Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 139 Kill 1 person in one step

Chapter 139 Killing a Person in Ten Steps

"The Sword of the Great River is coming from the sky!"

The unrestrained and unrestrained voice came from the distant sky, which shocked everyone.

Immediately afterwards, a brilliant sword light like a nine-day Milky Way poured down from the clear sky of [-] meters, turning into a sword light waterfall, lying between the sky and the earth.

The Jianmang waterfall fell from the sky, and poured heavily on Huo Ran's Fenglei fan without reservation.

Under the pouring of the Jianmang Waterfall, the wind and thunder fan, a peerless spiritual tool, was directly washed out a huge hole like paper paste.

The wind and thunder fan that originally exuded purple light, the purple light receded like a tide, and the original huge fan surface also returned to the appearance of an ordinary folding fan again, losing all aura.


Huo Ran spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face became extremely pale in an instant.

The wind and thunder fan is Huo Ran's unique magical weapon, which has already been refined by him. Once the wind and thunder fan is severely injured, as the owner of the wind and thunder fan, he will also be affected.

But at this moment, Huo Ran didn't care about his own injuries. With a move, he took back the wind and thunder fan that had turned into an ordinary folding fan. With shock in his eyes, he looked at the sword light lying in front of him, separating himself from Daji. Waterfall, lost his voice: "Earth Immortal powerhouse!"

Yang Zheng, who was originally extremely arrogant, stood beside Huo Ran at this time, his face was as gloomy as water, but he was holding the big knife tightly in his hand, standing in the air and not daring to move at all.

A sword beam piercing through the wind and thunder fan, a peerless spiritual weapon, is something only a strong person in the fairyland can do, and a strong person in the fairyland is definitely not something he can provoke.

In the Holy Spirit Dynasty, the strongest beings in the Earth Wonderland are the most powerful existences. Even the emperor of the dynasty is absolutely unwilling to provoke an Earth Wonderland easily.

A ground fairy can kill hundreds of strong people in the tribulation period while talking and laughing.

There was a dead silence in front of the east gate of the Holy Spirit City. Everyone was staring at the Jianmang Waterfall falling from the sky and lingering for a long time, not even daring to breathe.

In the hearts of ordinary monks, the strong man of the earth fairyland is the real god. The dragon sees the head but does not see the tail, and he may not see one in his life. Today, a strong man of the earth fairy suddenly appeared, and their hearts began to tremble.

Wang Ting, who had the highest cultivation level present, was also staring at Jianmang Waterfall closely, his face was extremely gloomy, and unexpectedly there appeared a strong man from the Earth Fairyland, this is troublesome.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Daji breathed a sigh of relief, then beckoned to take back the red hydrangea, and then returned to Shen Yu's side, saying with some shame, "I'm sorry, Sect Leader, I failed to defeat them."

Shen Yu smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, you've done a good job, and then leave it to others!"

Daji nodded, she knew that the owner of the Jianmang Waterfall must have known Shen Yu.

"I will drink wine, don't stop drinking!"

"I hope I won't wake up after being drunk for a long time!"

"Haha, let's do it!"

Just as everyone was holding their breath and waiting for the mysterious Earth Fairy to appear, an extremely handsome young man in his 20s came along the Jianmang Waterfall, swaying on the waves, reciting poems as he walked.

This young man is as handsome as a demon, making women jealous, and his temperament is extremely free and easy.

He held a wine gourd in his hand, and a blue long sword hung from his waist. His face was flushed, and his expression was wild and frivolous, obviously drunk.

Seeing this young man, Shen Yu was overjoyed.

Qinglian Sword Fairy Li Bai is finally here!
At this time, Li Bai was the protagonist, attracting everyone's attention. No one could have imagined that this strong Earth Immortal who suddenly appeared was so young.

After Li Bai's body fell into the air, the Jianmang Waterfall also slowly dissipated, he turned his head to look at Shen Yu, who was tens of meters away, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, it's really good wine, Master, do you want some? "

As soon as he said that, Wang Ting, Huo Ran, Yang Zheng, Yang Li, Bai Shou and other dignitaries of the Holy Spirit Dynasty all changed their complexions.

Although they were already mentally prepared, they still couldn't believe it when they heard the mysterious strongman admit that he was Shen Yu's person.

Shen Yu smiled and said: "Now is not the time to drink, kill these four people for me, I will give you thousands of altars of fine wine, let you drink freely for three days."

Huo Ran and Yang Zheng used more to bully the less, and joined forces to deal with Daji, and Wang Ting was an accomplice. Shen Yu would never let these three go, and Yang Li was even on the must-kill list.

Now that things have come to this point, the relationship between him and the Holy Spirit Dynasty can never be eased, so it is better to pierce the sky of the sixth-rank dynasty.

When Li Bai heard this, a handsome smile suddenly appeared on Jun Lang's face, and he said: "Of all things in the world, only good wine and beauties cannot be let down. If so, then I will kill these people for the head and exchange them for wine."

After finishing speaking, Li Bai let out a long laugh, raised his head and drank the wine in the wine gourd in his hand, then threw the wine gourd far away, and turned his head to stare at Wang Ting and the others.

Being targeted by Li Bai, even though Yang Zheng and the others were in the middle of the tribulation, Wang Ting and even the completion of the tribulation, they were still so frightened that they wanted to run away subconsciously.

But before they could make a move, the long sword on Li Bai's waist was already out of its sheath, and with a wave of the blue long sword, a slender sword glow moved towards Yang Zheng.

"Do not……"

Yang Zheng exclaimed, and before he even had time to resist, his head was cut off by Jianmang.

Blood flowed from his neck, and then his body fell from the sky at high speed!
With one sword, one of the eight generals of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, Yang Zheng, who was in the middle of the tribulation, died.

There is no resistance.

Everyone was dumbfounded, even Yang Li's eyes were dull, and he didn't even have time to shed tears.

Who would have thought that not long ago, Yang Zheng, who had ruled the Holy Spirit Dynasty and made countless people fear him like a tiger, would be killed like an ant all the time.

Li Bai didn't even look at Yang Zheng's body, he held a long sword that was as white as snow and not stained by blood in his hand, and looked at Huo Ran again with his hazy drunken eyes.

"No, don't kill me..."

After being targeted by Li Bai, Huo Ran was so frightened that his body trembled immediately, and he even forgot to run away, without the slightest aura of the eight generals of the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

Li Bai did not sympathize with him, and slowly raised the long sword in his hand again, ready to attack Huo Ran.

At this time, a deep sigh suddenly sounded in the sky: "Your Excellency, Yang Zheng is dead, can you just look at the old man's shame and stop here?"

This voice made Huo Ran happy, Xu Wannian finally spoke, and he could save his life.


But before he was happy for a long time, Li Bai snorted coldly, completely ignored Xu Wannian's words, and raised his sword directly, Huo Ran's head was chopped off by Li Bai again in the air, his eyes were still full of disbelief.

With two swords, two of the eight generals will die.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his attention to Wang Ting again.

Shen Yu watched this scene, his clenched hands began to tremble slightly with excitement.

Too strong, is this the powerhouse of the fairyland?

Is this Qinglian Sword Immortal?

In front of him, the strong men who crossed the robbery were like chickens and dogs, and they killed two of them lightly.

Shen Yu suddenly heard a line from Li Bai's poem.

Kill ten people in ten steps, and stay in a thousand miles.

(End of this chapter)

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