Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 117 The Dog Is Lost

Chapter 117 The Dog Is Lost

"I've reached the late stage of Jindan now, it seems that in the next period of time, I won't be able to go to the virtual world anymore!" After leaving the fairy sword world, Shen Yu felt his own cultivation and muttered to himself.

Zhao Ling'er in the fairy sword world is now six years old. In more than ten years, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon will once again summon the water monster sealed by the witch queen. At that time, Zhao Linger will return to Nanzhao Kingdom to fight against the water monster. Follow Lin Qinger's old path.

If Shen Yu stays in the world of Immortal Sword again, in the next ten years or so, he will break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul at most. Although it is only a few days compared with the time in Kyushu mainland, by that time, he still cannot follow Baiyue. The leader contends, the current leader of worshiping the moon has a distracted cultivation base, and he will definitely be stronger in ten years' time.

Now that he and Zhao Ling'er have formed a relationship, he doesn't want Zhao Ling'er to go to the end of the original book, so Shen Yu decided to leave the world of fairy sword temporarily, return to the mainland of Kyushu to continue to strengthen himself, and return when he can compete against the Lord of Worshiping the Moon The world of fairy sword.

Anyway, no matter how long he has been in the Kyushu mainland, when he returns to the fairy sword world again, it must start from the timeline when he left the fairy sword world.

Although Shen Yu knew that the virtual world was fake, that world was a bit too real. He lived in it for eight years, and he would always have feelings for the people in it, especially Zhao Linger.

Perhaps this is also why game fans of later generations have deep feelings for the characters in the game.

Putting away his thoughts, when Shen Yu was about to leave the space-time room, the door to Fengyun World next to him suddenly opened, and Xiao Chenchen walked out from it.

Shen Yu glanced at Xiao Chenchen, and suddenly found that her cultivation had reached the middle stage of foundation establishment, and she had obviously benefited a lot from Fengyun World.

Shen Yu smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to progress so fast, you have already reached the middle stage of foundation establishment, yes, you will be an inner disciple of the Lingxiao Sect in the future!"

Although Xiao Chenchen joined the Lingxiao Sect, her identity has always been vague. Elder, inner disciple, and outer disciple don't seem to be any of them, so she has always lived in Wangxue Peak.

Now even Luo Ya has moved to Qianli Peak to be her elder, Shen Yu felt that it was time to clarify Xiao Chen's identity.

What made Shen Yu curious was that after hearing Shen Yu's words this time, Xiao Chenchen, who has always been hot and willful, did not quarrel with him, but said with a complicated expression: "I see, when I go back, Immediately move to Tingyu Peak."

If it was said that Xiao Chenchen in the past just felt that Shen Yu had many masters, and that he could not even fear the eighth-rank kingdom, but now, she has a deep respect for Shen Yu, and she still has a feeling of inexplicable reason.

She never thought that someone in this world could have such means, and could create such an unimaginable virtual world.

The flow of time is very different from the outside, and everything in the virtual world is illusory, but the improvement of the cultivation of the people inside is real.

What kind of mighty power is it that can create a magical world? With this virtual world, it is difficult for the Lingxiao faction's disciples to remain strong. Even if the Lingxiao faction stays secretly in the Great Xia Kingdom to develop, they can become The super sect that ruled the mainland.

And the root of all this is not how many masters there are in the Ling Xiao faction, but Shen Yu.

His personal strength may be limited, but he can shape the virtual world with a wave of his hands, shape top experts, and even change people's talents.

Xiao Chenchen is very fortunate now that she can join the Lingxiao faction, not to mention how high she can reach in the future, even now, she has already obtained the benefits of the Lingxiao faction. If it is not for the virtual world, I don't know how long it will take to be able to Breaking through the middle stage of foundation establishment.

It's just that she felt a little bit bitter in her heart, Shen Yu was only showing the tip of the iceberg, he was already so outstanding, and she might get farther and farther away from him.

However, Shen Yu didn't notice Xiao Chenchen's thoughts, he pondered for a moment, and asked, "By the way, have the Han family of the general's residence and the Ye family of the imperial family left?"

Because Xiao Chenchen was acquainted with the Han family and the Ye family, the soldiers of the Han family who went to the mountains to learn art, as well as the [-] troops of the Ye family, were always entertained by Xiao Chenchen.

Xiao Chen came back to his senses, shook off those unrealistic thoughts in his mind, nodded and said: "They have already left. After they finished learning the three basic exercises, they bought some boundary-breaking pills and went down the mountain. Only Han Yue remains on the mountain."

It was only then that Shen Yu remembered that Han Yue's little girl was still in the Lingxiao sect, and he was too busy during this time, so he even forgot about her.

Shen Yu pondered for a while and said: "Let's do this! Go find Han Yue and ask her if she wants to join the Lingxiao Sect. If she is willing, I can say hello to Dean Cangqiong and let her join the Lingxiao Sect. Be an inner disciple."

In any case, after all, Han Yue was the first person to help him promote the Lingxiao faction after he came to this world, and he has a good relationship with him. It's not very convenient to go to and from the reception desk, so why not accept her as an inner disciple.

Xiao Chenchen nodded and said, "Okay, I'll inform her right away!"


After Xiao Chenchen went to look for Han Yue, Shen Yu returned to Wangxue Peak. Now that Luo Ya and Xiao Chenchen had moved away, only Shen Yu and Snow Wolf King were left on Wangxue Peak, and it was very quiet.

He had just returned to the room when Ling'er, who had been studying alchemy with Xu Fu, suddenly ran into his room and said in a panic, "Master, something happened!"

Shen Yu rarely saw Ling'er showing such a look, even when Luo Sanpao bullied her, she was always very calm, now she was shocked to see her come to look for him in such a panic.

He immediately stood up from his seat, looked at Linger and asked, "What's the matter, what happened?"

Ling'er took a deep breath, and then said with a deep grievance on her face, and even a hint of crying: "Master, our dog is lost!"

Hearing Linger's words, Shen Yu almost fell to the ground. He thought something serious happened, but he didn't expect that the lazy black dog was lost. Feelings were in Linger's heart, Liu Sanpao Worse than a dog!
Shen Yu asked a little bit dumbfounded: "Good Linger, tell Master, how did you lose that dog?"

Linger frowned, and said: "When I went to deliver food to it this morning, I found that it didn't know where to go, it seemed that it broke the rope and ran away."

Shen Yu was a little puzzled, this black dog has stayed in the Ling Xiao faction for so many years, and has always been honest, why is it lost now?

(End of this chapter)

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