Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 114 Wonder Woman Diana

Chapter 114 Wonder Woman Diana

The contestants from the five countries did not give up the idea of ​​killing Chen Mo.

But this time, they calmed down.

They are making the next big move.

Through private chats, after stepping up cooperation, let the outside world send in small mushrooms that can be assembled.

Then assemble it in the land of apocalypse.

Send the launcher and equipment later.

In short, step by step, wretched development.

If you can withstand missiles, can you also withstand mushroom bombs?

Because it is sent in separate steps, a little at a time.
So even the Yan Kingdom does not know their actions for the time being...

On the other side, Chen Mo, Jing, and Yunying discussed how to enter the SS-level underwater secret realm. Killing the guardian beast is temporarily unnecessary, but the underwater secret realm can still be planned.

In the transmission materials this time, Chen Mo also ordered some smoke bombs that can be used in water, enhanced flash bombs and shock bombs to distract the attention of the SS-level guardian beast.

"Let's start with the Qionghai Devil Turtle. I have observed it carefully these days. The Qionghai Devil is huge in size, and its speed is much slower than that of the deep sea dragon and the death monitor lizard." Chen Mo expressed his thoughts.

The mirror nodded: "At that time, I will be responsible for attracting it. If I use the mirror image, it will be more than enough to save my life."

"What about me?" Yunying said.

"Then you go in, I'll cover for you." Chen Mo gave her the least difficult task.

These days, while Jing helped Chen Mo to train, Yunying also became proficient in water skills a lot. Diving was no problem at all, and she could hold her breath for nearly two hours.

Yunying nodded, of course she knew that Chen Mo cared for her specially, and she shook her head at the mirror proudly.

Jing didn't care about these at all, her face was cold, and her personality shaped her to be different from ordinary people.

"However, this is still a bit unsafe."

Chen Mo focused his attention on Desha and Bella.

Their summons have not been used yet.

As soon as Chen Mo shared his thoughts with Dessa and Bella, they nodded immediately.

In fact, they had already had this idea. Although Chen Mo treated them very well and did not oppress them, but after all, they were under the influence of others, so they were more or less uncomfortable, so when the call came out, they moved heart
It's just that for some reason, there has been no action.

But now Chen Mo's words made them make up their minds...

Chen Mo also lent them a thousand points.

In this case, the choice of summoning is in the hands of Dessa and Bella, instead of allowing the Land of Apocalypse to choose one in Wu Kelan at random.

Regarding Chen Mo's approach, Wu Lanke's people did not have any complaints, but were grateful.

[-] points...

Killing this SS-level Guardian Beast doesn't even have a thousand points.
And now he's lending them players
This kind of kindness is enough to make people promise each other
"Good job!"

"Five-nation alliance, whoever is afraid of whom, we can pull people."

"Wuklan's players can finally play a role"

"Join hands and kill through the land of apocalypse."

"I really don't know what good things are in the SS-class undersea secret realm."

Knowing that Wu Kelan was going to summon characters, the Yanguo live broadcast room immediately cheered.

After all, with the improvement of the combat power of various countries, although Desa and Bella are no longer ordinary people, once they start fighting, they will not be of much help. Now that a stronger character is summoned, they can help Chen Mo and the others. share the stress
Naturally, Chen Mo would not lend a thousand points to Daisha and the others for nothing.

First of all, the summoned characters are described by him and written by Dessa.

Secondly, the summoned characters are to help them with the SS-level Guardian Beast.
Soon, the announcement sounded.

[Wu Kelan please choose whether to summon or not? 】

A light curtain appeared in front of Dessa and Bella.

Under Chen Mo's gesture.

Dessa silently said yes.

Then a light pen condensed in Dessa's hand.

Daisha handed the light pen directly to Chen Mo and asked him to write.

【Please write the biographical details of the summoned character. 】

The character Chen Mo helped Daisha and the others choose was Wonder Woman Diana.

Although Diana is set as a demigod in the movie, Western gods are different from Eastern gods.

Diana was empowered by various gods though.

such as:

The goddess of agriculture gave Diana super strength, making her as strong as Hercules, and the goddess of wisdom gave Diana outstanding wisdom.

She was also given the "Sight of Athena", which enabled her to gain enhanced insight and quickly perceive other people's emotional changes, and gave her the ability to resist psychic attacks, making most illusions and mind manipulation techniques ineffective against her. Ordinary mind reading doesn't work on her either.

The goddess of love and beauty gave Diana the beauty praised by the gods, and the kitchen goddess Tia gave Diana the honesty of the holy fire, so that she could stick to the truth.

But Diana's combat power is really not particularly strong.

But she has super fighting skills.

As for her supersonic speed and the highest speed close to the speed of light, Chen Mo defined it in Diana's growth period.

He was afraid of the complete Diana, and the price would make Daisha reluctant to pay.

As for the identity issue, Chen Mo also changed it a bit.

For example, the island where Diana lived since she was a child is in Wu Kelan.

In order to form a control, do not let the back gap or something.

Chen Mo also described it in Diana's life.

Chen Mo visited Wu Kelan when he was a child, and accidentally broke into the island where Diana lived, and was discovered by Diana, and they got along for a while, forming a strong bond.

Chen Mo also gave her a bracelet made of stones picked up from the beach as a token.

I wrote about a thousand words eloquently, checked it carefully, found that it was relatively full, and asked Daisa to confirm that it was completed.

【hint!Diana's biography is completed, and she can spend [-] points or one-thirtieth of Wu Kelan's resources to pay for the summoning. 】

[Do you want to pay for the summon? 】


Daisha glanced at Chen Mo, and immediately confirmed the summon without the slightest hesitation.

With the payment completed.

As the light flickered, a pitch-black hole appeared beside Daissa, and a mature Yujie slowly walked out of it.

The moment she walked out, the live broadcast room of Yanguo and Wu Kelan exploded.

"Fuck, this... this is too beautiful!"

"I'm really in admiration of this sister's figure, and she has a vest line."

"There is a feeling of western medieval warriors."

"It gives people a sense of lust."

"The hormones in my whole body were fired up."

"Oh Maiga, I can't believe that there are such beautiful women in the world."

"Oh, God, if she shows up in front of me, I'll marry her even if it costs me everything."

Yanguo's live broadcast room and Wu Kelan's live broadcast room were also made by netizens from other countries.

Especially for netizens from western countries, Diana's appearance is simply based on their aesthetic points.

Some western nerds are already licking their screens in disappointment.

What's more, take screenshots directly, then print out the photos and paste them on your wall.

From now on, she will be my wife unilaterally.

Her beauty can be said to have been amazed by the whole world and caused a sensation.

After all, it is the beauty bestowed by the goddess of love and beauty. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is like a nuclear bomb level existence.

Moreover, Diana's clothes were relatively revealing. Apart from the wristbands and some battle armor, she only wore a short skirt and a tube top-like vest.

The thighs, collarbone, shoulders, etc. are all exposed, and some gullies can even be seen.
Everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't take their eyes off.

The land of the apocalypse.

The moment Diana appeared, Chen Mo was also amazed.

Her dress is the same as in the movie stills.

Wearing a crown of flying stars.

Guardian Silver Bracelet.

He holds the Vulcan sword and the divine shield in his hand.

A lasso of mantra hangs from his waist.

But her appearance is completely different from the movie stills.

First of all, she is much more beautiful than her actor.

This time, her skin is also fairer, without any blemishes on her face.

The hair is also big waves, but long golden hair, scattered on the shoulders.

As soon as she came out, her eyes swept over Chen Mo and the others one by one: "Who summoned me?"

As she said that, her eyes suddenly stopped on Chen Mo's body, and her pupils shrank immediately, and her delicate body couldn't help trembling slightly: "It's you!"

"Diana, long time no see." After all, it was a bond message, so Chen Mo couldn't pretend not to know her, and greeted her with a smile.

But I said in my heart, there is something in this land of apocalypse!

"Chen Mo, it really is you. Looking into your eyes, I knew I was right. Where is this? Did you summon me?" Diana's beautiful eyes shone with excitement, and a touching look appeared on her face. smile.


Yunying, Jing, Daisha, and Bella all looked at Chen Mo with puzzled expressions.

Yunying and the others couldn't see the biographical information written by Chen Mo, only the writer could see it, so they didn't know what they wrote.

And in this world, there is no such thing as Wonder Woman and her story
So everyone can only be dumbfounded.

In Blue Star, when the netizens heard the conversation between Diana and Chen Mo, their faces suddenly turned bitter, and then they all became crazy.

"Xie Te, why, why does this bastard Chen Mo know Diana?"

"No, my goddess."

"Diana's words tell me that her relationship with Chen Mo seems to be unusual."

"Axi, if you want to do this, you are someone you know."

"Chen Mo must have tampered with the character's life."

Yan country live broadcast room.

"666, God Mo is really handsome!"

"God Mo specially summoned someone he knew."

"God Mo, if you come out, be sure to introduce Diana to me, thank you!"

"Upstairs is thinking about farting."

Pop-up explanation.

Seeing that Diana and Chen Mo knew each other and seemed to have a good relationship, Xiao Sa and the others suddenly smiled brightly.

After all, there is such a relationship.

The cooperation between Yan Guo and Wu Kelan can also be strengthened.

Apocalypse Research Bureau.

Director Peng Fei and a group of staff looked as if they had seen a ghost.

They knew everything about Chen Mo, and even the people around him had been investigated in detail.

When did Chen Mo meet Diana...

There is also a marriage contract with the mirror.
It doesn't make sense
But for those who couldn't explain clearly, they could only set up separate files.

The files are also classified as top secret.

"Diana and I met when we were young. We have been together for more than a month. It has been more than ten years now. I didn't expect that she would still remember me?" Chen Mo explained.

"Don't you remember me too?" Diana met Chen Mo when she was eight years old. At that time, Chen Mo was six years old. After more than ten years, she has changed a lot. Seeing Chen Mo, she still remembers herself. Diana was really happy.

As he spoke, he touched the bracelet on his wrist, and immediately recalled more than ten years ago in his mind.

On that island where there were only women, Chen Mo's appearance brought her many different memories, even though he was only six years old at that time.

And although the bracelet he gave was very rough, Diana always kept it and wore it every day.

It's just that the chain of the bracelet was broken halfway, and she replaced it with a metal chain.
Seeing that they only met each other when they were young, and they didn't spend much time together, Yunying's weird eyes immediately changed back to their original appearance.

Mirror is still a nonchalant indifference.

Then Chen Mo introduced the girls to Diana.

When introducing Yunying and Jing, Diana frowned.

With her super insight, she guessed that the relationship between the two women and Chen Mo was absolutely extraordinary.

After the introduction.

Chen Mo quickly told Diana about this world briefly.

Afterwards, Chen Mo also revealed his plan to deal with Qionghai Devil.

"No problem, I'll listen to you." Diana smiled and nodded.

"Let's go then."

After the discussion, Chen Mo didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately started to act.

As a demigod, Diana could fly.

But the weapon in hand cannot be put into the body.

The mirror can also fly.

Chen Mo Yujian can also.

Only Yunying can't fly.

Fortunately, Chen Mo covered her going in, so she took Yunying with her.

After flying with all their strength, the four of them quickly arrived at the sea area where the Qionghai Devil Turtle was located.

Chen Mo took out the Sea God's mirror.

There are already six cracks on the mirror, which looks very broken.

Chen Mo checked the situation of the secret realm guarded by the Qionghai Demon Turtle.

in the mirror.

A giant black tortoise about one hundred feet in size is entrenched in front of the secret realm. Due to its huge size, it blocks the entire portal of the secret realm, and only the blue light that connects the sky and the earth can be seen.

Unless it is lured away or killed, there is no way to enter the secret place under the sea.

After investigating the general situation, Chen Mo gave Jing a look.

The action begins.

Jing's figure disappeared in front of Chen Mo and the others in an instant, and when she reappeared, she had already plunged into the sea.

This made Diana stunned for a moment, because even she didn't see how the mirror disappeared.


The sea area below is setting off a stormy sea.

The entire surface of the sea seemed to be tumbling, and countless waves rose into the sky.

Looking down from above, a huge black shadow stirred up at the bottom of the water.

"Diana, it's your turn!"

(End of this chapter)

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