Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 115 Entering the SS Rank Secret Realm

Chapter 115 Entering the SS Rank Secret Realm

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Diana smiled back at him, then her eyes froze and she jumped down.

In the waters, a golden light flickered soon.

"Fuck! It's moving, it's moving, the Qionghai Demon Turtle is so huge, how can it move so fast?"

"Aren't you kidding me, let's just say it has a weight of several million tons! With such a fast speed, how huge is the impact?"

"I'll go, the mirror is still provoking it."

"If you don't provoke it, it won't move. It's so huge, and it's wearing a tortoise shell. As long as you retract the head and tail into the tortoise shell, no one can break the defense!"

"Diana also went down. Didn't she just say that she was only distracted? This posture is meant to be eliminated!"

"Fighting with the SS-level guardian beast, I am inexplicably ignited."

All of a sudden, more than 100 billion people around the world were all locked in Yan Guo's live broadcast room.

Watching the battle with the SS-rank Guardian Beast.

Don't look at the United States, Great Britain, Three Kingdoms, Island Country, and Kangaroo Country. After summoning new players, the people of the five countries shouted fiercely, saying that their players were the best in the world, but none of them dared to challenge the SS-level Guardian Beast.

Many people admired Chen Mo's daring to be the first.

Moreover, all the pictures about Chen Mo and the others had a large number of viewers.

If you are dissatisfied, you are dissatisfied, but in this regard, you still have to submit.

However, such scenes can also provide countries with a lot of data.

Scientists from the United States, island countries and other countries, as well as scholars who study supernatural phenomena, all watched the battle with bated breath.

Next to them, there are various data detectors, all pointed at the live screen.

With notebooks and pens in their hands, they will record it as soon as possible.

"Let's take a good look at it. We will have a meeting to analyze it later. In addition, whoever can discover the weaknesses of Chen Mo and the others in this battle will receive a huge bonus."

"Also, compare the data we measured on Chen Mo and Yunying to see how much stronger these two have become in the past few days."



The high-level officials of the five countries all stared at the live broadcast screen with gloomy faces. What they hoped most in their hearts was that Chen Mo and the others would be killed by the Qionghai Demon Turtle, so that their mood could be calmed down.

Because Yan Guo's players hadn't died once, Yan Guo naturally didn't get punished.

On the other hand, almost the whole country is aging, and their resources are also greatly reduced.
If their players can't increase resources for their country, their country will decline sooner or later
This is something that none of the top leaders of the five countries want to see.

In the waters, the golden light shone.

With every movement of the mirror and Diana, the body will burst into bright golden light.

Of course, for the mirror, this golden light can be restrained completely, but after all, it is to attract the Qionghai Demon Turtle, so the mirror is deliberately revealed.
The waters vibrated.

Every time the devil in Qionghai moves, due to its huge size, the waters are turned upside down.

Like a moving mountain.


While the mirror was attracting in front of it, Diana took advantage of the unpreparedness and slashed at the forefoot of the Qionghai Demon Turtle protruding its shell.

However, even without the protection of the turtle shell, its front feet are like steel, and the long sword rubbed sparks on them.

Diana was taken aback for a moment, she was a divine sword, and it didn't even leave a trace.

At the moment when she was stunned, Qionghai Devil Turtle kicked towards her with its forefoot.

It said it was a kick, but it looked like it was bumping into it.
Diana hurriedly set up a shield in front of her.

With a huge force pouring on the body, Diana was directly knocked out.

The Qionghai Devil Turtle was also vigilant. After hitting Diana, it was not sure whether she was dead or not. It launched a waterspout and swept towards her, and then entrenched itself again, guarding in front of the secret realm, leaving no trace to enter the gap.


Looking at the picture in the mirror, Chen Mo frowned secretly.

This guy is too mean.
Seeing that the turtle retreated a little.

Jing also frowned, and immediately became more courageous. The lens wrapped her body and rushed forward quickly. At the same time, a mirror image flashed out of her body.


Looking at the mirror coming quickly, the Qionghai Demon Turtle remained motionless, as steady as an old dog.

When the mirror's attack still reached its head ten centimeters, the demon turtle suddenly opened its huge mouth, and sprayed out a mouthful of black demonic flame.

Because it was too close, the mirror couldn't resist the moment the magic flames sprayed out, and was quickly swallowed by the magic flames.

"Fuck! This tortoise can breathe fire."

"Md, the tortoise deliberately led the mirror to attack, and set it on fire when it was close to the face. The mirror can't avoid it at all. It's a cunning plan."

"I'll go, set fire in the water, it's a bit outrageous."

"The mirror will be fine."

The Yanguo live broadcast room exploded.

The Qionghai Devil Turtle can breathe fire.

Didn't say it in the previous broadcast
The Devil's Sea Turtle never showed either...

Let people be surprised.
But I don't think it's strange when I think about it. They are all SS-level creatures, and they will spit fire or something.


The mirror is not dead, and there must be no trauma. The mirror image that was swept out of the body before turned into her figure, and this is her true body.

"See you!"

The body turned into a "mirror" and flew forward, and the mirror's body was wrapped by the mirror and then stabbed the Qionghai devil. Just when the latter was about to use the same trick for the mirror, the mirror opened the mirror space and stayed on the spot for a while. Mirror image, and then the figure quickly pulled back.

The golden light was shining brightly, and a golden ring condensed in front of the Qionghai Demon Turtle.


The mirror began to attack the Qionghai Demon Turtle continuously.

The Qionghai Demon Turtle spewed out a stream of magic flames.

But no matter how it sprays, it can't spray the mirror.

"Fuck! Jump left and right?"

"Oh God, is this playing the violin?"

"Oh my god, it's an artistic battle."

"It's unbelievable that such a crazy provocation by Jing didn't hurt at all."

The eyes of more than 100 billion people all over the world are all focused on the mirror that cannot see the specific figure.

Huge jets of water shot out into the sky, and a terrifying aura emanated from the depths of the seabed.

Yunying looked at the picture in the Seagod's mirror, opened her mouth wide, and muttered, "Is this half-step innate power?"

"Flying Thunder God!"


Yunying looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Chen Mo smiled, looked at the picture in the mirror, and thought, "Isn't this the mirror's Flying Thunder God combo?"

"It seems that our opportunity is coming, and we are ready to act at any time." Chen Mo said.

Jing's move undoubtedly angered the Qionghai Demon Turtle.

And her strength is not low, unless it hides its head, tail, and limbs in the turtle shell, it will definitely be injured by her.

as predicted.

Its head was wounded by the mirror flying thunder god.

The wind and cloud are discolored.

The sky was covered by thick dark clouds.

A series of thick thunderbolts fell from the sky and fell into the water, turning the water here into a thunder field, an indiscriminate booming mirror.

Such a large-scale attack.

Although the mirror can produce a mirror image, the coverage is too wide.

The mirror is still affected.

But after all, it wasn't hit head-on, so the impact was not great, it was just dizzy.

"My mother, this tortoise can still discharge electricity!"

"This must be called thunder, and its power is obviously much stronger than what God Mo sent out."

"Water, fire, thunder, this Qionghai Demon Turtle has three attributes."

"Fuck, it also has a strong defense, it's outrageous!"

after seeing this scene.

Audience in the live broadcast room.

Immediately shocked.

This SS rank guardian beast is too powerful.

I don't know who will win the fight between the demon turtle and the sky dragon?
And at the moment when the mirror was dizzy, the Qionghai giant tortoise opened its huge mouth, and a terrifying black magic flame was about to be sprayed out of the mouth.

And at this time.

What no one noticed, Diana sneaked behind the Qionghai Demon Turtle. The former was enraged and was about to spray the magic flame at this moment, so naturally she didn't notice this.

But everyone in the live broadcast room discovered it.

"What is Diana going to do?"

"She raises her sword!"

"No, no, it won't be the one I expected."

"God, Goddess, don't destroy the beautiful image in my heart."

Diana, however, could not hear their words.

She stabbed out with a sword.


Because it is an artifact, there is no blood on the sword

A roar that was even more piercing than before came out from the Qionghai Demon Turtle's mouth.

The surface of the sea exploded suddenly, and the seawater that soared into the sky stirred up a thousand-meter-high
Qionghai Devil Turtle's eyes were red, completely angry.

"Whoa, Diana's image of a goddess in my heart is broken."

"This is too rough."

Everyone in the live broadcast room gasped.

Some of them also lost their affection for Diana.

After all, in their hearts, Diana is a sacred, unattainable goddess

Like a fairy falling into the mortal world.

The image of Diana in their hearts was shattered.

The Qionghai Devil Turtle became angry and fell into a madness. He turned his head and launched a swift and violent bombardment at Diana.

Thunder, Demon Flame, and Waterspout all greeted them.

Diana raised her shield to block while retreating.

Looking at the right opportunity, the mirror also launched an attack.

It may have suffered from the previous loss, it put its tail and butt into the turtle shell.

The Qionghai Devil Turtle moved in the water.

Soon, its body left the secret realm of the seabed, revealing the blue portal of the secret realm behind.

"It's our turn, act!"

Watching the blue portal appear, Chen Mo put away the Seagod's mirror, took Yunying, Yujian plunged into the sea area, and then flew towards the blue portal.

At the same time, Chen Mo took out a smoke bomb and threw it towards the blue portal.

As the smoke dissipated and was about to fill the entire seabed, Chen Mo grabbed Yunying's arm and swung it vigorously towards the blue portal.

Yunying had been prepared a long time ago. At the moment of throwing it out, she kicked her legs backwards, shooting towards the blue portal like a rocket.

The Qionghai Devil seemed to have sensed something, his red eyes managed to recover a little bit of clarity, he gave up the pursuit, and turned his head around.
And Chen Mo had expected this scene a long time ago, and threw the prepared bright light bombs and shock bombs towards the Qionghai Demon Turtle.



The bottom of the sea was filled with a dazzling white awn, and the next moment, the bottom of the sea trembled violently.


With the white awn dissipated.

In the thick white smoke, Yunying's figure had disappeared.

blue star.

Yunying's live broadcast was also blocked immediately.

and this.

It is also the explanation of Yunying's entry into the secret place under the sea.

The Yanguo live broadcast room cheered excitedly.

Everyone screamed loudly at the live screen.

"Wow wow wow, it worked, we made it."

"Our player is the first to enter the SS-level seabed secret realm."

"I don't know what our players will get in the underwater secret realm?"


The people of the United States, island countries and other countries are directly envious and crazy, and their faces are distorted.

What treasures are there in the S-level secret realm? It is no longer a secret realm.

Chen Mo's mirror.


Players from other countries who entered the S-level secret realm exposed what they got inside.

All of them are daily necessities of Seagod and some used things, which are contaminated with Seagod's divinity and have extraordinary effects.

This item is already available in S-level secret realms.

As for the SS-level secret realm, it must be even more so.

Maybe you can get the weapon used by the sea god or something.

Or it is not impossible to directly obtain an artifact.

【hint!You discovered Poseidon's treasure. 】

【hint!You have 60 seconds, please get the resources in the underwater mystery within 60 seconds. 】

【hint!Obtain the Neptune's Bracers. 】

[Sea God's Bracers: The Sea God's wristbands have a powerful divinity, and the wearer can increase their combat power and master the power of the sea. 】

Yunying looked at the blue-gold wristband in her hand, it was obviously worn by a boy, and she could give it to Chen Mo.

Without hesitation, Yunying grabbed the other golden light clusters again.

【hint!Obtain the Poseidon armor. 】

[Sea God's War Armor: The armor worn by the Sea God has powerful divinity, can be large or small, and the wearer will have super defensive power and gain increased combat power. 】

【hint!Get Poseidon's spellbook. 】

[Sea God's Magic Book: Recite the magic on it, consume points, and get magic help. 】

【hint!Obtain the Poseidon's Birdcage. 】

[Sea God's Bird Cage: The bird cage built by Sea God has a powerful divinity and can hold powerful flying mutant beasts. 】

【hint!Obtain the Poseidon's Broadsword. 】

[Sea God's Great Sword: The Great Sword made by Sea God has a powerful divinity and is invincible. 】

【hint!Suzaku stone. 】

[Suzaku Stone: A stone stained with the blood of the mythical beast Suzaku, which was later collected by the Sea God. After playing with it every day, it became contaminated with the Sea God's divinity. 】

When Yunying wanted to catch again, the 60 seconds had expired.

(End of this chapter)

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