Chapter 93 Ran Min Arrives!

Although the State of Wu hadn't made any plans against the Great Xia Dynasty, it had to guard against it. The enemy's leader was a master-level powerhouse.
Bai Qi went forward, once the other party was hostile, he would surely die,
As for making traps, that's even more of a joke. The Great Xia Dynasty was so barren that it couldn't make any traps that could withstand the Great Master's traps.

How could Qin Feng watch Bai Qi go to die,

"Report, please tell the lord that there is a strong man named Ran Min outside who asks to see him, saying that he is an old friend of the lord."

Wearing armor, Cheng Yaojin clasped his fists and said respectfully to Qin Feng.

"Hahaha, there is a way!" Qin Feng laughed loudly, Ran Min finally arrived, with Ran Min's arrival, no fear of Wu Kingdom, the vanguard of Xilin Kingdom,
At the same time, a picture appeared in Qin Feng's mind, about Ran Min, in a restaurant,

Two youths were full of spirits, pointing the country, one of them was Qin Feng, and the other with a square face was obviously Ran Min.

Then the style of painting changed, and the square-faced man, Ran Min, bid farewell to Qin Feng: "Brother Qin, Ran believes that only force can make the Great Xia Dynasty stronger. If an enemy country invades, it should be stopped by killing."

Then Ran Min bid farewell to Qin Feng, went outside to find a famous teacher, and cultivated a strong combat power.

"My lord, did you come to help?" Bai Qi witnessed what happened just now, and guessed in his heart that this man named Ran Min was probably the great master.

"That's right! With Ran Min coming, Wu Guo has nothing to fear," Qin Feng led Bai Qi, and Cheng Yaojin walked outside to welcome Ran Min.

"Brother Ran, after a few years of separation, you still have the same style." Qin Feng walked outside and saw a young man with a square face standing outside. His face was roughly the same as that of the character in the picture just now. Ran Min is much more mature.

"I haven't seen you in a few years. I didn't expect Brother Qin, who was holding a pen and ink and was excellent in calligraphy and painting, to pick up a sharp knife and become the famous King of Divine Martial Arts."

When Ran Min saw Qin Feng, his eyes showed excitement, and he said with a joke in his mouth, and walked forward quickly.

"Stop!" Cheng Yaojin, Bai Qi didn't understand Ran Min, saw that Ran Min was approaching Qin Feng, and quickly blocked Ran Min.

"Bai Jin, Bai Qi don't need to be nervous, Ran Min won't hurt me." Qin Feng's palm was facing Cheng Yaojin, Bai Qi patted lightly, walked forward, and hugged Ran Min with both arms.

"Good brother." Ran Min laughed loudly, then broke away from Qin Feng's arms, and took three steps back.

"Ran Min, whose cultivation is in the late stage of the peerless world, at the level of a grand master, is willing to take refuge with the lord, and hope that the lord will take him in."

"This~~~~~~~~" There was hesitation in Qin Feng's eyes, he didn't know whether to refuse it first, or accept it directly.

After all, it is a little naive for a strong man at the level of a grand master to take the initiative to join him who is weak, and no one will believe it.

"My lord, although I, Ran Min, have some brains, I don't consider myself a person who can achieve great things. My lord, you are both civil and military, and Ran Min will obey you! I hope you will take me in."

Ran Min said again that he was impressed by Qin Feng's literary talents when he was young. He has traveled abroad for many years and has never met anyone with Qin Feng's demeanor. He admires Qin Feng very much in his heart.

"Okay! I'm not going to hide from Brother Ran, I'm facing a problem now, and Brother Ran's arrival just happens to solve it."

Qin Feng laughed, pulled Ran Min back, and ordered Cheng Yaojin to call many generals,
After introducing each other, a simple welcome banquet was held for Ran Min, and then the army was summoned, and they were about to go to the battlefield.

"Ran Min, Bai Qi, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei..., you guys remember, don't fight Wu Guo head-on unless you can't do it yourself, you must try your best to deal with it, and I will join you when I destroy the vanguard of Xilin Kingdom .”

This time, the entire Great Xia Dynasty summoned millions of troops, accompanied by food and grass, and Qin Feng directly divided his troops into two groups.

Order Ran Min, Bai Qi, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals to go to the border of Wu State and try their best to deal with Wu State.

Qin Feng led Li Yuanba, Yuwen Chengdu, Qin Qiong, Yang Lin, Pei Yunqing, Xiong Kuohai and other generals to Xilin Kingdom to kill the vanguard army of Xilin Kingdom first,

Ten days later, Qin Feng led the generals to the border, and the guards at Xiongguan on the border had already received the news.
General Wu Xuan and Wang Xuan led a group of generals in the city to welcome Qin Feng.

"The last general Wang Xuan kowtowed to King Shenwu, a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old." Wuxuan general Wang Xuan saw Qin Feng coming, knelt on the ground on one knee, and shouted loudly.

"Brother Wang, I didn't expect you to guard Shanhe Pass." Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and the general guarding the city turned out to be an acquaintance.
When he had just crossed over and hadn't grown up yet, when he was guarding Guangyuan City, he met General Wuxuan Wang Xuan.

"My lord, do you still recognize the last general?" Wang Xuan said in surprise, he thought Qin Feng was in a high position and held great power, and he had already forgotten about him.

"Hahaha, when you and I killed the Liao army together, how could this king forget it?" Qin Feng punched Wang Xuan in the chest and said with a big laugh.

"Hahaha, little brats, I said that I crossed the battlefield with the prince, and you still don't believe it."

Wang Xuan said triumphantly to the large number of soldiers behind him.

"Let's go, my lord will follow me into the city. I have already ordered my servants to prepare a banquet and wait for my lord's arrival."

Wang Xuan surrounded Qin Feng and walked towards the inside, feeling relieved in his heart.

With King Shenwu around, he doesn't have to bear such a heavy pressure.

"Brother Wang, tell me about the border situation." At the banquet, Qin Feng asked Wang Xuan.

"My lord." Wang Xuan clasped his fists and said to Qin Feng: "Before the scouts found out the news, the large army led by the west destroyed Qi and Lu, and then stood still.

However, a pair of vanguards were sent to the border of the Great Xia Dynasty, and it was expected to arrive within two days.

"Can you find out the specific strength of this vanguard?" Qin Feng nodded and continued to ask Wang Xuan.

"The specific information has not been found out, but what is certain is that there are many peerless middle-stage master-level warriors in the vanguard, and there are many peerless early-stage warriors." Wang Xuan said to Qin Feng,

This caution is the news from the scouts observing the enemy at close range. For this piece of news, more than 20 scouts were sacrificed.

"This king will destroy this vanguard first, and then kill the vanguard of Xilin Kingdom." Qin Feng said in a low voice, his eyes flickering coldly,

Although there are many peerless mid-stage warriors in the enemy army, none of them can stand up to Li Yuanba's blow. Moreover, his peerless mid-stage generals also include Yuwen Chengdu, Qin Qiong, and Yang Lin.

It was a breeze to kill the vanguard of Xilin Kingdom without any effort.

"Brother Wang, order the scouts to find the vanguard of Xilin Kingdom." Qin Feng said to Wang Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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