Chapter 159
Those who helped Feng Wuqing didn't know that Gao Tianyue had secretly reached a deal with Shen Yu while they were fighting the fire dragon.

They are destined to be the casualties of this struggle.

After reaching a deal with Gao Tianyue, Shen Yu whispered in Xiaotiangou's ear: "Xiaotiangou, just kill those who besieged us, and temporarily let the guards and generals of the Feng family go, but it's not too late. We must give the Feng family some trouble, so as to save them from playing any tricks."

Hearing this, Xiaotiangou nodded its huge dog's head without hesitation, then raised its hill-like head and roared wildly towards the sky.


A deafening sound came, and all the advanced monks in the sky couldn't help covering their ears. They only felt that their eardrums were about to be shattered by the sound waves of the Xiaotian dog. With this roar, they were forced to temporarily stand in the sky, using their power to resist the sonic attack of the Xiaotian dog.

But it was this small pause that gave the hundreds of fire dragons raging in the sky an opportunity. Under the control of the roaring dog, they suddenly gathered together, and then collided with each other with lightning speed. It arrived at the body of the dozen or so masters of the tribulation period.


There were shrill screams, and a dozen or so blazing firemen suddenly appeared in the sky above the fairy island. They kept struggling and rolling in the air, but none of them could extinguish the fire on their bodies. What kind of strong man who survived the tribulation is still as fragile as paper in front of the sky fire.

After just a few breaths, the dozen or so monks who stood up to besiege Shen Yu all died and completely disappeared into the sky.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: shock the heroes and kill all the enemies who besiege the host!"

"Get the task reward: a designated summoning opportunity at the level of tens of millions of faith points!"

With the deaths of these dozen powerful men, Shen Yu also successfully completed the task, and obtained the designated summoning opportunity of the ten million faith level that he had dreamed of.

At the same time, Gao Tianyue said loudly: "The courtiers of the Holy Spirit Dynasty, step down!"

Hearing her words, those palace guards and generals who were shocked by the strength of the Xiaotian dog all fled in a hurry. They had no fighting spirit for a long time.

Seeing this scene, the monks around who had not made a move and watched coldly also understood that it seemed that Shen Yu and Gao Tianyue had reached some kind of deal.

Otherwise, with Shen Yu's current character, how could he ignore the Feng family who besieged him and only kill the representatives of the major forces?
Those idiots who tried to join forces with Feng Wuqing didn't know how they died.

But from this moment on, Shen Yu has become the enemy of more than a dozen major forces in Qingzhou Northern Region, and even Zhongzhou's Yin Yang Sect.

But Shen Yu didn't seem to care at all, with a light wave of his hand, the eight thousand-foot-high pillars of flames around him gradually became smaller and then disappeared into the air.

The originally sky fire was flying wantonly, and the red sky became clear again.

This made those who had been worried all the time, especially Feng Wuqing, deeply relieved.

This ancestor is finally going to give up.

But they obviously underestimated Shen Yu, just when they thought that today's strife was about to end temporarily, the huge body of Xiao Tiangou suddenly rose slowly into the air.

Seeing this scene, Gao Tianyue shuddered violently, subconsciously feeling that something was wrong.

"Master Shen Yu..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Xiaotiangou's body, hundreds of meters high, suddenly slammed down towards the center of the fairy island like a cannonball.


There was a loud noise, and it was as if an atomic bomb had exploded on the fairy island, and a shocking mushroom cloud rose up. The center of the mushroom cloud, like the eye of a tornado, contained a huge attraction, blowing the fairy island to the sky. The mountain palace was uprooted and sucked into the eye of the storm.

Even those cultivators who were distracted and in the tribulation stage couldn't resist the strong attraction brought by the storm. They could only use their mana desperately to prevent their bodies from being sucked into the astonishing storm.

The storm lasted for half a stick of incense. On this day, everyone in the Holy Spirit City saw that a super explosion that they had never seen in their lives erupted on the fairy island where the Holy Spirit Dynasty was located.

They will never forget for the rest of their lives, the movement caused by the astonishing divine power on the fairy island in the sky.

At that moment, those ordinary monks really realized that a powerful immortal cultivator can really move mountains and fill seas, and is omnipotent.

After the storm dissipated, I saw a mess on the fairy island. The fairy island, which was originally full of palaces, was almost moved to the ground, and a huge hole with a diameter of three thousand feet appeared in the center of the fairy island, and the thickness was no less than one thousand feet. The Xiandao was hit by the Xiaotian dog from the beginning to the end.

People standing on Xiandao can see things on the ground below through the huge hole.

Roaring dog, smashed through Xiandao!

"This... is this the strength of the fifth floor of the fairyland? It's really shocking."

"This fairy island is blessed with mana and protected by formations. It claims to be able to withstand the battles of any strong person in the fairyland. How could it be so easy to be smashed through!"

"It can only be said that the Xiaotian dog is too strong."


The people standing above the fairy island couldn't help sighing when they saw the Xiaotiangou who had returned to its normal shape and was slowly leaving with Shen Yu on its back.

As for Feng Wuqing, seeing that Xiandao was smashed through, he almost fainted.

Now the Holy Spirit Dynasty is really disgraced.

The old nest has been run through by others, it is really a shame and a shame that I have never encountered in thousands of years.

But not long after he was sad, Shen Yu's voice rang in his and Gao Tianyue's ears.

"You should have disappeared on this vast continent today just like those people.

But for the sake of your sincerity, I will spare you this time.

But death is inevitable, but living is inevitable. This is a lesson for you.

Remember the conditions you agreed to me, from today onwards, you are the vassals of my Ling Xiao Sect.

If you dare to break the promise, you will bear the consequences! "


Shen Yu believed that with the scene of Xiao Tiangou crashing through the fairy island, Feng Wuqing would definitely feel the gap between him and himself, and would honestly fulfill his promise.

Holding the Holy Spirit Dynasty in your hands means that you have another potential reserve of faith value.

Shen Yu, who was in a good mood, rode on the back of Xiaotiangou. On the way back to Cang's house, he couldn't help but said to the system: "System, specify to summon Jiang Ziya!"

This was his first designated summon, and it was a designated summon of tens of millions, so Shen Yu chose to summon Jiang Ziya after careful consideration.

He originally wanted to use the Xiaotian dog as his hole card, but today's commotion was too loud, and this hole card was also revealed, and it became a bright card.

Therefore, Shen Yu wanted to find a new hole card.

 I'm going to write the Hundred Dynasties Contest, and it's a bit stuck. I can't write Chapter 3 today, so I will make it up tomorrow.

  The number of recommended tickets will soon exceed [-], and we will add another update tomorrow, which can be regarded as a commemoration, hahaha, it is also a dream to hit the street.

  Tomorrow five more!

(End of this chapter)

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