Chapter 158
Seeing the roaring dog swallowing the black dragon in one gulp, Feng Wuqing was completely dumbfounded, and even forgot to continue fighting the fire dragon flying in the sky, but stared blankly at the roaring dog, his face also turned a little pale.

He never imagined that the black flood dragon that suppressed the fate of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, the sacred beast that had been passed down by the Feng family for countless years, would die in his own generation.

What made him even more unbelievable was that this black flood dragon was on the seventh floor of the Wonderland, but that dog easily ate it. How strong is it?

Not only Feng Wuqing, but even the imperial guards who are entangled with the fire dragon at the moment, as well as the superpowers sent by the major forces, are also stunned. They all know that the cultivation of this black dragon is not low On the fifth floor of the fairyland, was he eaten raw like this?
Why does it feel a little unreal!
The majestic masters of the world of cultivating immortals have never seen anything strange, but this time they were really shocked.


At this time, the roaring dog who had eaten up a black flood dragon hiccupped heavily, as if he still had something to say, and the people who watched it were terrified.

Shen Yu sat on Xiaotiangou's head, patted his forehead and said: "Xiaotiangou, are you full? Hurry up and work when you are full!"

Xiaotiangou nodded, and then let out a fierce roar towards the sky. In an instant, the fire dragon flying out of the fire pillar of the God of Heaven seemed to have received an order. Several monks from major forces launched an attack.

Nearly [-] huge fire dragons are flying and circling in the sky. Those monks who are below the tribulation period will be touched by the fire dragon if they are not careful, and then immediately turn into ashes, and the vitality dissipates between the sky and the earth. It only takes a few breaths Within a short period of time, no less than dozens of people were killed.

Xiaotiangou is on the seventh floor of the fairyland, and the power of the pillar of fire that reaches the sky under his control is unimaginably powerful, and monks below the tribulation stage can't even withstand a single move.

"Your Majesty, if this continues, we will all die here today, so we must quickly think of a way."

Gao Tianyue squeezed a spell to restore the Tianling lock that was broken by the Xiaotian dog to its original appearance again, and then the Tianling lock turned into a huge red ball, enclosing Feng Wuqing and Gao Tianyue in it, and letting the outside world No matter how roaring the fire dragon was, it was still unable to break through the defense of the Sky Spirit Lock.

The Tianling Lock is a middle-grade artifact, which is at the same level as the Tongtian Shenhuo Pillar. It is invulnerable to water and fire, and is extremely tough. Even if it is temporarily broken due to external force, it can quickly and spontaneously restore its original shape. It is a rare treasure with both offensive and defensive capabilities. Naturally, it will not be easily destroyed by the Xiaotian dog.

Feng Wuqing came back to his senses, with a sad smile on his face, and said: "What can I do, he has a beast that even the ancestor of the black dragon can kill under his command, and the surroundings of this fairy island have been covered by his Surrounded by artifacts, what can we do?"

Gao Tianyue, as the queen of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, not only has achieved great cultivation, but also has unparalleled wisdom, otherwise Feng Wuqing would not have entrusted all the Tianling locks to her for safekeeping.

After hearing Feng Wuqing's words, Gao Tianyue frowned, and then said: "Your Majesty, we can negotiate peace with him. The big deal is to pay some price. For a person of his level, interests are the most important. Instead of If you kill us and get nothing, it is better to let us go and get some benefits."

Feng Wuqing was stunned for a moment, and then asked with some doubts: "What benefits can we give him?"

Gao Tianyue said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will negotiate with him. As long as Your Majesty agrees, everything will be up to me. We will definitely be able to reconcile with him today."

Feng Wuqing was only thinking about surviving now, and he didn't think too much about it, so he nodded his head hastily.

Seeing that he agreed, Gao Tianyue waved her jade hand lightly, and the Tianling Lock immediately spun wildly, temporarily dispersing dozens of fire dragons that surrounded her mercilessly.

Then, Gao Tianyue sent a voice transmission to Shen Yu who was sitting on the head of Xiao Tiangou below: "Young Master Shen, please stop, we admit defeat, how about our peace talks?"

Hearing Gao Tianyue's words, Shen Yu was taken aback for a moment at first, and then felt that this woman was really interesting. She actually communicated with him through sound transmission. He also vaguely felt the terms of the peace talks between Gao Tianyue and himself, but this was not right for him. There's no harm in that.

So he also responded via voice transmission: "Peace talks? How does Empress Gao want to talk? In this situation, are you still qualified to talk to me?"

Gao Tianyue smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, even if you kill us and destroy our Feng family, it will not do you any good. You should know that if you want to replace a sixth-rank dynasty, you must get the approval of the top ten immortals. Then they bestowed the luck of the dynasty, otherwise, even if you sit on the throne of emperor, it will be in vain."

Gao Tianyue's words moved Shen Yu's heart, he knew such things as dynasty luck.

In the mainland of Kyushu, the birth and change of the sixth-rank dynasty must be recognized by the top ten immortals, and they will bestow the luck of the dynasty, so that they can gain a firm foothold.

The luck of the dynasty is very mysterious, but it does exist. Only with the luck of the dynasty can a dynasty truly have long-term stability and good weather. Otherwise, the dynasty will fall into boundless turmoil, and the people will flee from the dynasty one after another.

In addition, the luck of the dynasty can also help the rulers of the dynasty to practice, and at the same time, during the battle, the luck of the dynasty can be used to enhance the combat effectiveness.

Of course, not all countries can obtain this kind of mysterious dynasty luck. Countries are divided into ranks one to nine, and ranks seven, eight, and nine are called kingdoms. Under the jurisdiction of the Sixth Grade Dynasty or the Fifth Grade Dynasty.

As for the strongest fourth-rank country in the mainland of Kyushu, it is infinitely close to the legendary god dynasty. The ten great immortals ruled all major dynasties by virtue of the luck of the dynasty, except for this one and only fourth-rank country, because the emperor of this dynasty, It is one of the top ten immortals.

So Shen Yu imagined changing the dynasty of the Holy Spirit like he did to Yun Kingdom. It is impossible for him to get anything. In the end, he might get nothing, and even cause a whole lot of trouble, being targeted by the ten powerful immortals.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu asked with a hint of interest: "Gao Tianyue, stop talking nonsense, just tell me what you want."

Gao Tianyue said with a light smile: "Young Master Shen, how about this? You can kill all the masters of the major forces who participated in besieging you. Our royal family will never interfere, but please let the Feng family and the Holy Spirit Dynasty go. As long as the young master agrees, the treasure house of the Feng family will be open to you, and the Feng family will also obey your orders in the future."

This Gao Tianyue is a bit courageous, to offer such a high price.

Since Gao Tianyue said so, of course Shen Yu would not be polite, he said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Will Feng Wuqing agree?"

Seeing that Shen Yu seemed a little moved, Gao Tianyue hurriedly said: "Don't worry, he will definitely agree."

(End of this chapter)

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