Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 60 Class A Purple Electric Octopus

Chapter 60 Class A Purple Electric Octopus

"Damn it, I knew the flood was not that simple."

"Shouldn't this be inland? Where does the sea come from?"

"It's the land of apocalypse. You can't use common sense to speculate. Have you seen that the water level has risen to more than ten meters in just over two hours?"

"According to this increase, how high will the water level rise in 30 days?"

"Damn it, is the entire Land of Apocalypse going to turn into a vast ocean?"

As time goes by, most netizens have already fallen asleep, and only some night owls are still staying up late.

As the night faded away and the sun shone on the entire Land of Apocalypse, some netizens who woke up stared at the computers and TVs that had been left on all night, and they were stunned.

The picture is full of sparkling water, except for the water, all the ruins and abandoned vehicles have disappeared.

There are all kinds of floating objects on the water.

Some even saw plastic slippers floating on the water.

Among them, the water platform built by Chen Mo is like a flat boat on the sea.

In that picture, all that came to me was loneliness.

"Fuck! How is this possible? Are my eyes blurred?"

"Overnight, the entire Land of Apocalypse turned into the sea, which is really incredible."

"Illusion, this must be an illusion."

"Oh my god, why do you want to watch disaster movies?"

"What's the matter with my inexplicable trembling?"

"Go to the live broadcast room of Bangzi Kingdom. They even have assault boats, the military ones."

"Go and see."

A wave of people flooded into the live broadcast room of Bangziguo.

In the picture, the place where the Bangzi Country players are located is also a city.

Different from the city where Chen Mo is located, the city where the Bangzi Country players are located still retains some high-rise buildings.

On the water, some sporadic buildings can be seen from a distance.

Judging by the signs of the emerging buildings, the water level in the Land of Apocalypse has stopped rising.

In the picture, Li Zhengjie and Park Chanyeol are driving a military black assault boat. The two are well equipped, wearing body armor and holding submachine guns. They are carrying some supplies and heading towards a building.

There is their temporary foothold.

At that foothold, all kinds of lethal weapons are dazzling.

Among them, Li Zhengjie also measured the current water level through a piece of high-tech equipment.

35 m.

Overnight, the water level rose to 35 meters.

On the other side, when Yunying and Bella woke up from the wooden boat, they were startled by the scene before them.

Bella couldn't help screaming, her heart was beating wildly, and she immediately closed her eyes, trembling slightly.

"It must be an illusion."

Bella thought to herself, rubbed her eyes again, and then opened her eyes again, the scene in front of her was still the same.

As memories flooded her mind, Bella gradually accepted the scene in front of her.

"What the hell happened here?" Yunying asked in amazement, although she couldn't swim, she was not afraid of water. She stood up, glanced at the endless water surface.

"The water rose overnight, and it became like this."

After staying up all night, Chen Mo's spirit was also highly concentrated, and he was a little tired. Seeing Yun Ying waking up, Chen Mo briefly described the current situation, and immediately said: "Since you are awake, then you stay on guard. I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to bed too."

After finishing speaking, Chen Mo took off his life jacket and robe, put on a pair of shorts, and jumped into the water.

In his previous life, Chen Mo lived in a coastal city. He learned swimming and diving early on, and he could even hold his breath in the water for about 3 minutes.

He had fought a fierce battle with the blood-colored tree roots before, and his body smelled bloody, sticky, so he naturally had to wash himself well at this moment.

Among other things, the water was quite clear. After diving into the water, Chen Mo could still see the environment in the water clearly.

The previous city has been left behind by them.

Unknowingly, after one night, several people drifted out of that city.

Chen Mo emerged from the water and said, "We have already left that city."

Hearing this, smiles appeared on the faces of Daisha and Bella, while Yunying put her arms around her hips and said, "It's cheap, and I still want to seek revenge from it."

Chen Mo: "..."

Judging from the pictures of the locust tree demon sent by the drone before, what they encountered was just the tip of the iceberg of the locust tree demon.

Although cut off a few of its roots.

But Chen Mo really didn't think he could win if he fought against its main body.

Chen Mo glanced at the current time.


Chen Mo took a deep breath and dived into the water again.

This time he wants to see that his physique has improved so much.

How long can you hold your breath.

Chen Mo didn't dive too deep, and kept wandering around the monster fortress.

1 minutes.

2 minutes.

3 minutes.

Soon, after 10 minutes passed, Chen Mo still felt that his vital capacity was still sufficient.

It wasn't until ten o'clock that Chen Mo gradually felt a little pressure.

But it's just stress.

At ten twenty, Chen Mo felt that he couldn't hold back anymore.

At this time, Chen Mo had been holding back for 45 minutes.

Yan country live broadcast room.

At the moment when Chen Mo was holding his breath, some netizens were also counting the time.

When 10 minutes passed, the live broadcast room was already in an uproar.

"God Mo is awesome, he has been holding back for more than 40 minutes."

"The person who holds his breath the longest in the world is more than 20 minutes. Moshen is more than twice as long as him. Now it seems that it is not the limit."

"It's a world record."

"It's nothing inconceivable. God Mo's physique has strengthened so much, maybe his lungs have also strengthened. I think it's less than 40 minutes."


At five or ten minutes, Chen Mo couldn't hold back anymore and was about to swim out of the water.

But right now.

In the deep water, a flash of lightning flashed out.

The sudden strong light made Chen Mo look down, and the next second, he was stunned.

He quickly swam towards the surface of the water, but at this moment a tentacle flew over, wrapped tightly around Chen Mo's body, and pulled him into the deep water.

at the same time.

The announcement sounded.

【Ding!Chen Mo, a contestant from the Yan Country, discovered creatures in the land of apocalypse and is analyzing the types of creatures! 】

[Analysis complete! 】

【warn!warn!warn! 】

[Yan country contestant Chen Mo discovered the A-level mutant beast—the purple electric octopus. 】

[Characteristics of Grade A Purple Electric Octopus: An octopus mutated by purple lightning, one of the overlords of the deep sea, capable of releasing purple lightning to kill enemies, with many tentacles, self-healing power, likes to slowly torture enemies.Weaknesses: Available to kill! 】

[Suggestion: Escape! 】

This is a purple octopus that is about ten feet long. Its body is surrounded by purple electric lights, and each tentacle is nearly ten meters long.

When it appeared, and one of its tentacles tightly entangled Chen Mo, a steady stream of purple electric lights enveloped Chen Mo.

The Yanguo live broadcast room was completely blown up.

The faces of Yunying and the others on the water surface changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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