Chapter 1403

"Under the rule of the Heavenly Court, you guys dare to fight here, so hurry up and stop!" Shen Yu stood proudly in the air and said loudly.

Hearing Shen Yu's words, among the two sides in the battle below, one of the cultivators wearing the heavenly uniforms paused for a moment, and then looked up to the sky. When they saw Shen Yu's face, they were all overjoyed .

"It's His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven! His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is here!"

"Wan Gui, the guard of Beihai Prefecture in Tianting, has met His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven!"

"I have waited to meet His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven!"


The monks belonging to the heavenly court knelt down on one knee and saluted Shen Yu in the sky. At this moment, the monks who were fighting with them on the other side seized this opportunity to kill the monks in the heavenly court.

Standing in the air, Shen Yu snorted coldly when he saw this scene, and then waved his sleeves. The hundreds of thousands of cultivators who were hostile to the Heavenly Court seemed to have been given a body-holding technique, and they all froze in place without moving. Can't move.

Among these monks, there were many strong ones at the level of the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm, but they were easily restrained by Shen Yu.

Seeing this scene, those monks in the heavenly court were shocked again, and said respectfully: "I admire the divine power of the emperor of heaven!"

Shen Yu nodded and asked: "What's going on, why are you guys fighting here!"

Wan Gui flew in front of Shen Yu, first saluted Shen Yu and Lingxi, and then said: "Your Majesty, these people are masters of various forces who have not yet been subdued by my Heavenly Court. These people were about to surrender, but for some reason, they suddenly seemed to have gone crazy, and united together to fight against my heaven.

Not only them, but also hundreds of thousands of monks from various forces in the Origin Realm, some of whom have already taken refuge in my Heavenly Court, and they all seem to be suffering from insanity. Chaos! "

Shen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, it seems that there is something strange in it!

If only a small number of people rebelled, it is still reasonable, but if so many people rise up to rebel against the Heavenly Court all of a sudden, if there is nothing tricky in it, Shen Yu will never believe it, how can there be such a coincidence in the world.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu beckoned a rebel general who was immobilized below, and tapped him lightly on the shoulder.


As soon as the rebel general regained his freedom, he killed Shen Yu with his eyes red.

It was wishful thinking for a mere mid-stage Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm to attack Shen Yu. As soon as the spear in his hand came in front of Shen Yu, it stopped abruptly, and then Shen Yu hummed lightly, and the monk's eyes recovered. Ching Ming.

"Who placed the curse seal in your body?" Shen Yu questioned.

When the monk made a move just now, Shen Yu had already noticed the unusualness in his body. There was a strong evil spirit leaking from his magic power. This evil spirit was not owned by him, but was forcibly injected by external force.

In other words, the reason why they attacked the monks in the heavenly court like crazy was that they were controlled.

Of course, for Shen Yu, the curse imprint planted by this little external force could be broken with just one hand.

After the monk who had been removed from the spell regained consciousness, Dang even knelt down in front of Shen Yu, and said tremblingly: "I have seen His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. I was deceived by evil people and made a big mistake. I ask His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven to forgive me."

Shen Yu said in a deep voice: "Who planted the curse mark on you?"

Seeing that Shen Yu did not punish him, the male cultivator who had been planted with the curse seal was deeply relieved at the moment, and then said: "His Majesty, the person who planted the curse seal for us, actually we are not know who he is.

Just a few days ago, a vague black shadow came to the sect where we were waiting and called us together. We just glanced at him, as if we were looking for a demon. I only know that he said that he It's a warrior. "

Fighter?Interesting that such a name would be used.

There was a smile on the corner of Shen Yu's mouth, he probably guessed the origin of these people.

After a while, Shen Yu came back to his senses and said: "Okay, since you are not sincerely making enemies of my Heavenly Court, then I will not pursue this matter anymore. From today onwards, you must be loyal to my Heavenly Court, did you hear that? ?”

In front of the majestic Emperor of Heaven, this rebel general naturally did not dare to disobey, so he immediately nodded in agreement.

Shen Yu turned to Wan Gui and said: "Wan Gui, I have entrusted these people to you, and I will help them get rid of the curse marks on their bodies!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Yu emitted a holy golden light, which sprinkled on the hundreds of thousands of rebels below.


"Daddy, where are we going now?"

After rescuing hundreds of thousands of monks, Shen Yu continued to go far away with Lingxi.

Shen Yu said: "Let's go to Canglan Divine Kingdom and find Situ Canglan!"

Lingxi was a little puzzled and said: "But... But now the Shiyuan world is in chaos, many monks who have not yet surrendered to our heavenly court seem to be possessed, and are fighting with the monks in our heavenly court. Let's not deal with this trouble first ?"

Shen Yu smiled and said: "No need, we have a lot of masters in the Heavenly Court, and the two emperors, Black and White, are both powerful in the Dao realm, and there are quite a few in the half-step Dao realm. Dealing with these people is as easy as pie, so we don't need to worry about it!"

Chatting with each other like this, Shen Yu and Lingxi came to the imperial capital of Canglan Divine Kingdom together.

At this time, the situation in Canglan Divine Kingdom is not very good, especially the imperial capital, which is surrounded by large armies of forces such as Tianhuo Divine Kingdom. People from these forces are already dissatisfied with Canglan Divine Kingdom, so it is naturally easier Bewitched.

"The situation in Canglan Divine Kingdom doesn't seem to be very good either!" Lingxi frowned as she looked at the imperial capital below.

Shen Yu nodded, then looked at the sacred mountain in the distance that belonged exclusively to Situ Canglan, and said: "It seems that Situ Canglan has not broken through to the Great Dao Realm, otherwise these people would not dare to be presumptuous here."

Lingxi pouted and said, "Daddy, there seems to be a surging aura in that mountain, which may burst out at any moment."

In fact, Shen Yu had already felt this breath, and it was Situ Canglan who was about to break through to the Dao Realm.

Moreover, the degree of terror of this breath is even more severe than when he broke through to the Dao Realm.

From this point of view, it seems that Situ Canglan will also cross over to the middle stage of the Great Dao Realm.

What a monster!

Even Shen Yu had to say a word of admiration at this moment, Situ Canglan is really a peerless evildoer.

Given time, she may not be able to reach the height of the Supreme Sanren.

Perhaps this is Shen Wanqing's original intention in creating the human race!With infinite possibilities, infinite future.

At this moment, dozens of monks wearing black clothes and black scarves flew up from the army outside the imperial capital.

"Hahaha, I heard that the empress of Canglan Divine Kingdom is peerless, why is she a shrinking turtle now!"

(End of this chapter)

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