Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 12 The New Sect

Chapter 12 The New Sect
"Infinite longevity, veteran Zhang Sanfeng, I have met the master!"

"Xu Fu, I have met the head!"

As soon as Xu Fu and Zhang Sanfeng appeared, they bowed respectfully to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu took a careful look at the two of them. Zhang Sanfeng had white beard and hair, and was wearing Tsing Yi, but he was full of energy.

And Xu Fu is wearing a high hat, about forty years old, white and beardless, wearing a silver robe, with a mysterious smile on his face, at first glance he is a person who pursues mysticism.

With the arrival of these two people, the Ling Xiao faction can be regarded as having a foothold.

Shen Yu smiled and said to the two: "Renren Zhang, Xu Fu, I am very happy that you two can come, my Lingxiao Sect is now employing people, Master Zhang, you will be my Lingxiao Sect's teaching skills from today onwards." Elder, Xu Fu, you are the chief pharmacist of my Lingxiao Sect."

With Zhang Sanfeng's talent in martial arts comprehension, it is more than enough to be a mere elder who teaches martial arts.

Xu Fu is currently the only pharmacist of the Lingxiao Sect, and he is the chief pharmacist.

Of course, this is only the case at this stage. In the future, there may be more masters under Shen Yu's subordinates. At that time, the position configuration of the Ling Xiao faction will have to be adjusted.

The two did not refuse, and immediately accepted the position.


The disciples of the Lingxiao Sect naturally had some doubts about the frequent appearance of some unpredictable people under the head of the sect. In the past, there were only four members of the Lingxiao Sect, Shen Yu, but now in less than a day, except for the forty mountain In addition to thieves, there have been so many masters.

However, the stronger the sect, the better it would be for these people. As disciples of the Lingxiao Sect, they would only be delighted with this change and didn't ask too much.

With the Elder Chuangong, Qin Qiong immediately gave Zhang Sanfeng the "Taixuan Jing" and "Yi Jin Jing" that had not yet been warmed up. These summoned characters are absolutely loyal to Shen Yu, and will not be overwhelmed because of Shen Yu. Dissatisfaction arises due to job changes.

After summoning Zhang Sanfeng and Xu Fu, Shen Yu spent another two faith points to exchange for a copy of "Shaolin 72 Unique Skills".

Both "Taixuan Jing" and "Yi Jin Jing" belong to internal exercises, mainly to enhance people's true energy. If you want to exert the strongest power of these two exercises in actual combat, you also need corresponding martial arts moves. In combination, "Shaolin 72 Stunts" is the best martial arts move to match the internal martial arts.

Although such martial arts moves are not as powerful as Xianjia spells, they are still very useful before the bigu period.

It's just a pity for Shen Yu that this "Shaolin 72 Unique Skills" is actually more expensive than the low-rank Huang-level exercises, and it actually cost him two Faith Points.

In this way, Shen Yu only had sixteen faith points left.


In the next few days, everything in the Lingxiao faction was developing step by step. With the support of Liu Sanpao's accumulated wealth for many years, the construction work of the Lingxiao faction was also very smooth. It became lively.

There are a total of seven main peaks in Yuxu Mountain. Apart from the tallest and largest Yuxu Peak, there are six other main peaks for Shen Yu to develop.

But as the saying goes, Wangshan runs dead horses, standing on Yuxu Peak, the seven main peaks are very close, but it still takes a long distance to cross from one peak to another, even if it is Bigu For a period of time, they couldn't fly with the sword, so this distance was already very long for the people of the Lingxiao faction.

However, Zhang Sanfeng, who is in the foundation building stage, can't fly, but he can still move and drift in the air for a short distance, which is commonly known as light work.

After reaching the sixth level of Qi training, he can easily jump six or seven feet off the ground and do a hundred steps in the air. Unfortunately, only Xu Fu and Zhang Sanfeng can do this kind of character in the entire Lingxiao faction. do it.

Therefore, Shen Yu didn't think about developing the remaining six main peaks for the time being, and he couldn't go there even if they were developed.


On the first night of the bandit's surrender, they naturally lived in the Yuxu Palace. A group of people made bunks on the ground, but their houses were completely built the next day.

There are not many other things on Yuxu Mountain, but there are still many trees and rocks. It is not easy to simply build a few temporary residences.

Of course, the face of a sect of cultivating immortals cannot be easily lost. Just building some simple houses like this is a bit too shameful.

In addition to having a temporary residence, the renovation work of the Lingxiao faction officially started.

Shen Yu took Liu Sanpao's gold, silver and jewelry without hesitation, and dispatched his disciples to a nearby village shop to purchase bricks and stones. This shocked the ordinary people in the nearby village shop. This is not jade. A bandit on Xushan?When did you become so polite and start spending money on things?
Wasn't it always a hard grab before?

At first, the people were very wary, they couldn’t believe that these bandits were willing to buy things with money, but it was only later that they found out that they had joined the Lingxiao Sect on Yuxu Mountain, and now they are also serious disciples of the Immortal Sect. .

It's not that the people nearby have never heard of it. The Lingxiao faction has long since declined. It seems that there are only a few children left, but the reputation of the immortal sect is far and wide. They also believed what the bandits said.

They didn't expect that in this world, there really was a sect of cultivating immortals that was almost destroyed by bandits.


After a few days, Shen Yu not only renovated the Yuxu Hall of the Lingxiao Sect, but also built three small palaces behind the Yuxu Hall, the Chuangong Hall, the Medicine Refining Hall, and the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Besides, even Shen Yu and a group of disciples changed into uniform attire.

As the sect leader, Shen Yu wore a blue robe, while Zhang Sanfeng, Xu Fu, Yu Chigong, and Qin Qiong, as elders, wore dark green robes.

Ling'er, Luo Hua, and Fang Bai, as inner disciples, wore silver robes, while the outer disciples wore gray robes.

Today's Lingxiao sect can be regarded as a small sparrow with complete internal organs, which has a hint of the fairy school.

Especially the Yuxu Palace, which is now red bricks and green columns, has a completely new look.

In addition, the courtyard of the Lingxiao School has also been refurbished. The wall made of grass and mud has become a high-walled courtyard, and the gate is more magnificent than before. It is more than seven meters high and five meters wide. The plaques are all handwritten by Zhang Sanfeng himself, which can be regarded as silver hooks painted on iron.

In the middle of the courtyard, there is a bronze incense burner one and a half meters high. The residence and kitchen of his and his disciples have also been moved outside the compound, connecting with the residences of the bandits. Even the big black dog’s Dog kennels are covered to the place where people live.

Half of Liu Sanpao's treasures accumulated for many years was spent, and a brand new Lingxiao faction was finally established.

(End of this chapter)

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