Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 138 The Sword of the Great River Comes from the Sky

Chapter 138 The Sword of the Great River Comes from the Sky

Summoning Li Bai made Shen Yu feel a little puzzled, when did Li Bai become a fairy god?
However, since the system regarded Li Bai as a fairy god and gave him the cultivation base of the third level of the fairyland, Shen Yu didn't need to question it, as long as he was strong.

What's more, Shen Yu admired Li Bai, an unrestrained poet who was addicted to alcohol, unrestrained, and even more extraordinary in swordsmanship.

But after the qi training period, isn't the monk's cultivation level divided into four levels: upper, middle, lower, and perfect?Why did Li Bai's cultivation become the third floor of the fairyland?
The system explained: "Earth Immortal Realm is another major turning point in the journey of cultivating immortals after the achievement of Jindan Dao. After reaching the Tribulation Transcending Realm, there will be a catastrophe. If you successfully pass the catastrophe, you will stay in the lower realm for seven or seven days. 49 days, and then ascended to the upper realm.

After reaching the Earth Immortal Realm, the lifespan of the immortal cultivator will also get a qualitative leap, and at the same time, the difficulty of breaking through a small realm will also increase sharply. It is not surprising that it takes thousands of years to break through a small realm.

Therefore, after the Earth Fairyland, the gap between each small realm is huge. If it is still only divided into four small realms: upper, middle, lower, and perfect, then there will be a big difference in the strength of monks in the same realm. The gap, in order to avoid this situation, the division of realms after the Earth Fairyland has been restored to levels one to nine. "

Shen Yu nodded. From this point of view, the strength of the third floor of Li Bai's fairyland is indeed extraordinary.

He raised his eyes to look at Yang Zheng who was fighting with Daji, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

When Li Bai arrives, we will see how you die.

Yang Zheng is worthy of being a master in the middle stage of the tribulation. Even though Daji holds the peerless spiritual weapon fake red hydrangea in his hand, Yang Zheng is still able to handle her with ease when fighting her.

Yang Zheng looked tall and powerful, but his movement was extremely flexible. Daji was fighting Yang Zheng in close quarters, and the red hydrangea was used as an auxiliary magic weapon, constantly fluttering in the sky, looking for opportunities to attack Yang Zheng.

But Yang Zheng was able to separate his mind while fighting Daji, relying on his agility every time, easily dodged the red hydrangea that hurt him unexpectedly.

"Hehe, this woman's strength is really extraordinary, she was able to compete head-on with Yang Zheng for so long."

The one who spoke came with Yang Zheng, a refined man with a smile on his face.

This man was dressed in a white gown. If one only looked at his appearance, no one would think that he was one of the eight generals of the Holy Spirit Dynasty. Huo Ran would only think that he was just an unknown and ordinary scholar.

The dark-skinned black tower-like man beside him, who was rougher than Yang Zheng, narrowed his eyes and said, "In my opinion, Yang Zheng was suppressed."

This strong man like a black tower is Wang Ting, second only to Xu Wannian among the eight generals.

Hearing Wang Ting's words, Huo Ran was a little surprised. His strength was the same as Yang Zheng's, and he was in the middle stage of the catastrophe. Therefore, in his opinion, Daji was just fighting against Yang Zheng, and did not suppress Yang Zheng.

Only Wang Ting knew that Daji's red hydrangea was too weird to guard against. Yang Zheng was already stretched to guard against the red hydrangea, let alone spare time to fight back against Daji.

As time went by, Yang Zheng's body consumed a lot of mana, and his reaction would slow down. At that time, Daji would definitely find a chance to injure Yang Zheng.

This is the imperial capital of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, and the eight generals are the representatives of the strongest combat power of the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

So he didn't care about bullying the less, losing face, and said to Huo Ran: "General Huo, help Yang Zheng and capture this woman first."

Huo Ran froze for a moment, then nodded, although he didn't want to bully the few with more, but Wang Ting was the second strongest among the eight generals, and since Xu Wannian hadn't asked about military affairs for many years, Wang Ting's prestige among the eight generals reached a peak.

Huo Ran has always kept himself safe and did not want to offend anyone, so he will not disobey the order of the royal court.

"Haha, General Yang Zheng, I'll help you!"

Huo Ran let out a long laugh, and then a purple folding fan suddenly appeared in his hand. He threw the folding fan into the air, and the fan flew to the top of Daji's head.

Then the folding fan opened instantly and turned into a large fan tens of meters long, completely blocking the sunlight in the sky above Daji's head.

Immediately afterwards, cloud waves surged on the fan, and the picture of clouds and smoke painted on the fan seemed to come to life, slowly gathering.

"That's General Huo Ran's Wind and Thunder Fan."

"Even General Huo Ran has taken action. This woman is proud enough. I don't know how many years it has been since the two generals joined forces to fight against the enemy."

"Regardless of today's victory or defeat, this woman must be famous in the Holy Spirit Dynasty."

"But she will definitely die today!"


The wind and thunder fan is Huo Ran's magical weapon, famous in the Holy Spirit Dynasty. It is said that whoever is covered by this fan will be locked by the wind and thunder fan forever, and will be punished by ten thousand thunders.

Therefore, this wind and thunder fan can be said to have a fierce reputation.

"Hmph, once Huo Ran's wind and thunder fan comes out, this girl will not be able to hold it for long. When the time comes, I will let you all die," Yang Li growled grimly in his heart.

Bai Shou had a relaxed expression at this moment. He had never seen anyone who could escape from Shengtian with the cooperation of two of the eight generals.

Luo Ya said worriedly: "Master, or I will help you too!"

Although she is only in the distraction period, she may not be able to help Daji much, but she also has some special means, which can temporarily hold someone back and buy some time for Daji.

Shen Yu shook his head with a heavy expression, "No, someone will come to help us soon."

Luo Ya didn't quite understand Shen Yu's words, but he said so, and he couldn't say anything more!
At this time, countless purple thunderbolts crashed down on the wind and thunder fan, and these thunderbolts contained a terrifying and destructive aura. Any monk below the tribulation level, as long as he was hit by a thunderbolt, he would either die or be injured.

Daji didn't dare to be negligent, and with a move of her jade hand, the red hydrangea flew to the top of her head, and then a strong red light burst out, blocking the thunder falling from the wind and thunder fan.

"Hmph, woman, die!"

Yang Zheng, who had lost the harassment of the red hydrangea, also regained his breath, and a two-meter-long blue long knife appeared in his hand, and he slashed at Daji.

At the same time, a slender dagger appeared in Huo Ran's hand, attacking Daji from another direction.

Being besieged by two strong men in the middle stage of the catastrophe, and losing the support of the red hydrangea, Daji's situation immediately became precarious. She is not a fighting fairy after all.

However, just when Huo Ran and Yang Zheng approached Daji, a bohemian voice sounded in the sky, shocking everyone.

"The Sword of the Great River is coming from the sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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