the palace, the sun shone on Qin Feng, making him even more stalwart,

I don't know whether it is the sunshine that sets off Qin Feng, or Qin Feng sets off the sunshine.

After leaving the palace, Qin Feng gathered several soldiers from the frontier and asked some questions.

"Li Kui, send some warriors away." Qin Feng frowned when he knew what he wanted.

Wei State, Shu State, Qi State, and Lu State have been destroyed. The Erxing Dynasty Xilin State and Wu State are approaching the border of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Now Wu State is standing still and has no plans to attack the Daxia Dynasty for the time being. On the contrary, Xilin State has already begun to attack.

There are powerful existences on both sides, and the Great Xia Dynasty is likely to be attacked from both sides.

"My lord, I have a suggestion at the end." Bai Qi stood out from among the generals, and said sonorously.

"Talk!" Qin Feng's eyes brightened, Bai Qi was the leader of the four war gods in the Warring States period, and now he stood up, could it be a clever plan.

"My lord, now that the army of Wu State and Xilin State is advancing, we can divide our troops into two groups, and my lord can send the last general to the border of Wu State. Now that the Wu State is standing still, the last general will just go there and set up a lot of traps on the frontier. Try to stop Wu State and delay the time for Wu State to go to the Great Xia Dynasty,
Even the last general will contact Wu Guo to see if he can delay the time,

The lord led Li Yuanba, Yuwen Chengdu, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and many other generals to the border of Xilin State, killed Xilin State, and then immediately came to support the last general. "

Bai Qi said the suggestion in his heart, now that there is a huge gap between the enemy and ourselves, there is really no good suggestion.

"No!" Qin Feng refused without the slightest hesitation.

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(End of this chapter)

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