Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 87 Chen Mo Was Swallowed

Chapter 87 Chen Mo Was Swallowed

multinational controversy.

The news of Chen Mo Yujian's robbery.

In an instant, it made the headlines of the media in various countries.

Even, some short video platforms, instant messaging software.

It's all about this video.

In less than 10 minutes, it rushed to the top of the hot search for these software.

Even some self-media are scrambling to forward, or tout or comment on this matter.

In short, everyone is opening their mouths and shutting up now, they are all talking about Chen Mo Yujian's fight against monsters.

And this thing is getting hotter.

The people of the island nation are getting angrier and aggrieved.

This reward is obviously from our country, from our country.
In this regard, they made videos one after another, or insulted or boycotted or condemned Chen Mo.

Some high-level officials even publicly stated that they wanted Yan Guo to pay compensation.

The land of the apocalypse.

Miyamoto Ichiro and Hibiki were also extremely angry.

Especially when Ichiro Miyamoto heard the broadcast and learned that the monster was snatched away by Chen Mo of Yan Kingdom, his face was flushed with anger, his face was ferocious, and he even swears directly in the water.

As a result, he drank a lot of seawater, and after a while, he couldn't hold his breath and swam to the surface of the water.

By the way, find out where Chen Mo is so that he can take revenge.

But after Chen Mo snatched the monsters, he walked away with his sword without taking a cloud.

In mid-air, Chen Mo took out the Sea God's mirror and found two cracks on the mirror.

At the same time, it was reminded in his mind that Seagod's mirror stamina still had eight points.

In other words, the Seagod's Mirror is used once in half an hour, which consumes a little stamina.

He spent nearly an hour just now, so he used it twice.

The time between the two meetings should not have passed, so Chen Mo checked the American players again.

After discovering that Dylan came out of the secret place under the sea, under the cover of each other, they did not get entangled with the guardian beast and left the sea area.

As for what was obtained in the secret place under the sea, no one knew except the two of them.

At this moment, there are 36 blue beams of light, and there are 33 left.

Judging from the Poseidon's mirror, Poseidon's vase and other items, these secret places under the sea are rich in treasures, and Chen Mo will naturally not give up. After snatching the monsters from the island country, he headed towards the next blue beam of light nearby.

In the sea area, undercurrents surged.

As soon as Chen Mo blocked the live broadcast, put on a wetsuit and dived into the water, he was sucked into a small vortex.

at the same time.

The announcement sounded immediately.

[Major announcement!Chen Mo, a contestant from the Yan Kingdom, discovered creatures in the Land of Apocalypse and was analyzing the types of creatures. 】

[Analysis complete! 】

【warn!warn!warn! 】

【hint!Chen Mo, a contestant from Yan Kingdom, discovered the SS-level mutant beast Super Dragon King Whale. 】

【Characteristics of the Super Dragon King Whale: It also ordered the Emperor Lizard, with an amazing bite force. It feeds on super-large creatures. It is one of the emperors of the ocean. It can master the power of the ocean and overturn mountains and seas, but it is limited by the ocean.Weaknesses: Available on kill. 】

The moment the announcement sounded.

The stern warning notification made the whole Blue Star not calm in an instant.

It boiled right away.

People from all over the world frantically flocked into the Yan Kingdom's live broadcast room again.

I saw it on the live screen.

Chen Mo was sucked into a vortex, and under that vortex, there was a huge black shadow. Judging from the outline of the black shadow, it could be vaguely seen that it was the super-sized whale that appeared in the US live broadcast before. It is speculated to be the Dragon King Whale.

On the back of the Super Dragon King Whale, there is an air hole like a spring, and the vortex is caused by the air hole when it is exhausting.

And Chen Mo, in the vortex, is like a mung bean, if compared with the Super Dragon King Whale that created the vortex, it is like a grain of sand.

It makes people feel how small human beings are, and they can't afford the slightest thought of resistance.

see this scene.

More than 100 billion viewers in the live broadcast room.

They are all shocked.

This scene is like a person standing at the foot of a big mountain.

Let that person compare with the mountains.

What kind of concept is this.

Ants and elephants.

Everyone didn't want Chen Mo to fight the Super Dragon King Whale, but wanted to see how Chen Mo could get out of the whirlpool.

SS rank mutant beast.

Mommy too.

This is at the same level as Sky Dragon.

The scene of the sky dragon destroying Great Britain that day is still in everyone's mind.

If it were the Super Dragon King Whale, it would be the same as the sky dragon back then, attacking Chen Mo in anger.

The result can be imagined.

"Gulu! My god, God Mo, run!"

"The Super Dragon King Whale doesn't seem to have noticed the Mo God. The Mo God just happened to enter the vortex created by the Super Dragon King Whale."

"In terms of volume, this Super Dragon King Whale seems to be bigger than Sky Dragon."

"Although Moshen is very strong, compared with SS-level creatures, he still looks very weak!"

"Haha, the retribution has arrived, let you grab my island country's reward, Super Dragon King Whale, kill Chen Mo for me."

"Call you a wave, now it's the end of the wave!"


in the sea.

When Chen Mo was sucked into the vortex and the broadcast sounded, the moment Chen Mo looked down, his back was covered in cold sweat, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

Ma Dan, this luck is really good enough.

He wanted to get out of the vortex, but found that the gas flowing in the vortex made it difficult for him to stabilize his body. Without a force point, he could not use the sword control technique at all.

Chen Mo at this moment is like a flat boat on the waves under a storm, swaying with the wind.

There is no way to break free from this vortex.

And the most tingling thing is.

A huge suction force swept out from the air hole, and the gas in the vortex was pulling Chen Mo into the air hole.

As if stuck in a swamp, the harder Chen Mo struggled, the stronger the suction.


When a sharp strange sound came out from the air hole, the suction increased again.

The next moment, Chen Mo was sucked in by the air hole with his sword in hand.

At the moment of being sucked in, the air hole was also closed, as if the valve had been closed.

The screen in Yanguo's live broadcast room was suddenly pitch black.


All stunned.

Although everyone thinks that Chen Mo is not the opponent of Super Dragon King Whale, at least he can get out of the whirlpool.

But the reality is beyond everyone's expectations.

was swallowed.

Chen Mo was swallowed by the Super Dragon King Whale.


This is absolutely impossible.

"I'm dazzled, tell me it's not true."

"This is true, the people of Yan Kingdom wake up, Chen Mo has finally suffered, hahaha."

"Haha, the Yan Kingdom is finally in trouble. If Chen Mo can still come out alive, I'll live broadcast and eat Oli."

"Come here, come out again to cheat food and drink."

"Don't say it so early, lest you get slapped in the face again, and the announcement didn't even sound, how do you know that Mo Shen can't come out?"

"Don't be optimistic, this is an SS-level creature, you don't think your Mo God can defeat an SS-level creature?"

"Whether being able to come out has anything to do with defeating SS-level creatures? In reality, there are still news about ordinary people being swallowed by whales and coming out alive."

(End of this chapter)

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