Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 75 The Ocean Carnival Begins

Chapter 75 The Ocean Carnival Begins

[Undersea Secret Realm: Sea God's treasure-hiding place, buried at the bottom of the ocean, it will appear in front of the world every time the Apocalypse Land is covered by the ocean, it is an extraordinary place. 】

【hint!The undersea secret realm is guarded by the guardian beast of the sea god. The higher the level of the guardian beast, the richer the treasures in the secret realm. 】

[Ocean Carnival: At that time, the water level will rise by 20 meters in an instant, there will be a tsunami and a hurricane, and when the sea creatures are carnival, there will be a large number of sea creatures appearing at that time, which may attract super mutant beasts to prey on them. Please do your best! be on guard. 】

As soon as these announcements came out, Lan Xing immediately exploded.

Poseidon's Treasure.


When it comes to gods, regardless of whether they are western gods or eastern gods, they are all symbols of the extraordinary.

"Fuck! Did I hear correctly, Poseidon's treasure? Will there be a trident?"

"Who said that the Sea God has to use a trident, but not a sword?"

"Which movie do you see in which the sea god uses a sword?"

"Is this a movie?"

"My God, will there be a Seagod's inheritance in the Seagod's secret realm?"

"Inherit the mantle of the sea god and rule the ocean?"

In the Yanguo live broadcast room, the audience talked a lot. As they have read thousands of fantasy novels, they even figured out what there is in the mysterious sea realm.

The panacea.

The magic sword.

No inheritance.

This group of people still had inexplicable anticipation in their hearts.

"If you can get the artifact used by the Sea God, it will be a fortress."

"Isn't it good to get the Sea God's inheritance? Maybe you can live forever."

"Hey, everyone upstairs, wake up. Judging from the broadcast, it is obvious that there is not only one treasure of the Sea God, but also a Guardian Beast."

"Ocean carnival, a large number of marine life haunts, can't this be used to earn points?"

"That's right, with the Zidian octopus here, maybe a lot of good things can be spawned."

The people of Yan Kingdom mostly think in the bright side.

However, foreign people, especially the Western media, once again reported that it was the end of the world.

The tsunami hurricane hit.

A large number of marine life haunts.

There are also super powerful creatures that come out to prey.

At that time, I am afraid that a large number of players will die because of it.

The top leaders of some small countries clearly understand this.

Telegrams have been sent to the big countries with which they have good relations.

Yan Kingdom.


Great Britain.

Gallic chicken.

and many more.

But the responses given are all teleportation is in the cooldown period, and it is impossible to contact the players.

The land of the apocalypse.

Miyamoto Ichiro directly raised his hands and laughed wildly.

Post a message in the chat panel with awareness.

[Ocean Carnival?No, this is the carnival of my island country. The time for my island country's rise has come. The treasure of the Sea God belongs to Ichiro Miyamoto. At that time, my island country's points will definitely surpass Yan country in one fell swoop. 】

[Here we go again, you surpass the third Grizzly Bear Country first. 】

[Cute ancient country?Do you want to destroy your country? 】

[Hehe, come here if you have the guts, @陈默、Gorkiv.These two are my elder brothers. 】

[Baga, don't let me touch you, or I'll let you know how cruel it is to dismember it. 】

[Chen Mo: The weather has cleared and the rain has stopped, and you feel that you can do it again. Are you singled out? 】

[Gorkyev: My big knife is already hungry and thirsty. 】

Chen Mo glanced at the chat panel. This guy was too jumpy, and he mentioned Yan Guo every time. Of course, Chen Mo couldn't just sit back and just slap him in the face.

Afterwards, Chen Mo closed the chat panel because the land had already arrived.

At this moment, the true face of this mountain peak also appeared in front of everyone.

It can be said that it is a posture that reaches the sky, and holds the sun with its hands.

Although the water level has risen to more than 60 meters, for this mountain, even the foot of the mountain has not fallen.

"What a steep mountain." Dessa sighed.

"Indeed, it's almost ninety degrees. We need to change to another place. We can't climb to this place."

Chen Mo asked Zidian Octopus to surround this mountain, so as to find a gentler slope to go up the mountain, and it would be better to open it up, and try to drive the monster fortress up.

But the reality disappointed Chen Mo. Looking around, the slowest place was about 70 degrees, and the terrain was not open, with strange rocks outside and a pine forest inside.

The monster fortress is definitely not going up.

Chen Mo could only ask Zidian Xianyu to carry the monster fortress ashore, and then Chen Mo tied the monster fortress and the boulder together with nylon ropes, hoping that it would not be washed away when the tsunami came.

The kayak is deflated and stowed into the storage space.

Then put on the supplies in the monster fortress, as much as you can bring.

The four of them hiked up the mountain with big bags and small bags.

Perhaps due to the steep terrain, there were no traces of zombies on this mountain, but a few mutated C-class black bears.

Because they had to go up the mountain in a hurry, Chen Mo and the others ignored him.

There are still 10 minutes away from the secret place of the seabed.

The four stopped about 300 meters from the water.

Chen Mo and Yunying could still climb up.

But Dessa and Bella were a little exhausted.

And now I just found a place similar to a cave, where a huge rock leans on top of another huge rock, forming a triangular living space below.

There are only two exits, front and back, just enough to accommodate people.

"You guys settle down here now, I'll check the situation nearby. Yunying, you protect them."

After finishing speaking, Chen Mo jumped up to a huge boulder next to him and looked around.

3-4 hundred meters may not look high, but in fact, there is a feeling of overlooking all the mountains.

This is an isolated peak, surrounded by water on all sides, with lush forests, pine forests and steep mountains.

Looking into the distance, you can see the steep and dark green mountains, the lush trees all over the mountains, the vast blue sky, and the wispy wisps of clouds just constitute an elegant and interesting indifferent landscape painting.

If you can see the ruins of the doomsday-like city now, it can just form a sharp contrast.

"It's so beautiful, if you don't blow it up, it won't be black. This scene beats those 5a-level scenic spots in China."

"It's really unexpected that there will be such a place in the Land of Apocalypse, which is completely incompatible with those city ruins."

"It seems that this picture makes me feel a lot better."

"The air here should be sweet, right?"

"Huh? It's really sweet, and there's a mysterious virus."

"An idea suddenly popped up in my mind. The reason why the Land of Apocalypse became like this is that this planet wants to undergo a baptism, just like Noah's Ark. Use disasters to open a new era. Perhaps, this A planet has become conscious"

at this time.

In the Land of Apocalypse, the situation changed suddenly.

The originally blue sky was shrouded in dark clouds, thunder and lightning.

Some huge birds and beasts, which are not usually seen, appeared in the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

The next moment, a dozen blue beams of light descended from the sky and shot into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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