Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 2 Summoning System

Chapter 2 Summoning System
Shen Yu was originally a college student who was about to graduate. On the night before graduation, he went to drink with a group of brothers in the same dormitory. On a whim, they all got drunk.

Then everyone wandered towards the dormitory. Unexpectedly, when they crossed the road, Shen Yu was hit by a speeding car, and then lost his life.

Then his soul traveled across countless time and space, came to the Kyushu Continent, and possessed this young man with the same name and surname as himself.

Although after coming to this world, I no longer have a family member, and I will be separated from my parents forever, but the only thing to be thankful for is that I finally saved my life, as the saying goes, a good death is worse than a bad one Alive, he can only comfort himself in this way, accepting the fact of time travel.

"Master, let's run for our lives, Liu Sanpao is about to kill him, if we don't run away, it will be too late!"

When Shen Yu secretly lamented his miserable life experience, his eldest disciple, that fat Luo Hua, threw himself at Shen Yu's feet, and said with snot and tears.

The second disciple Fang Bai, who reacted a little slower, also hurriedly begged: "Master, what the senior brother said is right! Run, I heard that Liu Sanpao is very powerful, the kind who can eat people without spitting out bones. One batch, we can't stand it."

Shen Yu looked at the two fat and thin disciples, and suddenly became angry. The predecessor of this body had such poor eyesight, and it was really shameful to accept such two spineless disciples. Apprentice Ling'er, although she is a little yellow-haired girl, has more backbone than these two guys.

Although the little girl is still small, she has no fear on her face. She pinched her waist and scolded in a childlike voice: "Eldest senior brother, second senior brother, how can you be so useless? Our Lingxiao sect is a sect of cultivating immortals , how can we be afraid of a few bandits? We must unite as one, beat back the powerful enemy together, and then spread the Lingxiao faction, Master has taught us on weekdays, have you all forgotten?"

Hearing Ling'er's words, Shen Yu nodded approvingly, the predecessor had accepted a good disciple.

Although Ling'er is young, but this quirky girl often makes the two senior brothers want to cry, so both of them are very afraid of Ling'er.

After Ling'er finished speaking, Luo Hua and Fang Bai didn't dare to continue talking, they just stood there blankly, watching Shen Yu in a daze, waiting for him to make a decision.

Shen Yu also quickly entered the role, becoming a master in a grandiose manner.

He immediately grimaced, and scolded: "Look at the appearance of you two, you are still senior brothers, and your consciousness is not as good as your junior sisters, so get out of here and stand outside Yuxu Palace. Without my order, no one will die." Don't move around."

Luo Hua and Fang Bai were still quite afraid of Shen Yu, so they didn't dare to neglect immediately, and ran out of the hall in desperation.

After Luo Hua and Fang Bai both left the main hall, Shen Yu bent down and said to the powder-carved Ling'er: "My darling little Ling'er, go out and look at your two senior brothers, don't let them be lazy and play tricks. Take care of some things and go out in a while."

Linger nodded seriously and said: "Master, don't worry, Linger will definitely take good care of them."


After Ling'er left, Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and could finally calm down temporarily.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, then rested his chin with his hands, looked at the tall old Taoist statue in the main hall, and began to organize his thoughts.

After a long time, he finally merged his own memory with the memory of this body, and figured out who the so-called Liu Sanpao was.

Liu Sanpao is a bandit nearby and also a neighbor of the Lingxiao faction. The Lingxiao faction occupies Yuxu Peak, the main peak of Yuxu Mountain, while Liu Sanpao occupies a small hillside under Yuxu Peak. Raising dozens of gangsters, they rob houses and loot houses all day long, seeking wealth and killing their lives.

This Liu Sanpao has coveted Yuxu Peak for a long time, and has always wanted to monopolize Yuxu Peak, move to the peak, and become a powerful party that truly monopolizes the peak. However, he is just an ordinary person with some superficial skills, and his strength is worse than that of immortal cultivators far away.

Although the Lingxiao faction has declined, there were only Shen Yu and his master Su Quan left in the past, but his master Su Quan was also a cultivator of immortals, and he knew some immortal spells. Although he was not popular, he was more than enough to deal with Liu Sanpao up.

When Su Quan was alive, Liu Sanpao didn't dare to take advantage of the Lingxiao faction at all, and even in the three years after Su Quan's death, he didn't dare to act rashly, lest Su Quan was cheating his death, but after many trials , Liu Sanpao was finally sure that this old man was really dead.

Liu Sanpao's mind became active again. Three days ago, he sent someone to spread the word, asking Shen Yu to leave Yuxu Mountain with three apprentices in three days, otherwise the entire Ling Xiao Sect would be killed.

It is embarrassing enough to say that Shen Yu, although there are not many secrets of cultivating immortals left by the Lingxiao sect, and Su Quan is also a low-level cultivator, but you have been with your master for more than ten years, and you have not learned a little bit of immortality. Home spells, otherwise, how could a mere bandit bully him.

Frankly speaking, this Shen Yu is really a waste.

But this can't be entirely blamed on Shen Yu's predecessor, the cultivation of immortals is very particular about aptitude, and the predecessor has no spiritual roots at all, so it is impossible to become an immortal cultivator.

If it wasn't for the decline of the Ling Xiao Sect back then, it would have been impossible to recruit disciples, and Su Quan didn't want the Ling Xiao Sect to break the lineage, so he would not have accepted Shen Yu as his disciple.

Shen Yu couldn't cultivate immortals, so he naturally didn't have the ability to teach his three disciples to cultivate immortals, so there was an embarrassing situation. The Lingxiao sect, which is known as the sect of cultivating immortals, unexpectedly didn't have a single person who was a monk. , are all out-and-out ordinary people, and they are all teenagers and children.

Such a wonderful sect of cultivating immortals is probably the only one in the entire Kyushu continent.

The Immortal Cultivation Sect that was wiped out by bandits, the Lingxiao Sect may become the laughing stock of the Immortal Cultivation world in the future.

After clarifying these thoughts, Shen Yu didn't even know whether he should cry or not.

Time travel is time travel, what kind of trouble is this?

Do you really want to let yourself take three children and wander around the world?Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be the only option, or else we can only wait for death.

"Ding, the strongest summoning system is at your service, is there anything the host can help you with?"

Just when Shen Yu secretly decided to be shameless once, even if he took three disciples along the street to beg, he would save his life, a voice suddenly came to his mind, which made him slightly startled.

Isn't this the mysterious voice that echoed in his mind when he was in a coma?

It turns out that I heard correctly at that time!

Is it...

(End of this chapter)

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