Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 123 Death of the Deep Sea Flood Dragon?

Chapter 123 Death of the Deep Sea Flood Dragon?

"Crossing Tribulation and Transforming Dragon!"

Everyone stared at the picture on the live broadcast screen with burning eyes, and they couldn't bear to blink.

This is a miracle, if you miss it, you can only watch the replay.

And the replay is definitely not as exciting as watching the live broadcast.


The falling thunder covered the body of the deep sea dragon.

A loud "bang" sound.

Lightning radiates in all directions, and the lightning flickers open, and the thunder snake that explodes crazily wreaks havoc on the surface of the deep sea dragon.

A powerful momentum rippled out from the body of the deep sea dragon.

The surrounding space trembled faintly.


"As expected of an SS-level Guardian Beast, it resisted such a powerful thunder and lightning, and didn't even suffer a single injury."

"Fuck! Fuck, awesome!"

The picture of the deep-sea dragon shaking the thunder disaster has amazed more than 100 billion viewers around the world.

Shocked by it.

However, there is not only one Dragon Transformation and Dragon Tribulation.

After a thunderbolt fell, the clouds rolled over again in the sky, and the sound of rumbling thunder exploded.

"It's coming again. Third Highness, it seems that this deep sea dragon is still a strange species, and it can attract such a powerful thunder." Li Qing, one of the third highness's guards, said.

"Such a powerful thunder tribulation, even if it successfully overcomes the tribulation, it will be very weak." Said the veiled green robed girl.

The girl's name is Su Qin, and she is the core disciple of the Emperor Beast Sect in the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Emperor Beast Sect has a close relationship with the royal family of the Great Qin Dynasty, and even made a marriage contract with Qin Shi, the third prince of the royal family.

"Qin'er, what do you mean?" Hearing this, Third Highness Qin Shi looked at Su Qin in surprise.

Su Qin nodded, and said: "Your Highness, if the deep sea dragon succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, I hope His Highness will help me cover it when it is weak, so that I can take the opportunity to subdue it. If it is successfully subdued, the position of Saintess of the Beast Sect will , it must belong to me, Su Qin."

After listening to Su Qin's words, Qin Shi didn't immediately agree, but began to think carefully, thinking about the benefits he could get if he could help.

Although he has a marriage contract with her, the relationship between the two is not particularly good, after all, it is just a political marriage.

Seeing Qin Shi thinking, Su Qin frowned secretly, and immediately said: "If I succeed in surrendering, it will also be of great help to you in your fight for the crown prince. After all, we are on the same boat."

Su Qin bit the word "a boat" very hard.

Hearing this, Qin Shi pondered for a while, finally nodded, and said, "The deep sea dragon can also help you, but what about the people of Yanshenzong?"

Yan Shenzong is a member of His Highness the Second Highness, and Qin Shi has nothing to do with him.

"I have my own way." Su Qin murmured with lowered eyes.

the other side.

Taking advantage of Qin Shi and Su Qin's conversation, the deep sea dragon has already survived the second thunder disaster.

And its body was already covered in blood, and a large piece of snake scales had been chopped off.


At this time, the third thunder tribulation also fell.

The huge silver horse broke through the shackles of the clouds very abruptly, and the dazzling glare at that moment made the dark world look like daytime.

The power of thunder contained in this huge silver thunder is even more terrifying than the previous two together. pale.

Looking at the huge thunder, Chen Mo was slightly speechless. Compared with it, his own thunder method was the difference between an earthworm and a giant python, and even the thunder caused by the Qionghai Demon Turtle was far inferior to it.


Watching the thunder fall, the deep sea dragon roared up to the sky, and a black light beam full of lifeless energy shot out from its mouth.

Hit hard against the giant thunder.

The black light beam containing terrifying power directly collided with the huge silver thunder. At this moment, the whole world was frozen by it.

A moment later, an explosion sounded like an explosion that sounded in the depths of everyone's souls, and spread across the sky.

The huge silver thunder slowly collapsed under many dull eyes. At the moment of its collapse, sharp-eyed people in the live broadcast room discovered that the black death beam also dissipated. The shock wave caused the deep sea dragon to blast into the sky.

But at the tail of the deep sea dragon, a dazzling golden light suddenly shone.

"It's starting to transform into a dragon." Su Qin murmured.

Live broadcasts from various countries.

"Oh, what is the golden light on the dragon's tail? It must not have started to evolve, right?"

"Dragon scale, is that a dragon scale?"

"Why didn't it emit the black light when it picked up the second thunderbolt."

"Did you zoom in from the beginning of the game?"


There was a lot of discussion in the live room.

However, the dark clouds above the sky did not dissipate because of this, and the thunder rolled more and more violently.

"According to ancient records, if a jiao wants to successfully transform into a dragon, he has to go through five thunder tribulations, and now there is only the third one, and there are two more." Qin Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured: "It is very reluctant now, The next two roads may not be able to pass."

Hearing Qin Shi's words, Su Qin couldn't help clenching her fingers into fists.

It seemed that the brewing was enough, and the fourth thunder tribulation had already landed with a bang.

However, this time, the deep-sea dragon did not head-on, but swam in the sea water.

As the thunder was about to fall into the water, the deep sea dragon suddenly broke through the waters, wrapped in thick sea water, and crashed into it.

One second before it collided with the thunder, the sea water suddenly condensed into ice, and a circle of black light shrouded the ice.


At the moment of the collision, the ice layer wrapped in black light was shattered by the silver thunder, and the arc of lightning burst out, continuously pouring into the body of the deep sea dragon.

The body covered in blood suddenly flashed a golden light, and pieces of dragon scales were condensed. Under the body, there was a dragon claw sticking out.


Like a kite with a broken string, the deep sea dragon was blasted into the sea.

The gushing blood stained the sea red.

Falling into the sea, there was no movement for a long time.

"Did you fall?" Qin Shi said in a deep voice.

Su Qin was rather disappointed.

"Have you been hacked to death?"

"It's probably cold, and there is no movement at all."

Just when everyone thought that the deep sea dragons were all dead, the fifth thunder struck again and fell into the sea. This thunder was about three feet large. When it fell, it seemed that even the sky and the earth were split by it. Open the same.

Falling into the water, the sea water explodes.

The thunder snake that burst out splashed on the sea.

Countless marine life fell.

Large swaths of blood flowed upwards.

The entire sea area formed a minefield, and there was no life in the minefield.

"No, it's completely gone now."

"This thunder calamity is amazing, no matter whether it is dead or not, let's talk about it after it explodes."

"I wanted to see Hualong, but it just disappeared."

(End of this chapter)

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