Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1365 Fierce battle against debt collectors

Chapter 1365 Fierce battle against debt collectors
Standing in front of Shen Yu at this moment was an extremely handsome young man with red hair, a strange silver short gun on his back, and an extremely hideous mask tied to one side of his head.

His cultivation base is also very good. Although Shen Yu's cultivation base is only the perfection of the God of Creation King Realm, but because of the memory of Dao Lord Destroyer and others in his previous life, he can tell at a glance that this man's cultivation base should have reached Above the middle stage of the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm.

At least the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix that Shen Yu tamed before was by no means a match for this man.

But what surprised Shen Yu was that this man didn't have the slightest killing intent, but instead had a warm smile on his face all the time.

Of course, Shen Yu would not let down his vigilance because of this. He looked at the man, pretended to be calm and smiled and said: "Debt collector? This name is very strange, so I am the one who owes you money?"

The man named Debt Collector chuckled lightly and said: "You can also think so, I am Lord Shura's attendant, and all my work in the past was to collect debts for him, and I dealt with debtors without exception. Hence the name.

But I haven't done this job for a long time. Now I am the second gatekeeper of the Xuanxin Palace dungeon. I am used to it. Since I want to take action against you today, you are naturally a debtor. Hehe, I hope you can understand ! "

"It seems that you are quite polite!"

Shen Yu couldn't help smiling, and then said seriously: "You said you are the second gatekeeper, but what about the first gatekeeper?"

The debt collector shrugged and said, "The guy you took away as your mount is the number one gatekeeper!"

It turns out that Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix is ​​the number one gatekeeper!Shen Yu suddenly realized.

This stupid bird didn't tell himself these things, as expected, his heart is still dark.

Shen Yu cursed silently, then raised his head, looked at the so-called debt collector and said: "It seems that the two of us must have a fight today? Can we not fight, I really don't want to fight with someone as strong as you fight!"

Hearing this, the debt collector immediately laughed and said: "Hahaha, you are honest. With your current cultivation, if you want to fight me, you are indeed looking for death. I think you are very pleasing to the eye, so I won't make things difficult for you. How about this! I will control my power to the consummation of the Creator God King Realm, and at the same time only use the mana of the Consummation of the Desolate Sacred Realm, how about a fair fight between the two of us?"

Shen Yu was startled suddenly, and said in surprise: "Wouldn't King Shura blame you for doing this?"

The debt collector chuckled and said, "Don't worry, that lord will never take care of my business, as long as I complete the task, he didn't say anyway, I can't release water in the copy of Xuanxin Palace, I just come here!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Shen Yu's mouth, then he cupped his hands and said, "Then I would like to thank you for your kindness. It can be seen that you are also a rare genius, and you are qualified to fight with me at the same cultivation level!"

"Hey! The tone is not small, let me see if your strength can match your tone!"

After the words fell, the debt collector straightened the mask on his side face, covering his entire face, and then suddenly bursts of purple lightning rays shot out from his body, and layers of hard scales covered his whole body in an instant .

"Damn it, this is transformed into a mecha?" Shen Yu almost bit his own tongue.

He really didn't expect that this young man called a debt collector would have such a splendid fairy art.

Shen Yu could tell that after being covered with scales, the debt collector's strength had at least doubled. Even if it was fair, he would temporarily suppress his cultivation, but the increase in defense was real of.

With such a hard armor, it's probably impossible to rely on the Haotian Hammer to injure the opponent.

At this time, the debt collector also opened his mouth to remind: "Shen Yu, I am proficient in the three laws of water, thunder and life. This scale was born by me with the law of life, so it has a very strong regenerative ability and is the top defensive fairy." technique!"

The law of life is one of the ten laws, and even Shen Yu has not mastered it now.

Among the current ten laws, the ones that Shen Yu has not mastered are the law of life and the law of chaos.

It is very likely that these two laws were mastered in the first life. Shen Yu himself also comprehended the law of life, but he has not gained much now.

There is no distinction between the ten laws, and they all have their own strengths. The law of life can be ranked among the top ten laws, so naturally it should not be underestimated.

Being able to control the law of life, one of the ten laws, shows the strength of the debt collector.

Not only that, he is also proficient in the two laws of water and thunder.

Simultaneously controlling three laws including the ten laws, there is no doubt that in the same realm, this is the strongest opponent Shen Yu has encountered.

Looking at the debt collector who turned into an armored warrior, Shen Yu took a deep breath, then put away the Clear Sky Hammer, and took out the Li Bone Demon Sword.

This demon sword is also an innate treasure that was auctioned in the Wushi business firm. A heavy weapon like the Clear Sky Hammer is not suitable for fighting debt collectors whose bodies are covered with regenerated scales. Instead, it is a glass bone demon sword, which is extremely sharp and even more powerful It is easy to hurt debt collectors.

Glancing at the Ligu Yaojian in Shen Yu's hand, the debt collector laughed and said, "That's right, it's a good sword, be careful!"

After the words fell, the debt collector swung the short silver spear in his right hand, and a huge narwhal made of water slammed into Shen Yu fiercely. At the same time, the debt collector used the law of lightning, and the water whale was covered with full of thunder and lightning.

"Five elements, rock!"

Shen Yu gave a soft drink, and the moment the water whale wrapped in strong lightning power landed on him, the thick rock fortress that surrounded him rose from all directions, completely surrounding him.

The narwhal hit the rock fortress, and the rock fortress, which seemed to have a strong defense, shattered.

But the debt collector did not relax at all, he never believed that Shen Yu would lose so easily!
Suddenly, the debt collector flicked the silver gun backwards, and collided with the Ligu Yaojian stabbing from behind.

At the moment when the rock fortress was washed away by the water whale, Shen Yu had already pinched a law of space and came behind the debt collector.

But the debt collector is not the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix, he has so much combat experience, even the elusive Space Law, can't easily hurt him at all, Shen Yu's actions are all under his control.

"Nice attack, but not enough! Kill!"

The debt collector let out a soft cry, and then the strength in his hand suddenly increased, and at the same time, a current was transmitted from the silver short spear in his hand to the Ligu Yaojian, and Shen Yu's body suddenly became numb, unable to exert any strength.

The next moment, Shen Yu's body flew upside down and smashed hard against the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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