Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 116 Brief confrontation

Chapter 116 Brief confrontation
Shen Yu did not expect the sudden arrival of the Moon Worshiper. In the original book, when Li Xiaoyao took Zhao Linger away, it should have gone smoothly. Why does the Moon Worshiper suddenly chase after him and block his way? Could it be because of his own appearance? , let the Lord of Worship the Moon notice?

But no matter what, the current situation is not optimistic at all. The upper limit of the cultivation base of the fairy sword world is the period of crossing the catastrophe. As one of the best masters in this world, the cultivation base of the Lord of the Moon Worship is at least the distraction period, which is far from being able to compete with the current self of.

If I was alone, Shen Yu wouldn't worry. Although I can't beat the moon worship, I can escape from this world!
But now he is taking Linger and Li Xiaoyao with him. Once Baiyue attacks them and escapes by himself, Linger and Li Xiaoyao may be killed by Baiyue. really dead.

At this moment, a 40-year-old Moon Worshiper who exuded a sinister aura appeared in front of Shen Yu. Shen Yu looked gloomy at the Moon Worshiper who was tens of meters away, and his heart rose. A trace of deep fear.

The aura of this Moon Worshiper is as deep as the sea, and facing him is like facing a strong man of Zhao Yun's level. Sure enough, his cultivation level is no lower than Zhao Yun's.

"Moon worship leader, you big villain!"

Seeing the appearance of the Moon Worshiping Sect Master, Zhao Linger immediately flushed with anger, and pointed at the Moon Worshiping Sect Master angrily.

But now is not the time to let this little girl lose her temper, Shen Yu said in a deep voice: "Li Xiaoyao, take Linger away, now is not the time for you to play with your temper."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu waved his hand directly and cast a spell on Zhao Linger, before she could speak, she fell into a coma.

Shen Yu knew that now she was Zhao Linger's only support, if she was really asked to abandon herself and leave like this, she would definitely not be willing.

Although Li Xiaoyao has always had opinions on Shen Yu, but he is from the future world, and he also knows the strength of the big devil Baiyue. If he talks to Shen Yu here, neither of them will be able to leave.

Li Xiaoyao picked up Ling'er and whispered to Shen Yu: "Be careful, I'll leave first."

After speaking, Li Xiaoyao pulled out the long sword on his back, and then walked away with the sword.

But the Moon Worshiper obviously wouldn't let them go so easily. There was a vague smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his right hand finger, pointed the fingertips lightly toward the front, and then a ray of light shot towards Li Xiaoyao's body. He nodded his back.


Shen Yu snorted coldly, and the dragon-slaying sword was unsheathed instantly, and then he roared: "Slay ghosts and gods!"

As soon as the words fell, the sword body of the Dragon Slaying Sword was rippling with green light, the sword spirit groaned softly, and the violent mana surge lifted Shen Yu's clothes.

This is the first time for Shen Yu to wield the Dragon Slaying Sword. With all his strength, he used the Slaying Ghosts and Gods. Naturally, the power is not the same. Don't dare to be careless, you must do your best.

After Slaying Ghosts and Gods came out, a sharp sword that was hundreds of feet long and full of mana, which could almost pierce the sky, slashed towards the light of the moon worship.

There was a loud noise, and the light from the moon worship and Shen Yu's Ghost Slayer exploded at the same time, causing a shocking shock wave. Under the stimulation of the shock wave, Shen Yu's body retreated uncontrollably , while the leader of worshiping the moon stood motionless.

After a while, the storm caused by the explosion slowly dissipated. Shen Yu looked intently, only to see the Moon Worshiper standing where he was, looking at him curiously.

This made Shen Yu deeply relieved, the biggest purpose of staying to face Bai Yue was to buy time for Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger to escape, as long as Bai Yue did not chase out, Shen Yu would be at ease.

He adjusted his breath, then looked at Baiyue, smiled lightly and said: "As expected of the leader of Baiyue, his strength is really unfathomable!"

The ray of light from Baiyue just now was just shot casually, but its power is not small. Basically, it can kill any master below the Nascent Soul Stage. But the mana in his body will also be drained.

Now he is extremely weak.

The Master of Worshiping the Moon also looked at Shen Yu, and said curiously: "With your Golden Core stage cultivation, you are the first to block my attack without a hair being hurt."

Shen Yu smiled and said: "I am really honored to be praised by the Lord of Worshiping the Moon, so what do you want to do now, kill me, and then go after Zhao Linger?"

The leader of worshiping the moon shook his head and said: "Everything has its own destiny, since fate has arranged for you to save Zhao Ling'er, it means that today is not the time to kill her, even I can't go against the sky, let her go! In comparison, I am more interested in you, Sword God!"

Baiyue pointed out her identity, which made Shen Yu's heart tremble. It seemed that this guy had already noticed him, but he never showed up to look for him.

Seeing Shen Yu's expression, the Patriarch Yue Yue smiled lightly and said: "You don't have to be curious, everything in Nanzhao Kingdom is under my control, and you are no exception. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, man They all have fate, you killed those Moon Worship Sect disciples, this is also their fate, you can’t blame others.”

Shen Yu had to admire, the brain circuit of this Moon Worshiper was indeed different from other people.

He cupped his hands and said with a hint of cynicism: "Then I would like to thank the Moon Worshiper for not killing me?"

Baiyue nodded calmly and said, "In that case, can you answer me a question?"


"where do you come from?"

Shen Yu's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect the Moon Worship Master to really notice his origin, he is worthy of being the big boss of the fairy sword world.

Shen Yu squinted his eyes, stared blankly at Bai Yue, and said after a while: "I come from another world!"

This answer didn't seem to surprise Baiyue, he nodded, then turned and disappeared in place.

"Thank you for proving my guess!"

Shen Yu was very confused by the coming and going of the Lord of the Moon Worship. Could it be that this person came all the way here to see him just to prove this matter?It's really weird.

But the ending is always good.

He put away the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, looked at Lin Qing'er who was fighting the water monster in the distant sky, and sighed deeply.

He has already done what he can do, and he has learned what he wants to learn. He is powerless and has no intention to change Lin Qinger's fate.

"It's time to get out of here!"

The main purpose of his coming to this virtual world is to learn the secret arts of the Nuwa clan and improve his cultivation. Now that he has learned the secret arts and his cultivation has reached a bottleneck period, it is time to leave this world. Maybe his cultivation In order to reach the distraction period, I will come to this world again to meet Zhao Linger.

 Yesterday's scheduled release failed, and now yesterday's Chapter 4 is released.

(End of this chapter)

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