Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1364 One way through

Chapter 1364

Shen Yu's current pure physical strength is equivalent to the early days of the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm, plus the Clear Sky Hammer is one of the hardest magical weapons in the world, and it itself weighs over hundreds of thousands of catties. The horror can be imagined.

Although the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix inherited the powerful physical body of starry sky behemoths, it is not a starry sky behemoth that is good at defense after all, and its defense power is weaker after all. After being hit by Shen Yu more than 100 times in one breath, it is still somewhat unbearable.

At this time, the pieces of feathers on its back that were originally like ice crystals have all been shattered and become bare, and there is a faint unique silver blood, which is also gurgling continuously, obviously it has been seriously injured.

Being able to use the physical body of the Creator God King Realm and the perfect mana of the Desolate Sacred Realm to instantly beat the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix to such a serious injury, Shen Yu can be regarded as No. 1, but his current condition is not very good.

After all, his current mana power is only equivalent to the completion of the Desolate Sacred Realm. Using two top-level laws in a row, and restraining the actions of the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix, the consumption can be imagined. At this moment, the mana in his body has been exhausted, and his face is also a little pale. pale.

The extremely angry Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix let out a long howl again, then jumped up and slammed its back against the wall.

The enraged Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix had no time to think about it. Even though it had been severely injured, it did not hesitate to pay a higher price to kill Shen Yu. As the Royal Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix, no one would allow anyone to insult it like this.

But Shen Yu was not so easy to deal with.

The moment the huge body of the Ice Crystal Youming Phoenix hit the wall, Shen Yu squeezed out the last bit of mana and let out a soft drink.

"The law of wind: hiding!"

At the last second of close contact with the wall, Shen Yu's body turned into a gust of wind and floated away.

The huge body of the Ice Crystal Youming Phoenix finally hit the wall, but it didn't hurt Shen Yu at all.

Shen Yu, who fell to the ground again, took a few deep breaths, and then took out two bottles of pills from the small world in his body. These were twenty top-notch mana recovery pills, and he swallowed them all in one gulp. up.

Although Shen Yu didn't have healing pills on him, there were countless pills to restore mana.

No way, who made him have a good brother Chunqiu Medicine Sage?Restoration pills are enough!

After taking more than 20 recovery pills, Shen Yu's complexion instantly improved, and his mana was full again.

Then he raised his head, looked at the crazy Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix, and said, "Very well, let's compete, whoever will be exhausted first!"

Immediately afterwards, a very strange scene occurred in Xuanxin Palace.

Shen Yu kept repeating the old tricks, using the law of space, time, wind and strength to strike the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix again and again, each time with more than 100 hammers, and then rushed before the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix launched a counterattack , leave quickly.

Before the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix killed him, he took another pill to recover his mana, and then attacked the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix's vitals.

This cycle went on and on for nearly a stick of incense, and Shen Yu finally won.

Having been beaten to pieces, the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix, whose silver feathers were floating all over the Xuanxin Palace, fell to the ground weakly.

At this moment, the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix, where there is even half of the air of a king, is completely ruined.

Moreover, the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix was very aggrieved in this fight, and basically had no room to play, and was controlled and beaten throughout the whole process.

Seeing the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix lying on the ground in front of him, Shen Yu took a deep breath, finally he won this battle.

I really have to thank the Spring and Autumn Medicine Sage, I have eaten more than two hundred top-level recovery pills in this battle.

After a while, he looked up at Ice Crystal Youmingfeng, and said calmly: "Ice Crystal Youmingfeng, you are also a generation of royal family among the giant beasts in the starry sky.

In this way, let's talk about a deal, you will be my mount, and I will not kill you, how about it? "

Hum hum!
The Bingjing Youmingfeng took a few breaths, although downcast, her eyes were still full of pride.

It is not so easy to let the majestic starry sky behemoth royal family be a mount.

However, Shen Yu was not discouraged, and smiled again: "Don't be so overthinking! Even if you don't sit on my mount, I won't kill you today, and you won't be able to leave the Misha forbidden area. What's the use of the royal family? Follow me , at least you can leave the Misha Forbidden Land!"

Hearing Shen Yu's words, the eyes of Bingjing Youmingfeng suddenly flickered with a little light.

Falling into the forbidden land of Misha means that there is no possibility of leaving. No matter how noble its blood is, it is useless in the forbidden land of Misha.

And it is still underage, how can it be willing to stay in this Misha Forbidden Land for the rest of its life.

The Ice Crystal Youming Phoenix was moved, this was a condition it could not refuse.

A moment later, a human voice suddenly came into Shen Yu's mind: "I can be your mount, but it must be after you take me out of the forbidden land of Misha, otherwise even if I die, I will not surrender to you. "

This voice belonged to the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix. Although it couldn't speak human words, it could communicate with anyone directly.

A smile curled up at the corner of Shen Yu's mouth, and he raised his head and said, "Deal!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu slowly stretched out his hand, and sucked the huge ice crystal Nether Phoenix body into the small world inside him.

After finishing everything, Shen Yu stretched his waist, and said proudly: "Not bad, not bad, I got such a mighty and domineering mount, the Primordial Shura King is really my lucky star! I don't know what gifts are waiting for me next. Pick!"

Although he teased himself like this, Shen Yu knew that the road ahead might not be easy.

Even the gatekeepers of Xuanxin Palace are the royal family among the giant beasts in the starry sky, masters in the middle stage of the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm, let alone the latter.

But what Shen Yu didn't expect was that the road ahead took him by surprise.

Next, Shen Yu walked more than a dozen miles in Xuanxin Palace, and encountered more than a dozen waves of enemies in a row. Besides puppets, there were also several starry sky behemoths, but these opponents were not very strong, and the strongest It's just that the Creator God King Realm is complete.

Although Shen Yu killed very happily, almost all the way through, but I always felt that something was not right.

Is this the Xuanxin Palace that the Immemorial King Shura said was extremely difficult?Except for the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix level, it seems that there is no difficulty!Not even the difficulty of life and death trials.

This ancient road builder, is he playing with me?
With deep doubts, Shen Yu walked forward slowly, but at this moment, a figure suddenly blocked in front of Shen Yu.

Shen Yu paused, looked up, and soon a solemn look appeared on his face.

He knew that the real test was coming.

At this time, the figure that suddenly appeared also spoke.

"Nice to meet you, I'm a debt collector!"

(End of this chapter)

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