Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 88 Dragon King Whale Spirit Liquid

Chapter 88 Dragon King Whale Spirit Liquid

Indeed, there are indeed a few cases of people who survived after being swallowed by whales in the history of Blue Star.

in the history of the United States.

There was once a man who was attacked by a huge sperm whale when he was on a ship, and fell into the water and was swallowed by the sperm whale.

Afterwards, the crew caught up with the sperm whale, killed it and brought it ashore. After ripping open its stomach, they found that the man still had a breath in the whale's stomach.

It's just that his face and arms were turned pale by the gastric juice, and his eyes were also blinded.

But luckily still alive.

It was later adapted into a movie
Moreover, although Chen Mo was swallowed into the body by the Super Dragon King Whale, judging from the position, it might not be swallowed into the stomach, so that he would not be corroded by the gastric juice, and the chance of survival is even higher.

Of course, rebuttals are rebuttals.

Even though he was an audience of Yan Kingdom, he thought that the chance of Chen Mo surviving was almost zero.

Because throughout the history of Blue Star, there are people who were swallowed by whales and survived.

All came out with the help of others.

And Chen Mo has no one to help.

Yunying can't enter the water.

Although Daisha and Bella have become stronger recently, they can defeat F-rank creatures at most. It is tantamount to wishful thinking to save Chen Mo from the body of SS-rank Super Dragon King Whale.

What's more, is the Super Dragon King Whale a whale?

This is a creature from the Land of Apocalypse.

Who knows what is inside the body of the Super Dragon King Whale?
Is it poisonous?

What is the specific structure?
There is no strange energy within the body.

Pop-up explanation.

Xiao Sa and the others clenched their fists tightly. Although the hope was slim, they still looked forward to a miracle.

After all, the announcement announcing Chen Mo's death didn't sound, which meant that Chen Mo was still alive.

The land of the apocalypse.

When Miyamoto Ichiro and Xianggui heard the announcement of Chen Mo's encounter with the Super Dragon King Whale, they instantly felt a lot better.

Immediately said that Chen Mo's retribution has arrived, and he deserves what he deserves.

But when there was no announcement of Chen Mo's death in the next half an hour, Miyamoto Ichiro started cursing again.

He didn't know about Chen Mo's situation, and since there hadn't been an announcement for so long, Miyamoto Ichiro obviously thought that Chen Mo had escaped.

Speaking of Chen Mo's side.

After being sucked into the air hole by the Super Dragon King Whale, Chen Mo felt as if he had fallen into icy water tens of degrees below zero.

The surroundings were dark, and there was a disgusting stench.

Chen Mo took out the flashlight from the storage space.

Turn on the flashlight.

With the strong light shining out, the environment inside also caught Chen Mo's eyes.

He seemed to be in a big pool.

the difference is.

The water in this pool is light red.

Bitter cold, but not frozen.

The surrounding flesh walls are silvery white, like a layer of frost, with some viscous golden yellow liquid hanging on it, like a kind of high-quality honey.

Chen Mo took a breath and felt that the energy in his body was slowing down.

As he inhaled more, Chen Mo not only found it more and more difficult to breathe, but also felt like falling asleep.

"Is this in the stomach of the Super Dragon King Whale or what?"

Chen Mo quickly held his breath, looked around, and then looked up again.

The air hole above had already been closed, and Chen Mo estimated that he was at least eight or nine meters away from the top above.

This is rather scary.

No wonder the whole picture of the Super Dragon King Whale could not be seen clearly before.

Observed a circle.

Chen Mo found neither blood vessels nor intestines, or the esophagus.

Even Chen Mo held his nose and dived into the smelly water, but he still didn't find any passages or anything like that.

This is a confined space.

"It's over."

Chen Mo frowned, he was still thinking when he came in.

The super dragon king whale is so big that it is like an ant to it.

At that time, it may be possible to go out through its esophagus, or the place where it is excreted.

But now.

Not a single exit.

In order to resist the internal environment, the energy in the body is consumed a little bit.

Chen Mo knew that he could no longer sit still.

Wait for Yuanli to be completely consumed.

Then he is not far from death.

Hurriedly making handprints, as the dark golden long sword broke through the water, Chen Mo stabbed towards the top with all his strength.


As sparks flew from the flesh wall, the layer of hoarfrost on it was like an indestructible armor, which could not be broken at all.

"My Nima"

"Meteor Sword Technique!"

Chen Mo made his handprints, and afterimages of the dark golden long sword appeared in midair, and immediately shot toward the top.

The result is the same as before.

Then, Chen Mo tried up, down, left, and right.

Even used the big move "One lotus blooms, ten thousand lotuses blooms."

The result is still useless.

Chen Mo was about to despair.

Simply outrageous.

This move can kill S-rank creatures.

But now it can't be broken.

Is the gap between S-level creatures and SS-level creatures so big?
Chen Mo raised his head to the sky and roared.

He is venting.

After all, he thought highly of himself.

In fact, at the moment he beheaded the blue sea beast.

My heart is actually a little swollen.

That's why I dare to go out in such a bad environment.

The blame for grabbing the island country players.

Until the Super Dragon King Whale appeared and was swallowed by it.

He still thought arrogantly that he could go out.

But reality gave him a slap in the face.

He has to admit that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

People should be in awe of nature.

Although I killed S-level creatures, the gap between them and SS-level creatures is still very large.

Not to mention, SSS-level creatures that haven't appeared until now.

At this moment, Chen Mo's mood changed.

But at this moment, a drop of golden-yellow viscous liquid adhering to the surface of the top body suddenly fell into Chen Mo's mouth and was accidentally swallowed by him.

"Cough cough."

Chen Mo coughed dryly.

next moment.

A huge pain hit.

A sharp pain that penetrates the bone marrow.

It was as if the blood in his body was burning at this moment.

The veins on Chen Mo's face popped up.

At the same time, he felt the energy in his body go berserk.

What he didn't know was that that drop of golden liquid turned into wisps of unusually pure energy and merged into his body.

【hint!You took a sip of the Dragon King Whale liquid, your physique changed, your bloodline improved, and your strength increased. 】

Suddenly, Chen Mo found that he could look inside and see what was going on inside his body.

At this moment, he clearly felt that the toughness of his body was becoming stronger and stronger at a slow speed.

Chen Mo's eyes lit up, and he quickly swam forward, then grabbed the golden yellow viscous liquid adhering to the surface, and swallowed it into his mouth.

Suppressing the weird taste, he swallowed it in one gulp.

The piercing pain hit again.

【hint!You took a sip of the Dragon King Whale liquid, your physique changed, your bloodline improved, and your strength increased. 】

(End of this chapter)

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