Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 122 Thunder Tribulation, Dragon Transformation

Chapter 122 Thunder Tribulation, Dragon Transformation

Chen Mo was a little overwhelmed, so he could only use other things to divert the topic.

And this also made Diana and the others somewhat inexplicable.

Because the Suzaku essence blood of Suzaku stone was refined.

Chen Mo reached the late stage of Huajin from the early stage of Huajin.

Yunying also successfully broke through to the early days of Houtian.

Reaching the acquired state, the body is as light as a swallow, can fly in the air for a short time, and can tread water without falling.

Players from countries such as the United States and island countries have settled down a lot recently. They didn't even speak on the chat panel, and they didn't know what they were messing with.

And Chen Mo didn't find any traces of people in the ocean through the mirror of Sea God.

All I know is that the five countries have climbed into the top ten points again.

But what Chen Mo didn't know was that the moment the announcement that the Qionghai Devil Turtle was beheaded by him sounded, they were scared out of their wits, thinking that after the small nuclear bomb was successfully assembled, they would let Chen Mo and the others try it. sharp.

An hour before the arrival of the aliens.

"Stare at my shadow, my mirror image has no shadow."

Under the sunlight, a golden figure split into two, one of them disappeared in front of Chen Mo, and one of them rushed towards Chen Mo like lightning.

"No shadow."

"Chasing stars."

Chen Mo withdrew a few steps back, and suddenly felt the sound of breaking wind coming from behind him, Chen Mo turned his head instantly, the Big Dipper appeared under his feet, and the golden light of the dragon chant suddenly appeared in his hand: "Splitting the sky!"

A majestic sword energy burst out from the dragon chant.



Chen Mo's complexion changed, and the shadowless mirror image that came towards Chen Mo on the other side turned into reality, and he slapped Chen Mo's back heavily with his palm.


Chen Mo flew upside down, stabbed his long sword into the ground before he stabilized his figure, looked up at the golden shadow, and shouted:

"Didn't you tell me to stare at your shadow, that your mirror image has no shadow?"

Jing's face was calm, and he said calmly: "This is another lesson I want to teach you, don't be afraid of your weaknesses being exposed to the enemy, and you will never tire of deceit."


Hearing this, the corners of Chen Mo's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Yan country live broadcast room.

"666, I was just worried that the self-explosive weakness of the mirror would be known by foreign countries, and I would tell their players the next time I sent it, but I ended up thinking too much."

"Show or mirror show."

"Since the arrival of the mirror, Mo Shen has been beaten."

"Soldiers don't tire of cheating, they are awesome, and mirrors know how to fight."

"God Mo, watch carefully, study hard. Funny jpg."

Seeing Jing's calm appearance, Chen Mo frowned, and immediately said: "There is a feeling that you can suppress the realm to the same realm as mine."

Hearing this, Jing gave Chen Mo a contemptuous look, and immediately said, "Teach you another lesson, no matter how weak your enemy is, you can't deal with it lightly."

Chen Mo: "..."

But I am not your enemy.

"Come again." Jing ignored Chen Mo's words and attacked him again.

Chen Mo's face darkened. In order not to be beaten badly, Chen Mo could only raise his sword to deal with it.

Just as Chen Mo and Jing were fighting, the announcement sounded immediately.

【hint!All creatures in the Land of Apocalypse are fully upgraded, killing them will gain the power of evolution. 】

【hint!Alien players came, the number of them was 120.Kill them, you can get the opportunity to return to the original world within a limited time and unexpected rewards. 】

【hint!In the Qingyun Ranking, the higher the ranking, the richer the rewards will be for those who climb the Qingyun Ranking, and the person who ranks first will get supernatural powers. 】

As soon as the broadcast sound came out.

All the players had been waiting in front of the live broadcast screen, and the Blue Star audience was shocked.

The power of evolution.

Get the chance to return to the original world for a limited time.

Return to the original world.

This is a great opportunity for players from small countries and countries.

Although it is limited time.

But compared to the danger of the Land of Apocalypse, Blue Star is much safer.

After all, every time a player dies, it will reduce the life value of all the citizens of the bound country by one-tenth.

When the rewards are not directly proportional to the risks, it is naturally better to stay in Blue Star.

And for the top ten countries.

The Qingyun list made them discuss a lot.

Especially the number one on the Qingyun list won the supernatural power.

The word supernatural power.

It is enough to prove its extraordinary.

Yan country live broadcast room.

"Supernatural power, is it the kind of supernatural power in the novels of cultivating immortals in China, where one sword can open a mountain and one sword can cover the sea?"

"It's probably true. Various phenomena now prove that the Land of Apocalypse is probably a world of cultivating immortals."

"Killing an alien player, isn't it estimated that we will kill it? It always feels like a big conspiracy."

Somewhere in the Land of Apocalypse.

"Is this the wild land abandoned by the ancient gods?"

Above a sky, several boys and girls wearing brocade robes with handsome faces, who could be seen as either rich or noble, were suspended in the sky, looking at the vast ocean below, one of the boys in python robes murmured .

"I heard that this wild land only appears once every thousand years. It contains the magical artifacts left by the gods. It is recorded in ancient books, and there are even the remnants of ancient fierce beasts and the blood of divine beasts." The girl in a light blue robe and bare feet said calmly.

"Third Highness, look quickly, what is that blue beam of light in the distance?"

Suddenly, a figure pointed to two blue beams of light piercing the sky in the distance, and said in horror.

Hearing this, several people heard the sound, and the veiled girl said in amazement: "At this time, the vision of heaven and earth produced by the birth of the ancient secret realm."

"The phenomenon of heaven and earth appears, that is the ancient secret realm, the treasures of the gods are all in the ancient secret realm, follow me!"

A loud shout sounded from a distance, and immediately a team of seven people wearing fiery red robes rushed towards the blue beam of light.

"No, it's people from Yanshenzong, so we can't let them get there first."

The Third Highness's expression changed, just as he was about to fly towards the blue beam of light.

A strange dragon chant resounded through the sky, resounding from the void.

The next moment, the sea surface with a blue beam of light in the distance suddenly exploded, and a huge dragon about a hundred feet broke out of the water, with its huge mouth open, roaring towards the sky.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the oppressive thunder lingered in the dark clouds. The frightening sound of thunder made people want to surrender easily.

"This is the ancient fierce beast Deep Sea Flood Dragon, he is going to cross the catastrophe and transform into a dragon!"

His Highness said tremblingly.

Not far away, people from the Yanshen Sect stopped to watch the miracle.


It seems that the thunder calamity has been brewing enough, a silver thunderbolt with a width of one meter smashed down angrily at the deep sea dragon below.

This scene also appeared in Yan Country's live broadcast room, and even in front of the whole world.

"Fuck! Fuck! What is it doing!"

"Didn't it mean that the creatures in the Land of Apocalypse are all fully strengthened? Could it be evolving into a real dragon?"

(End of this chapter)

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