Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 133 Is he crazy?

Chapter 133 Is he crazy?

After Shen Yu and others left Yun Country, they walked for nearly ten days. During these ten days, the masters of Long Country followed them obediently, without the slightest presumption, and even a little cautiously.

After the royal family of the Yun Kingdom was destroyed, they all understood that this young man from the Ninth-Rank Kingdom possesses power far beyond their imagination. He can destroy the Yun Kingdom, which is also the royal family of the Eighth-Rank Kingdom, and naturally he can easily destroy it. After seeing them, Long Guo and his party, it's no wonder that Dean Long Yi wanted to follow behind this person, it turned out that he had a deep meaning.

Even if the people of Long Kingdom set up camp at night, they are now a thousand meters away from Shen Yu.

Just like at this moment, Shen Yu and others are sleeping in the wilderness in an eighth-rank kingdom called Tomorrow Kingdom, and Long Yi and others are thousands of meters away from them.

At this time, the night was almost approaching, and there were several bonfires on the wilderness. They were all traveling monks, sleeping in groups of three or four. There were many powerful monsters in the wilderness. If it wasn't for the particularly powerful monks, I dare not act alone in the wilderness.

Shen Yu was sitting alone under a big tree, breathing the aura of heaven and earth, running Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, and was racing against time to practice.

From the contestants from the Black Demon Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom, Shen Yu also saw that before the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition, if one's cultivation could not reach the Nascent Soul Stage, it would be impossible to achieve anything in this Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition.

Although Zhao Yun can help him remove some obstacles, if he can't last long enough to join forces with Zhao Yun, everything will be in vain.

This time the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition, he must win the championship.

At this moment, a system voice suddenly sounded in Shen Yu's mind: "Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the mission: rescue Broom Star and Snow Wolf King."

"The Broom Star and the Snow Wolf King were taken to the central region by the disciples of the World Honored One. If the host can rescue the two, they will get one chance to summon them at a level of tens of millions, and three chances to summon them with a faith value of 1000 million."

As soon as the system's voice fell, Shen Yu's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, a sharp cold light shot out from his eyes, and a strong murderous aura surged from his body instantly.

Daji and the others who were sitting not far away chatting seemed to have sensed something, and turned their gazes to Shen Yu one after another.

Looking at Shen Yu who was sitting on the ground with his face covered with frost, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know what happened to make Shen Yu so angry. Shen Yu was rarely angry.

Although Shen Yu was usually approachable and approachable, at this time when he was clearly on the verge of a violent outburst, no one dared to approach him easily to ask.

Only Daji was bolder, she frowned slightly, then got up and came to Shen Yu, and asked in a low voice: "Master, what's wrong?"

Shen Yu took a deep breath, then raised his head to look at the glamorous Daji, and said softly: "Snow Wolf King and Broom Star had some accidents, don't say anything about it for now, I want to discuss it in the long run."

When he first got the news, Shen Yu was also very shocked. He didn't expect that such a change would happen during Snow Wolf King and Sao Ba Xing's trip to the northern snow field, and the disciple of the World Honored One would appear.

He naturally knew why World Honored One sent people to Qingzhou to capture Snow Wolf King and Broom Star, just to lure himself to save them.

Therefore, Shen Yu could at least be sure that these two guys' lives were not in danger for the time being, so after experiencing the fury of just getting the news, Shen Yu finally regained his composure.

But he was still very upset, he sent someone to trouble him before he went to find the World Honored One.

After listening to Shen Yu's words, a look of shock appeared on Daji's face, broom star is a strong man in the distraction period!Not to mention in the northern region of Qingzhou, even in the entire Qingzhou, not many people are willing to provoke him.

Daji asked curiously: "Master, how do you know they were arrested and who did it? Do you want me to go to the Northern Snowfield to find out now?"

Shen Yu shook his head and said: "There is no need for this, the two of them were indeed captured, and the person who captured them was the disciple of the World Honored One, and now he should take the Snow Wolf King and Broom Star to the Central Territory .”

"Boundless World Honored One, it's him!" Daji's face immediately revealed a trace of deep surprise.

The immeasurable World-Honored One gave her an extremely deep impression at the beginning, and it was the first strong enemy she encountered after she came to this world.

Shen Yu said: "The two of them are not in danger for the time being, so you don't have to worry too much, what we have to do now is to get a good result in the Hundred Dynasty Martial Arts Competition, and then go to Zhongzhou to save them.

So don't publicize this matter, lest Zhao Yun and the others get distracted and consider this matter after learning the news, and the Baichao Huiwu will not be able to go all out. "

Only by achieving good results in the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition, can he rush to Zhongzhou at the fastest speed under the leadership of the major forces in Zhongzhou, without having to take many detours.


The largest country in the Northern Region of Qingzhou is the Liupin Dynasty and the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

However, the recent period of the Holy Spirit Dynasty has been particularly lively, because the once-in-a-hundred-year military meeting of the Hundred Dynasties is about to start, and countless talented monks will gather here.

Not only talented monks from various countries, but also major forces in Qingzhou, and even major external forces such as Zhongzhou, have also sent people to the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

The most outstanding talents of the Hundred Dynasties Huiwu will naturally be sent to Zhongzhou by the royal family of the Holy Spirit Dynasty to become the top ten immortals, or the disciples of other great forces, and participate in the plan to break the sky, but there are still many good seedlings whose talents are not enough to be selected , Participating in the Breaking Sky Project, they became the favorites of Qingzhou Northern Territory and even forces outside the Territory.

If these geniuses can join them, it will be a good thing for the future of their sect.

Therefore, the imperial capital of the Holy Spirit Dynasty in the past few days can be said to be a mixed bag, and all forces are basically present.

In a luxurious palace in the imperial capital, Ren Pingsheng sat on a high seat, glanced at the dozen or so men in black below, and said dissatisfiedly: "You guys are not small, you dare to act without the order of the demon king." Come to the Holy Spirit Dynasty, although the Holy Spirit Dynasty does not hate the people of the demon race, but the master here is the human race after all, are you not afraid of causing trouble when you appear here?"

After Ren Pingsheng finished speaking, the black-robed man sitting on the first seat under his right hand smiled and said, "With you here, why should we worry about it?"

Ren Pingsheng snorted coldly and said: "I don't have time to listen to you bragging here, tell me, what is the purpose of coming to the Holy Spirit Dynasty this time?"

The black-robed man smiled sinisterly again and said, "I was ordered by my elder brother to secretly kill all the geniuses except No. The beneficiary must be Lord Mozun, and all hidden dangers must be completely eliminated..."

"What, killed them all, is he crazy?" Before the other party finished speaking, Ren Pingsheng screamed.

 According to preliminary estimates, three shifts should be resumed next Wednesday, and there will be two shifts during this period. I hope everything goes well.

(End of this chapter)

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