Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 11 Zhang 3feng

Chapter 11 Zhang Sanfeng

Another 22 Faith Points were added, and now Shen Yu's Faith Points could support him to summon three times with [-] Faith Points.

At this time, Shen Yu said: "Let's talk about cultivation later, you go and build the dormitory first! Otherwise, you will sleep in Yuxu Palace."


All the bandits agreed, and then, under the leadership of Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong, they went around to build their residences.

Shen Yu could tell that these bandits who had believed in the Lingxiao Sect were very excited and full of energy.

After these people got busy, Shen Yu returned to Yuxu Palace again, ready to summon the foundation builder.

The foundation building period is the first key link in the process of cultivating immortals, and it is also the foundation of everything.

Only when the foundation is completed can one be regarded as having just embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, so one cannot be considered a real cultivator during the Qi training period.

In Taoism in the Chinese world, foundation building is also called a hundred days of foundation building, and the purpose of building a foundation in a hundred days is to open up the two veins of Ren and Du.

The qi training period means refining and transforming qi, which is to refine the body's essence and blood into true qi. Therefore, monks in the qi training period can strengthen their own strength and physical strength through the use of true qi, and then break through the limits of the human body and obtain A power far beyond ordinary people.

The characters in many martial arts novels in the previous life, in this world is the period of Qi training.

Shen Yu's master, Su Quan, was as high as the ninth level of Qi training during his lifetime. He claimed to be able to use some simple immortal methods. In fact, in Shen Yu's view now, he just used some leaves and flying flowers, which can hurt people Tricks are far from being fairy spells.

It's just that the villagers near Yuxu Mountain have never seen a real master in the world of cultivating immortals, so they think Su Quan's tricks are immortal arts.

When a monk breaks through the qi training period and reaches the foundation building period, he has opened up the two meridians of Ren and Du in the body. From then on, the true qi in the body can flow along the meridians in the body and flow throughout the body, getting rid of diseases and prolonging life Effect.

In addition, because true qi can circulate in the body as one likes, monks can often use the power of true qi to a greater extent. In addition, the true qi in the body of the foundation-building monks is far stronger than that of the monks in the qi training period, so their strength The means are also more powerful.

The most important thing is that after breaking through the foundation building stage, monks can absorb the aura from the heavens and the earth into their bodies, and then quickly strengthen themselves.

Therefore, foundation building is the first step in the journey of cultivating immortality.

In the Great Xia Kingdom, monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage can become the elders of a large sect, or even suzerain, which shows how powerful the Foundation Establishment Stage is.

Shen Yu's subordinates now only have Yu Chigong and Qin Shubao, two qi training period monks. Any inner disciple from a more powerful sect can send Ling Xiao to the regiment to destroy him. If he wants to gain a foothold in the Kyushu Continent, he must To summon more powerful characters, even in the Great Xia Kingdom, one must have the protection of a strong person from the Foundation Establishment period.

So Shen Yu decided to summon a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage first!

"System, use ten faith points to make a summon!"

"Ding, the ten Faith Points have been consumed successfully, and the summoning is now started!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Xu Fu!"

"Race: Human Race!"

"Cultivation technique: Yin Yang Heart Sutra!"

"Cultivation: Qi training level six!"

"Special attribute: refining medicine!"

Damn, my luck can't be so bad!
Hearing the sound of the system, ten thousand horses flew by in Shen Yu's mind. With ten faith points, there is a high possibility of summoning the monks of the foundation building period, and there is also a very small possibility of summoning the monks of the Qi training period and the bigu period. I want a powerful existence that can be summoned to the bigu period, but I can't give me a Qi training period!

This is clearly a bully!Is it easy to save my ten beliefs?

Shen Yu said silently in his heart: "System, aren't you cheating? The first time I summoned with ten belief points, I summoned a monk in the Qi training period? Temperament!"

The system said: "The host should not be ignorant of good people, Xu Fu is not an ordinary sixth-level qi practitioner, he is a second-grade pharmacist with a prominent status!"

Second rank pharmacist?
Shen Yu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, if he wanted to say which type of person is the wealthiest in the Kyushu Continent, it must be a pharmacist.

As long as they are cultivators, they cannot do without pills. A mediocre pill can speed up their cultivation speed. If it is a top-notch pill, it can even change a person's talent, turning him from a mediocre person into an immortal. Cultivate genius.

Therefore, although the cultivation of pharmacists is generally not high, they can be regarded as honored guests anywhere, and even some apprentices of pharmacists can occupy high positions in small forces.

I heard that the most powerful pharmacist in the Great Xia Kingdom is only a second-rank pharmacist, the chief court pharmacist of the royal family.

This Xu Fu is also a second-rank pharmacist, which is amazing.

The pharmacists in the mainland of Kyushu are divided into grades one to nine, and the second grade pharmacists are placed in the Great Xia Kingdom, which is definitely a remarkable existence.

Naturally, Shen Yu also knew Xu Fu's name, he was from the Qin Dynasty, and it was said that he once went to sea to search for the immortal medicine for Qin Shihuang, and some even said that he was a god.

In short, it is enough for this person to know how to make medicine. Although he can't make undead medicine, it is still possible to make some miscellaneous things.

However, it is not so safe for this second-grade pharmacist to be placed in the Lingxiao sect.

The so-called innocence and guilt, if people know that there is a second-grade pharmacist in the Lingxiao faction, and the strongest in the Lingxiao faction is this second-grade pharmacist, who only has the sixth level of Qi training, those jealous People, they will definitely go to Yuxu Mountain to arrest them.

So Shen Yu still has to spend another ten faith points to summon once, but he still doesn't believe it. The two summons with ten faith points are all monks who have reached the Qi training period?

Shen Yu felt ruthless in his heart, and said, "System, spend another ten Faith Points to summon once more."

"Ding, ten faith points have been deducted successfully, and the summoning is in progress!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Zhang Sanfeng!"

"Race: Human Race!"

"Cultivation method: Tai Chi Sutra!"

"Cultivation: Foundation Establishment Complete!"

"Special attribute: Heaven-defying understanding!"

I'll wipe it, I'll just say it, bad luck can't always happen to me!Finally summoned to the foundation building period, and he is still a generation of grandmasters.

Moreover, Zhang Sanfeng's talent cannot be measured by his cultivation. He is in the Dharma-ending Era, the aura of heaven and earth is thin, and he doesn't have any decent cultivation skills, so he will stop at Foundation Establishment and Consummation, otherwise his future will be limitless.

It is said that he is tall and handsome, with big ears and round eyes, and a beard like a halberd. Regardless of the cold or heat, he only has one sack and one scorpion. He can eat a meal for a few days, or not for a few months. He can know in advance. His accomplishments in martial arts and his extraordinary longevity are praised by later generations.

Not to mention the others, but just having one eclipse for several days, or not eating for several months, it shows that Zhang Sanfeng is infinitely close to the bigu period.

At this moment, a middle-aged man and an old man in sixties appeared in front of Shen Yu out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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