Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 76 SS Rank Mutant Beast - Sky-swallowing Mosasaurus

Chapter 76 SS Rank Mutant Beast - Sky-swallowing Mosasaurus

If someone counts, there are a total of 36 of these blue beams of light.

It's just that in Chen Mo's field of vision, he can only see more than ten roads.

These beams of light are a little thick, at the moment it enters the water.

The originally relatively calm water surface suddenly rioted.

A column of water piercing through the sky shot up into the sky, as if forming a reverse flow.

The water level rose instantly at a speed visible in the blink of an eye.

In the distance, a crushing black shadow swept towards the surroundings with a monstrous momentum.

It was a tsunami nearly [-] meters high.

Suddenly, a strong wind rose in the sky.

On the surface of the water, countless eddies appeared, and dense tides of fish jumped from the water.

Suddenly, a great white shark broke through the water like a carp jumping over a dragon's gate, its huge mouth opened, and countless fish were swallowed by it.

There was a loud "pop" as it fell into the water, setting off a huge wave.

Chen Mo's pupils narrowed sharply, and a look of solemnity climbed onto his face in an instant.

I saw a tornado that blew up in the sky above the mountains in the distance. The raging hurricane uprooted the towering ancient trees in the mountains.

In less than a while, that piece of forest was plowed flat.

And in the sky not far from the hurricane, a giant dragon with huge wings vibrating broke through the clouds, then retracted its wings at an astonishing speed, and swooped down.

Dipped into the water.

The moment it broke through the water again, the pair of dragon claws exuding a breath of death grabbed a great white shark that was about ten feet long.

It was the great white shark that broke out of the water just now.

At this moment, there were several ferocious claw marks on his body, and blood flowed out.

He was caught by the dragon and flew into the sky, and then disappeared into the distance.

Blue Star immediately boiled.

Yan country live broadcast room.


"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!"

"This scene is simply a fortress, it looks like the end of the world!"

"Isn't that the Sky Dragon? It actually appeared again. It's so close to God Mo, but luckily I didn't notice it."

"I feel that it's not that I didn't find it, but that Moshen looks too small, not enough for the sky dragon to bite his teeth, so he probably wasn't taken as a prey."

"Nimma, the announcer calls this a hurricane? It's connected to the sky. I feel that the sky dragon is no match for it."

"I was trembling watching."


Pop-up explanation.

Xiao Sa and the others also looked shocked.

This day changes as soon as it is said, and the tsunami rises as soon as it is said to rise.

This is so outrageous.

Even Xiao Sa, as a professional host, feels like swearing at this moment.

American Live.

The picture in their live broadcast room was different from Yan Country's, but it was still spectacular.

A large whale with a height of hundreds of feet, spraying a fountain, emerged from the water, like a living aircraft carrier.

The most important thing is that this big whale still has limbs.

It's just very short, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

Their players were excitedly preparing to go into the water to hunt the tide of fish.

She was trembling at the moment, not even daring to get close.

Therefore, the broadcast sound was not stimulated, and the name of this big whale was obtained.

But archaeologists and zoologists in the United States are all boiling.

I even took a screenshot and sent it to my friends, scientists from various countries.

Then after some discussion it came out.

This big whale is an ancient marine mammal that has been extinct for more than 3000 million years-the Dragon King Whale.

It is a close relative of modern whales, but its body is more slender. According to the fossils unearthed from various places, it has short limbs.

Scientists also speculate that it is a land beast that evolved from land to sea.

This kind of creature, which was extinct in ancient times, has now appeared in the Land of Apocalypse.

After the guess is posted online.

Suddenly a thousand layers of waves were stirred up.

Instantly boarded the hot searches on major Internet platforms.

[The extinct Dragon King Whale appeared in the Land of Apocalypse. 】

[Blue Star's ancient creatures appeared in the Land of Apocalypse. 】

【Shock!The dragon king whale is not extinct, but was brought to the land of apocalypse by aliens. 】

All kinds of posts about the Dragon King Whale circulated endlessly on the Internet, and the rumors became more and more horrifying and unbelievable.

But that's how biological it is.

Its popularity was overwhelmed by the creature that appeared in the live broadcast room of Bangzi Kingdom an hour later.

At the same time, the broadcast sound also sounded.

[Major announcement!Big announcement! 】

[Bangziguo player Li Zhengjie found a creature from the Land of Apocalypse, and is testing the type of creature. 】

[The inspection is completed. 】

【hint!Li Zhengjie, a player from Bangzi Country, discovered the SS-level mutant beast, the Mosasaur. 】

[Mosasaurus mosasaurus characteristics: One of the most powerful predators in the sea, with a body length of 650 meters, it belongs to the monitor lizard superfamily, with two wings on its back, it is a water, land and air amphibious animal.Weaknesses: Available on kill. 】

【hint!It doesn't pay attention to you, it quietly disappears in front of his eyes, don't provoke it. 】

Global shaking.

Countless people poured into the live broadcast room of Bangziguo.

Checked out the live replay.

In the picture, this should be a deep-water lake surrounded by mountains, and it is also the current living place of the Bangzi Country players.

When Li Zhengjie and Park Chanyeol were about to go out from this lake in an assault boat.

The water surface in front of it suddenly exploded, and a huge object broke through the water and soared into the sky.

Its size is huge, it looks like a huge version of monitor lizard, the difference is that it has wings.

At this moment, the wings fluttered and flew up in the sky, suspended in front of the two of them, with a pair of huge pupils staring straight at the two of them.


Li Zhengjie and Park Chanyeol were sweating profusely, and they didn't dare to take a breath.

After hearing the announcement, the two of them didn't even want the assault boat because the noise was too loud.

He dived directly into the water and swam quietly towards the land.

The Sky-Swallowing Canglong really didn't take the two of them seriously either, seeing that they were gone, he glanced at them and flew away.

"Is this the mosasaurus among the dinosaurs? How can it still fly?"

"Didn't you hear the announcement? It belongs to the monitor lizard superfamily, not the mosasaurus among dinosaurs."

"Eh, mosasaurs are also monitor lizard superfamily."

"Pfft, I made you laugh."

"Is it another extinct creature in ancient times?"

"It's an SS-level creature again. If this Sky-swallowing Mosasaurus fights with the Sky Dragon, who is better?"

"I stand to swallow the sky dragon, the name sounds like a sky dragon dick."

"What's the use of the name dick? Compared with the sky dragon, the description is simply weak. The sky dragon can master the two attributes of wind and thunder."

"Bangziguo's players are so lucky, they can get away even if they are targeted by SS-level creatures."

"I feel sorry for the Great Britain player for three seconds."

At this moment, the players from the Land of Apocalypse couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Because the scene that happened in front of their eyes was not much weaker than that of Bangzi Kingdom.

What kind of demons and ghosts are coming out.

What kind of ocean carnival is this.

This is a gluttonous feast.

They and the creatures in the ocean are just food for these super creatures.
(End of this chapter)

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