Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 132 Converting to Buddhism

Chapter 132 Converting to Buddhism
"The Boundless World Honored One, is that evil Buddha?"

When the young monk in front of him said that he was a disciple of the World Honored One, Sao Ba Xing and Snow Wolf King narrowed their eyes slightly.

They had all heard of the conflict between Shen Yu and the World-Honored One. It was rumored that the World-Honored One was extremely powerful. Back then, it was just a clone that easily defeated the combination of Zhao Yun and Bai Suzhen.

Kong Wen clasped his hands together, still with a kind smile on his face, and said: "Amitabha, Master is a truly merciful person, why did the almsgiver insult him like this? Do people want to understand each other? Difficulty? Hey!"

In fact, Saobaxing has always been very strange. The bald donkeys in this world, uh, are monks. Why do they always shout Amitabha? Isn’t Amitabha referring to Sakyamuni?Although Saobaxing has no memory of his previous life, he vaguely knows that Sakyamuni seems to be a big boss in his previous life.

He looked at Kong Wen and said with some disdain: "Evil heretics are evil heretics. A dignified monk actually plunders the vitality of ordinary people to strengthen himself. The compassion of the Buddha is just an appearance. You are still arguing here. Since you have appeared in front of me, I will capture you and hand you over to the head of my family, and your master will save you when the time comes!"

After finishing speaking, the broom of the broom star stretched forward, and the broom head instantly became longer, with a trace of green light, and quickly entwined towards the monk Kongwen. The broom head, which was only twenty or thirty centimeters long, immediately became like a towering tree Like a big tree, it stretches for hundreds of meters.

The broom star's idea is that as long as he catches the young monk in front of him and brings him in front of Shen Yu, he can lure the World Honored One to come, and then Shen Yu can also take down this enemy.

But Broom Star underestimated Kong Wen's strength, just as his broom head wrapped around Kong Wen, Kong Wen's expression remained unchanged, his head was lowered, his hand was constantly turning the rosary, and the sound of chanting in the air was loud.

A moment later, a dazzling golden light burst out from Kong Wen's body, completely cutting off and destroying the broom head that was about to entangle him.

Then Kong Wen flicked the rosary in his hand, and the rosary, which was only the size of a wrist, suddenly grew bigger, directly trapping Sao Baxing's body firmly.

As soon as Sao Baxing's body froze, he couldn't move anymore, and the pen tube stood straight in place, and he couldn't even use his mana.

Snow Wolf King's wolf eyes narrowed, and he was deeply shocked. This young monk who looked to be only in his 20s turned out to be a strong man in the Tribulation Period.

The broom star is in the mid-stage of the distraction state, and he can be subdued with one move. Except for the tribulation stage, the Snow Wolf King really can't think of other strong people who can do this.

Snow Wolf King is a clever demon king, seeing that Sao Ba Xing was caught by Kong Wen, his immediate thought was not to save Sao Ba Xing, but to think about how to escape and report to Shen Yu.

It knew that only Shen Yu had the strength to contend against a strong man of this level, and if it also fell into the hands of this monk, there would be no one to report it.

The Snow Wolf King didn't think much about it. Seeing that the broom star was caught, it turned around and fled into the distance. It didn't even hesitate and raised its speed to the extreme.

Seeing the Snow Wolf King rushing away, the monk didn't show much surprise on his face, instead he became more calm and peaceful. He said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "This wolf actually has a relic Linglong inner alchemy, which is quite different from my Buddhist sect. If there is some fate, I will accept you!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the black Buddhist beads hanging around his neck, and the Buddhist beads emitted a brilliant white light, and flew towards the direction where the Snow Wolf King was escaping.

"not good!"

Seeing the Buddha beads flying quickly behind him, the Snow Wolf King was startled, and then he ran away desperately, even his mana began to burn.

But the speed of the Buddha beads was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he caught up with the Snow Wolf King!

After the Buddha beads caught up with the Snow Wolf King, they were put directly around its neck. At that moment, he felt the mana in his body recede like a tide, and his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground.

Monk Kong Wen tapped his fingers lightly, and the broom star, which was firmly bound by the rosary, slowly flew into the midair, and followed Kong Wen to the Snow Wolf King.

After coming in front of the Snow Wolf King, he asked with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and said kindly: "I see that you have the Linglong inner alchemy of the relic, why don't you take refuge in my Buddhism, so that you can cultivate the right fruit and become a golden body in the future!"

The Snow Wolf King who fell on the ground glared at Kong with a pair of wolf eyes and asked, "Excuse me, my master saved my life, and it can only be my master's. If you want me to convert you bald donkeys, it's a shame!" It's wishful thinking, hmph, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

Broom Star, who was restrained by the rosary and unable to move, also laughed and said: "Haha, Brother Snow Wolf King is right. If you want to kill or cut, you will do as you please. You evil monks are the most shameless, and you only do things like this." It's a trick to confuse people's hearts, but if you want to confuse people from our Lingxiao sect, you should stop wishful thinking, hahaha..."

Faced with the insults from the Snow Wolf King and the broom star, Kong Wen still didn't change his face, and he was not even affected by them at all. He just smiled and said: "It seems that the two of you have some prejudices against my Buddhism, I can only take you to Only by studying in Buddhism can I eliminate these prejudices."

Just as Snow Wolf King wanted to continue insulting Kong Wen, Kong Wen suddenly waved his hand at Snow Wolf King, and then whispered softly, "Prajna Paramita!"

After Kong Wen finished speaking, the Snow Wolf King's ferocious expression suddenly froze, and he appeared extremely peaceful for an instant, even adding a few traces of holy brilliance.

At the same time, Kong Wen waved his hand, and the Buddhist beads hanging around Snow Wolf King's neck returned to his hand again.

The Snow Wolf King, who lost the bondage of the Buddhist beads, not only did not resist, but knelt quietly on the ground.

This scene made Sao Baxing faintly feel bad, and he asked angrily: "You bald thief, what did you do to the Snow Wolf King?"

Kong Wen smiled lightly and said: "This demon king has a predestined relationship with our Buddhist sect. I just used the Buddhist Heart Sutra to cleanse his polluted heart. As for you, the benefactor, you have no predestined relationship with my Buddhist sect, but the hostility on your body is really strong. It's too heavy, and you won't be able to go on an evil path in the future, so you go back with me and practice in Buddhism for a thousand years!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Wen turned around, stroked Snow Wolf King's forehead, and then walked away. Snow Wolf King followed behind him step by step, and Sao Baxing's body also floated uncontrollably.

"Snow Wolf King, what's the matter with you, speak quickly, don't be fooled by this bald thief."

The broom star kept roaring, but the Snow Wolf King seemed not to hear it, and followed Kong Wen quietly, heading in the opposite direction of the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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