Chapter 1404
"Hmph, how dare they insult Aunt Canglan, watch me beat their heads!"

Hearing these monks in black insulting Situ Canglan, Lingxi immediately became dissatisfied.

She has always had a good relationship with Situ Canglan, and in her heart, Situ Canglan will also be her aunt in the future, so these sneaky guys can insult her, so Lingxi immediately became angry.

Lingxi directly used the law of space, and her figure disappeared in place.

The next moment, she appeared in front of those dozens of black-clothed monks, and scolded coquettishly: "Who are you, you dare to speak nonsense in front of the emperor's capital of Canglan God? Are you tired of living?"

Shen Yu didn't stop Lingxi. Since Lingxi broke through to the Half-Step Dao Realm, she hasn't fought a serious battle yet. Now the opponent's dozens of black-clothed monks are all half-step Dao, which is suitable for him. Lingxi joined forces.

And the moment he saw these people, Shen Yu also verified his previous thoughts.

These men in black are indeed the handiwork of Dao, and they are not Dao from a world.

It seems that he has to act faster, otherwise he will really have a headache if he is constantly disturbed by Da Dao.

Seeing Lingxi standing in front of him, who was young but arrogant, the group of black clothes burst out laughing.

"Little girl, where did you come from? Have you been weaned? How dare you come here to play wild!"

"Hahaha, I think this little girl is really cute, why don't you come and be my concubine?"

"This girl's talent seems to be extremely good. If she can be accepted as a disciple, maybe in the future, hehehe..."


The obscene words of these men in black immediately made Lingxi furious, and she wanted to teach them a lesson.

The defenders of Canglan Divine Kingdom were a little confused, where did this little girl come from?
At this moment, Lingxi's figure suddenly disappeared, and when she reappeared, she had already arrived in front of those men in black.

"It's your mouth that smells the worst, get the hell out of here!"

Lingxi punched hard, and the black-clothed monk headed by him was thrown backwards before he could react.


The black-clothed monk let out a scream, but the other black-clothed monks reacted extremely quickly and immediately surrounded Lingxi.

Although these people are all created by the avenues of various worlds with supreme supernatural powers, they are somewhat arrogant and brainless, but they are not stupid.

The moment Lingxi punched, they had already realized that the little girl in front of them was very unusual, she turned out to be in the half-step Dao realm.

And the punch he just blasted has a strong breath of space law.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is not a simple little girl.

Originally worried about Lingxi's safety, the monks of the Canglan Divine Kingdom who were always ready to take action were also stunned at this moment.

This little girl actually knocked a half-step Daojing away with one punch.

You know, when these people attacked the city before, they gathered almost all the masters of the Canglan Divine Kingdom, and even the elders who were hiding in the dark took action, and they still couldn't stop their offensive. Now one and a half Bu Dao was defeated by a little girl.

At the same time, after a group of black-clothed monks surrounded Lingxi, the monk who was punched flying by her also flew forward.

At this time, he was quite embarrassed, gritted his teeth and looked at Lingxi and said, "Who are you?"

Lingxi proudly raised her head, and said: "Why, now that I know how powerful this lady is, I don't want to hold any grudges anymore."

Hearing this, the black-clothed monk said furiously, "You little girl with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, die for me!"

After finishing speaking, dozens of half-step avenues all attacked Lingxi.

Although Lingxi was powerful, she didn't dare to stand up to the team of dozens of half-step avenues. She was ready to use a space technique to escape, and then defeated these black-clothed monks one by one.

But at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly came from the holy mountain where Situ Canglan was.

"Who dares to act presumptuously in my Canglan Divine Kingdom!"

After the voice fell, there was a roar, which attracted everyone to look for the sound.

Even the black-clothed monks who were about to attack Lingxi temporarily stopped their movements.

On the sacred mountain representing the highest majesty of the Canglan Divine Kingdom, a magnificent woman broke through and came out.

This woman is full of radiance, revealing incomparable majesty and holiness, her aura is extremely peaceful, but no one dares to underestimate him, and most importantly, her peerless appearance can make any man in the world fascinated.

This woman is Situ Canglan.

The moment he saw her, even Shen Yu couldn't help being dazzled.

At this time, Situ Canglan's appearance was not inferior to that of Dongfang Linglong, and his temperament was even better.

But what Shen Yu was more concerned about was that her cultivation had reached the perfection of Dao Realm.

Situ Canglan actually crossed the first three small realms of the Great Dao Realm, once entering the Great Dao Realm, the Great Dao Realm is complete.

One must know that even Shen Yu II, the dignified Daoist Destroyer billions of years ago, had never reached this height.

To put it bluntly, if it wasn't for Shen Yu and the first Taishang Sanren, in terms of talent, he would have been crushed by Situ Canglan.

Peerless evildoer, peerless arrogance, all the words to describe genius are not enough to describe Situ Canglan.

The moment they saw Situ Canglan, the dozens of monks in black who surrounded Lingxi also shuddered.

If you take off the black scarves on their faces, some people may find how ugly their faces are at the moment.

Although Situ Canglan didn't show his terrifying aura, they still couldn't raise the slightest desire to resist.

This woman is definitely not something they can fight against.

"Senior Cang Lan!"

When everyone was overwhelmed by Situ Canglan's peerless demeanor, Lingxi flew to Situ Canglan's side with a smile.

On Situ Canglan's indifferent and pretty face, there was a smile like a star.

She touched Lingxi's head, then brought Lingxi to those black-clothed monks, and said indifferently: "You were going to do something to her just now? Do you know who she is?"

Seeing Situ Canglan approaching them lightly, the black-clothed cultivator at the head stepped forward tremblingly, and said flatteringly: "This...this senior, I think... there is a possibility between us... Some misunderstandings! Let's just..."

It's just that before he finished speaking, a sharpness flashed in Situ Canglan's eyes, and then the black-clothed monk's body was directly blown to pieces.

With one look, a half-step avenue is completely dead.

Deathly quiet!

In the sky above the imperial capital of Canglan Divine Kingdom, no one dared to speak, and they were all intimidated by Situ Canglan's domineering aura.

Even the courtiers of Canglan Divine Kingdom were so frightened that they forgot to salute Situ Canglan.

(End of this chapter)

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