Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 77 Guardian Beast—Clear Sea Beast

Chapter 77 Guardian Beast—Clear Sea Beast

The current Land of Apocalypse is like a manifestation of the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

In the sea, in the sky, in the mountains, all kinds of rare and exotic beasts are scrambling to appear, and they are huge in size. Compared with them, the players are like ants.

It makes people see that their hearts are raised in their throats.

The people of some small countries secretly prayed in their hearts that the players from their own country would hide well and not come out to die.

Chen Mo stood on a boulder, looking at the blue beam of light that was only a few hundred meters away from him, his eyes narrowed slightly, he wanted to visit the secret place under the sea.

He told Yunying and the others what he thought. He had the purple electric octopus, so even if he couldn't get into the secret place under the sea, if he wanted to escape, it shouldn't be a problem.

Chen Mo shook hands, and he was certain of his current strength.

"Or... don't go, I can't help you even in the water." Yunying's eyes were full of worry.

"It's okay, I'll go into the water and have a look. If I have a chance, I'll go in. If I don't have a chance, I'll come back when I get rid of the wave monsters."

Knowing that Yunying was worried about him, Chen Mo couldn't help but raised his hand to touch Yunying's small face, and kissed her forehead while Yunying was staring blankly.

Then, when his face was flushed and he hadn't reacted, he quickly evacuated: "I'll go back as soon as I go."

"If you go, don't come back, or my aunt will beat you to death."

It was the first time for Yunying to be kissed on the forehead by Chen Mo in front of Daisha and Bella, and immediately stomped her feet in embarrassment.

In Yanguo's live broadcast room, the audience booed when they saw this scene.

"Yo Yo Yo, Goddess Yun Ying's face is red."

"I can't help my mouth, this is it."

"Tsundere Ying."

"Haha, God Mo is getting more and more courageous."

"Not a kiss, bad review."

Chen Mo put on a wet diving suit, which would allow him to move better in the waters, put on the diving goggles sent by Wu Kelan, and then took out the capture card to summon the purple electric octopus.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Mo plunged into the water.

With the splash of water.

There are shoals of fish in the waters.

When it came into Chen Mo's eyes, his pupils immediately locked tightly.

Bubbles bubbled up from his nostrils.

"This, what the hell!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but swear in his heart.

Chen Mo saw the blackness in the water area, which turned out to be mutated beasts in groups.

Densely packed, countless.

Each school of fish, at least nearly a thousand.

As for the school of fish alone, there are dozens of them.

After a rough calculation, there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands.
Chen Mo's heart skipped a beat.

At the same time, the broadcast sound also sounded.

【hint!Chen Mo, a contestant from Yan Country, discovered a group of C-level mutated brown jellyfish. 】

[Poison brown jellyfish characteristics: live in groups, highly poisonous, can emit poisonous biological poison to paralyze opponents.Weaknesses: Available on kill. 】

【hint!Chen Mo, a contestant from the Yan Kingdom, discovered a school of D-level mutant beasts, the Yanlantern Fish. 】

[Smoke Lantern Fish Characteristics: Living in groups, one of the most docile mutant beast races in the Land of Apocalypse, and also one of the most united races, can release poisonous smoke.Weaknesses: Available on kill. 】

【hint!Chen Mo, a contestant from the Yan Kingdom, discovered a school of B-level mutant beast devil fish. 】

[Characteristics of Devil Fish: Loneliness, one of the most active and courageous mutant beasts in the ocean, can create illusions to trap enemies.Weakness: eyes. 】


With the announcement sounded one after another.

When the audience in Yanguo's live broadcast saw this scene, they immediately felt their scalps go numb and turned pale with shock.

"I'm a mother."

"Grandma Li's, it's really an ocean carnival, it's the same as ethnic migration."

"But why didn't they attack Mo Shen?"

"I just came back from the live broadcast room of the island country, and the helper named Ichiro Miyamoto killed a devil fish. As long as you don't attack them, they won't attack you either. They seem to be performing some kind of ritual."

"real or fake?"

"It's true, you can go to the live broadcast room of other countries to see, the contestants from the US country are almost reaching the secret place of the seabed, those carnival mutant beasts saw them, and didn't do anything."

Chen Mo also discovered this detail.

At the beginning, he hid between the huge tentacles of the purple electric octopus, and slowly approached the blue beam of light. During this period, he was seen by some fish schools, but he didn't do anything to himself.

These schools of fish kept circling around the blue beam of light. Apart from expecting some super mutant beasts to rush into the water to prey on them, causing a little riot, these schools of fish did not attack each other.

"These are not Seagod's fanatics, are they?"

Such a thought flashed in his mind, and without hesitation, Chen Mo beckoned the purple electric octopus to swim towards the bottom of the blue beam of light.

Through the relatively clear sea water, one can vaguely see the blue light flickering at the bottom of the water, and at the bottom of the blue light beam, there is a blue light circle looming, like a portal.

"How to give people a dreamlike feeling?"

"It suddenly felt so beautiful and I really wanted to go."

"Uh, are you serious upstairs?"

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room was attracted by the dreamy circle of light, suddenly a huge black shadow swept out from the circle of light, entrenched in the bottom of the water, a pair of huge beast pupils looked around, and finally stared straight at Chen Mo came from the aperture.

This black shadow is about ten feet long, and its whole body is golden yellow. Its head, tiger's body, snake's tail, and dragon's claws are covered with penetrating golden scales.

It stared, like a ghost being angry, and scared the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck! What kind of monster is this? I'm scared!"

"It looks so scary!"

"Mom, I'm sweating all over my back."

At the same time, the announcement sounded.

[Major announcement, Yan Guo player Chen Mo discovered the guardian beast of the secret seabed and is testing the type of guardian beast. 】

[The inspection is completed. 】

[Reminder, Yan Guo player Chen Mo found the S-level Guardian Beast Bihai Sea Beast. 】

[The characteristics of the blue sea beast: one of the twelve guards of the sea god, who has been enlightened by the sea god, is loyal to the sea god, guards the treasure of the sea god for generations, and has amazing combat power.Weaknesses: Available on kill. 】

【hint!As the guardian beast of the secret realm under the sea, the blue sea beast will not kill anyone who enters the secret realm. 】

【hint!There will be unexpected rewards for killing guardian beasts. 】

With such a broadcast, the audience in Yanguo's studio couldn't sit still.

"Nimma, the S-level guardian beast is only one of the twelve guards of the Sea God, so how strong is the Sea God?"

"This is a bit outrageous!"

"Gulu, this thing seems to be targeting Mo God."

"Can you run?"

"Also killed the Guardian Beast, are you crazy?"


Just when the audience in Yanguo's live broadcast room lamented that Chen Mo's luck was too bad.

Three more broadcasts have appeared in the Land of Apocalypse.

It completely made Blue Star boil.

(End of this chapter)

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