Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 61 Shatter the Darkness with Thunder

Chapter 61 Shatter the Darkness with Thunder

Because there are hot spots in the Yanguo live broadcast room from time to time, many domestic and foreign media are staring at the Yanguo live broadcast room.

At this moment, there was a sudden scene.

The crazy screenshots of these media also captured the thrilling scene of the Zidian octopus restraining Chen Mo, and then compiled the content quickly and sent it out immediately.

【Shock!The contestant "Moshen" from Yan Country encountered the A-level mutant beast Zidian Octopus! 】

[Dongfang contestant Chen Mo fell into the jaws of a giant beast, and is about to stage life and death. 】

[Yanguo player Chen Mo is in crisis again, will he be able to escape again? 】

[Chen Mo's life is hanging by a thread, whether he can stage another shocking reversal. 】

Reports from various media resounded throughout Blue Star's Apocalypse Land, causing nearly tens of billions of viewers to flock to the major official live broadcast rooms of Yan Kingdom.

"Fuck! Fuck! It's such a big octopus, it still discharges electricity."

"Sneak attack, you can't afford it, you little trash."

"My mother, are our players unlucky? Why do we always encounter such dangerous mutant beasts?"

"Isn't the higher the points ranking, the higher the luck? This?"

"The standings have been refreshed. Currently, Bangziguo ranks first, and we rank ninth."

"Chen Mo must have finished his game now. After holding his breath for so long, he was dragged back into the water and electrocuted. If he could survive, it would be unreasonable."

"Omega, this octopus is bigger than a whale in the Atlantic Ocean."

"I'm most afraid of this kind of animal with many tentacles."

Pop-up explanation.

Cold sweat broke out on Xiao Sa's forehead, he only felt his mouth was dry and his heart was heavy.

The current Chen Mo can be said to be on the line of life and death.

The purple electric light wrapped Chen Mo's body, the tentacles dragged Chen Mo into the deep water, the big mouthfuls of air bubbles kept rising up, and the desperately struggling reaction made people feel desperate.

Chen Mo, I'm afraid this time I really have to
Countless eyes stared at Chen Mo's face in the live broadcast.

Chen Mo struggled more and more weakly.

His face was flushed red, and he was gulping down water.

Cuckoo, the bubbles are like boiling hot water, rising upwards.

Soon, Chen Mo stopped struggling and was dragged into the water by the purple lightning octopus. Everyone could only see the flickering purple thunder.

Everyone's heart sank.

"God Mo, he."

The land of the apocalypse.

"Chen Mo."

Seeing that Chen Mo hadn't come up for a long time, Yunying's eyes were red, and regardless of Daisha's obstruction, she jumped into the water with a red flame gun.

But soon, Yunying jumped up on the surface of the water, gulping down the water.

Yunying really doesn't know how to swim.

Daisha jumped into the water and picked up Yunying.

"It's over, it's over, it's really over this time, Goddess Yunying doesn't know how to water, Daisha and Bella are just ordinary people, no one can save God Mo."

Yan Kingdom's audience panicked.

Humans are not aquatic animals. In addition to being difficult to survive in the water, their strength will be restricted to the greatest extent.

What's more, Mo Shen held his breath for so long, it can be said that he encountered the A-level mutant beast when he was at his weakest, and it was difficult to resist at all.

Not to mention, this A-level mutant beast can also discharge. With such a large voltage, after a person gets an electric shock, the heart will go into sudden arrest.

This desperate sense of urgency squeezed everyone's nerves.

Instructor Li took out a tissue and wiped the sweat off his hands.

The paper towels were soaked.

Obviously, people like Instructor Li who have gone through such a storm, at this moment, have a sense of powerlessness and collapse.

The movement in the water is getting smaller and smaller.

The audience of Yan Kingdom, seeing this scene, were looking for things around them, or smashing or hammering them, to vent their inner anger.

There were also people praying for Chen Mo.

Billions of people pray.

They closed their eyes and prayed for Chen Mo with the most sincere belief in their hearts.

God Mo, don't fall down here!

God Mo, come on, you will definitely make it through.

However, the belief in my heart is illusory after all. After 10 minutes, the movement of struggling in the water completely disappeared.


The live broadcast room of Yan Kingdom was extremely silent.

On the wooden boat, Yunying cried hoarsely.

Dessa and Bella also looked sad.

In the water.

When Chen Mo was first strangled by tentacles, Chen Mo really felt panic in an instant.

So much so that the first thing Chen Mo thought about was struggling.

Struggling desperately.

Then Chen Mo drowned.

Big mouthfuls of sea water poured into his belly.

At that moment, Chen Mo's consciousness gradually became blurred.

Just when Chen Mo thought he was going to explain here.

A swift lightning bolt poured into Chen Mo's body.

Although this rapid energy made Chen Mo's body twitch immediately.

But it also allowed Chen Mo to be reborn.

Comparing Chen Mo's body at this moment to a dry barren field, this lightning bolt is like spring rain.

Chen Mo sucked it greedily.

Before, his physique could only absorb ordinary electricity, so after "charging" for a while, his body reached its limit.

But as his physique became stronger and stronger later, he also had the addition of a star body.

Now Chen Mo's physique has reached an unbelievably strong level.

Therefore, Chen Mo no longer struggled, but used the thunder method to create an invisible isolation zone in the water.

And the electrolyzed water has oxygen, which can be absorbed by Chen Mo. Although it also has hydrogen, it is for him who is eager to breathe.

Whether it's purple electricity, oxygen or hydrogen, Chen Mo can absorb it all.

Another half hour passed.

The Zidian octopus sensed something was wrong. This human had been restrained by him for an hour, yet it could still feel his presence.

The most important thing is that Zidian octopus felt that his own Zidian didn't work for him, but was absorbed by him instead.

Zidian Octopus panicked, he didn't want to torture Chen Mo anymore.

It's going to eat him.

And at this moment, after being silent for a long time, Chen Mo, who was regarded as "food" by the Zidian octopus, woke up.

A huge ball of purple energy exploded from the deep water.

In the purple energy ball, Chen Mo's hair exploded, his chest was covered with purple electric streaks, and a terrifying aura surged out of Chen Mo's body.

Yan country live broadcast room.

When everyone was about to accept the fact that Chen Mo was about to die, they were stunned when they saw the water boiling again.

"what happened?"

Zimang blocked the screen in the live broadcast room, and everyone couldn't see what happened at all. They only knew that the next second, a familiar voice came from their ears.

"Smash the darkness with thunder!"

Chen Mo shouted sharply, and the thousands of purple lights surrounding him turned into countless terrifying chains, enveloping the purple lights octopus.

Bind all the tentacles of the purple electric octopus.

The Zidian octopus also uses electricity. Chen Mo didn't want to kill it with electricity, but just wanted to restrain it.

After that, Chen Mo took out the dark golden long sword from the storage space, stepped on the thunder, and under the influence of Zidian, he used the meteor sword technique, and chopped towards the head of the Zidian octopus.


(End of this chapter)

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