Chapter 1
"Master! Wake up! You can't die! Who will support us if you die!"

"Master, wake up quickly, Ling'er's clothes are dirty, I can only ask Brother Li to wash them for me after you die."

"Wuuuu, Master is dead, and those bandits are about to kill them, what should we do!"


Noisy voices rang in Shen Yu's ears, disturbing him, and he really wanted to speak loudly: "Fuck, let people not sleep."

But he found that he couldn't make a sound, which made his little heart skip a beat.

Lying on the couch, am I dumb?

But he soon discovered that not only could he not speak, he couldn't even open his eyes, and his eyes were pitch black.

Damn, could it be that my brother Xiaoyu is not only dumb, but also blind?

As soon as this idea popped up, Shen Yu lost all sleepiness. He tried hard to open his eyes, but unfortunately, he still couldn't open them.

Shen Yu's heart was instantly ashamed.

Damn, what a blind!

What's going on here, why did I suddenly become like this, where am I now?
"Ding, the strongest summoning system is bound!"

"Ding, the host's vitality is found to be extremely low, and it needs to be rescued immediately."

"Ding, the faith value is consumed a little, and the host's vitality has been restored successfully."

Just when Shen Yu's heart was ashamed, a cold voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Shen Yu hurriedly screamed: "Who, who the hell is talking, don't scare me, get out of here quickly."

"Ah... Master is awake! Eldest senior brother, second senior brother, master is awake, come quickly!"

Hearing Shen Yu's voice, a crisp voice full of surprise rang in his ears, and then Shen Yu miraculously opened his eyes.

In the eyes, it was a five or six-year-old girl. This girl seemed to have stepped out of a cartoon, with big eyes and a round face, extremely cute, but her face was covered with dust and tears, and her hair was a little messy.

The little girl saw Shen Yu's eyes open, showing her white teeth, and said with a smile: "Master, you finally woke up, I was so frightened to death, I thought you were dead."

Shen Yu blinked, feeling a little confused by the little girl in front of her.

Who is this little girl!Why did she call me Master?Why am I lying on the ground?

Looking at the little girl's delicate face, these questions suddenly flooded into Shen Yu's mind.

However, Shen Yu was very fortunate at the moment, he was not blind, nor did he seem to be dumb.

"Wow, Master, you finally woke up!"


Before Shen Yu could get up from the ground, two more voices came from a distance.

He looked up and saw two boys of similar age, one fat and one thin, with exaggerated tears on their faces, rushing towards him excitedly.

I rely on!

Seeing this, Shen Yu quickly got up from the ground, and quickly avoided the warm embrace of these two people.

Then, he looked at the two in surprise and asked, "Who are you? Why do you call me Master?"

The two people who were going to pounce on Shen Yu stopped when they heard his words, and then looked at Shen Yu with surprise on their faces, like watching a ghost.

After a while, the fat man said: "Master, you don't know us anymore, we are your apprentices!"

"What apprentice..."

Just as Shen Yu was about to speak, his mind suddenly shook, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

At this time, in his mind, there was an extra memory that did not belong to him. This memory told him that he had traveled to this world called Kyushu Continent.

This world is different from the earth. This is a strange world that everyone longs for to cultivate immortals.

His current identity is the Kyushu Continent, Qingzhou Daxia Kingdom, and the head of the Lingxiao Sect.

He unexpectedly possessed a young man with the same name and surname as him.

Although it is said to be the head, but this head is very shabby. The Lingxiao Sect has been established for more than 500 years. It will not stand on Yuxu Mountain, two hundred miles away from the imperial capital of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Although Yuxu Mountain is not big, its main peak, Yuxu Peak, is 3000 meters high and stretches for tens of miles. In addition, it is very close to Huangdu, and its geographical location is superior, so it can be regarded as a fairy mountain.

However, the successive heads of the Lingxiao faction were too unbearable. Except for the founder of the faction who was more powerful, the successors were worse than the last.

20 years ago, the Lingxiao faction completely degenerated, leaving only Shen Yu's master.

Three years ago, Shen Yu's master Su Quan passed away, and only Shen Yu, who was 15 years old at the time, was left in the Lingxiao Sect.

He took over as the head of the five generations as a matter of course.

This guy's life was also quite tragic. He got up early today to cut firewood for cooking, and when he didn't want to fetch water, he accidentally fell into the river, and then died.

Fortunately, the river washed him ashore, and the three apprentices worked together to carry his body to the Lingxiao faction.

A dignified cultivator fell into the river and drowned. He really lost eight lives.

However, this gave Shen Yu an opportunity to take advantage of the void, his soul traveled through countless time and space, and finally possessed this young man.

After getting this information, Shen Yu looked around mechanically with his head, and saw that he was in a dilapidated hall at this time, which was the Lingxiao Sect's sect hall, Yuxu Palace, and the entire palace. The only intact building on the mountain.

This hall is not too small, it is three to four hundred square meters, but the inside of the hall is too empty.

In the hall, apart from the stone statue of a dilapidated old man who is more than ten meters high and unknown where it is sacred, there is only the dilapidated table in front of the stone statue.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew in, causing Shen Yu to shiver uncontrollably. Only then did he realize that the walls and windows around the hall were already in tatters. Sunlight poured down through the cracks.

"Master, are you... all right!"

Shen Yu stood there blankly, making the three little guys in the hall a little surprised, and finally it was the five or six-year-old girl who mustered up the courage to walk up.

Shen Yu stared blankly at the three of them. These three little ghosts were his three disciples.

The little girl carved in pink and jade in front of her is called Ling'er, she is Shen Yu's third apprentice, she is only five years old this year, and she is the youngest among the three.

That skinny boy is Fang Bai, Shen Yu's second apprentice, who just turned eight years old this year.

As for that chubby kid, it was Shen Yu's big apprentice Luo Hua, who was only ten years old this year.

These three people are all orphans adopted by Shen Yu's predecessor with great mercy. Shen Yu's predecessor always felt that he was better than the master. At least after the death of the master, he immediately carried forward the Lingxiao faction. Four people are better than two people .

Thus, the Immortal Cultivation Sect, where the young man brought three children under the age of ten, appeared.

Shen Yu wants to cry but has no tears, I won't say anything if you let me time travel, why do you still let me take care of the children in this declining sect, this is the rhythm of a full-time dad!

Is there such a sad leader in this world?
(End of this chapter)

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